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X‐type actinomycins (Acms) contain 4‐hydroxyproline (Acm X0) or 4‐oxoproline (Acm X2) in their β‐pentapeptide lactone rings, whereas their α ring contains proline. We demonstrate that these Acms are formed through asymmetric condensation of Acm half molecules (Acm halves) containing proline with 4‐hydroxyproline‐ or 4‐oxoproline‐containing Acm halves. In turn, we show—using an artificial Acm half analogue (PPL 1) with proline in its peptide chain—their conversion into the 4‐hydroxyproline‐ and 4‐oxoproline‐containing Acm halves, PPL 0 and PPL 2, in mycelial suspensions of Streptomyces antibioticus. Two responsible genes of the Acm X biosynthetic gene cluster of S. antibioticus, saacmM and saacmN, encoding a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (Cyp) and a ferredoxin were identified. After coexpression in Escherichia coli, their gene products converted PPL 1 into PPL 0 and PPL 2 in vivo as well as in situ in permeabilized cell of the transformed E. coli strain in conjunction with the host‐encoded ferredoxin reductase in a NADH (NADPH)‐dependent manner. saAcmM has high sequence similarity to the Cyp107Z (Ema) family of Cyps, which can convert avermectin B1 into its keto derivative, 4′′‐oxoavermectin B1. Determination of the structure of saAcmM reveals high similarity to the Ema structure but with significant differences in residues decorating their active sites, which defines saAcmM and its orthologues as a distinct new family of peptidylprolineketonizing Cyp.  相似文献   
Due to the vast production of crude oil and consequent pressure drops through the reservoirs, secondary and tertiary oil recovery processes are highly necessary to recover the trapped oil. Among the different tertiary oil recovery processes, foam injection is one of the most newly proposed methods. In this regard, in the current investigation, foam solution is prepared using formation brine, C19TAB surfactant and air concomitant with nano-silica (SiO2) as foam stabilizer and mobility controller. The measurements revealed that using the surfactant-nano SiO2 foam solution not only leads to formation of stable foam, but also can reduce the interfacial tension mostly considered as an effective parameter for higher oil recovery. Finally, the results demonstrate that there is a good chance of reducing the mobility ratio from 1.12 for formation brine and reservoir oil to 0.845 for foam solution prepared by nanoparticles.  相似文献   
Aspects of the molecular-level basis for the function of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate and trimethylolproprane trimethacrylate crosslinked methacrylic acid copolymers molecularly imprinted with (S)-propranolol have been studied using a series of all-component and all-atom molecular dynamics studies of the corresponding prepolymerization systems. The crosslinking agents were observed to contribute to template complexation, and the results were contrasted with previously reported template-recognition behavior of the corresponding polymers. Differences in the extent to which the two crosslinkers interacted with the functional monomer were identified, and correlations were made to polymer-ligand recognition behavior and the results of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies studies. This study demonstrates the importance of considering the functional monomer–crosslinker interaction when designing molecularly imprinted polymers, and highlights the often neglected general contribution of crosslinker to determining the nature of molecularly imprinted polymer-template selectivity.  相似文献   
In this study, two different nano-silica particles (hydrophilic, Aerosil TT600 and hydrophobic, Aerosil R972) were selected in order to provide the most transparent, UV-absorbent nano-clearcoats. These nano-silica particles were used to improve and optimize properties of 2-pack polyurethane clearcoats based on acrylic polyol. Micro-PIXE analysis was employed to illustrate distribution of nano-silica in the polyurethane matrix. Physical and chemical degradations were investigated via spectrophotometry and FTIR spectroscopy.Additionally, thermal stability and the ability of the clearcoats to resist simulated car wash conditions were also studied. Contrary to belief, coatings loaded with hydrophilic nano-silica which are more UV-absorbent had less durability in UV-B/H2O accelerated tests.  相似文献   
The simulation of wind turbines with bend–twist adaptive blades is a coupled aero-structure (CAS) procedure. The blade twist due to elastic coupling is a required parameter for wind turbine performance evaluation and can be predicted through a finite element (FE) structural analyser. FEA-based codes are far too slow to be useful in the aerodynamic design/optimisation of a blade. This paper presents a combined analytical/FEA-based method for CAS simulation of wind turbines utilising bend–twist adaptive blades. This method of simulation employs the induced twist distribution and the flap bending at the hub of the blade predicted through a FEA-based CAS simulation at a reference wind turbine run condition to determine the wind turbine performance at other wind turbine run conditions. This reduces the computational time significantly and makes the aerodynamic design/optimisation of bend–twist adaptive blades practical. Comparison of the results of a case study which applies both combined analytical/FEA-based and FEA-based CAS simulation shows that when using the combined method the required computational time for generating a power curve reduces to less than 5%, while the relative difference between the predicted powers by two methods is only about 1%.  相似文献   
Tunnel design and construction consist of multiple sub-processes among which the selection of proper ventilation system is one of the most important issues. In this problem, several criteria are included in the process; therefore, multi-attribute decision making (MADM) tools should be used for the purpose. One of frequently used MADM methods is fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in which uncertainty is also taken into account in the decision-making process. In this paper, using fuzzy data envelopment analysis, a new approach is presented for ranking the alternatives in fuzzy AHP. In this approach, the fuzzy nature of data is kept in all steps of the approach. Furthermore, to determine the consistency level of fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix, an appropriate index is used. Then, the proposed approach is used for selecting the best tunnel ventilation system.  相似文献   
We present the first polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTASes) for the following subset-connectivity problems in edge-weighted graphs of bounded-genus: Steiner tree, low-connectivity survivable-network design, and subset TSP. The schemes run in $\mathcal{O}(n \log n)$ time for graphs embedded on both orientable and nonorientable surfaces. This work generalizes the PTAS framework from planar graphs to bounded-genus graphs: any problem that is shown to be approximable by the planar PTAS framework of Borradaile et al. (ACM Trans. Algorithms 5(3), 2009) will also be approximable in bounded-genus graphs by our extension.  相似文献   
Neural Processing Letters - This paper introduces a new approach to maximum likelihood learning of the parameters of a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM). The proposed method is based on the...  相似文献   
A novel computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling procedure was developed in order to simulate ultraviolet (UV) photoreactors in the Eulerian framework. In this procedure, the governing equations of radiation distribution, mass conservation, momentum conservation, and species mass conservation are solved together in order to determine the radiant energy field, velocity field, and the concentration profile of microorganisms at steady state conditions. The general method presented can be employed to derive the volumetric inactivation rate and the theoretical efficiency of a UV photoreactor. The integrated CFD model of UV photoreactor performance was successfully evaluated with experimental biodosimetry results. The verified procedure can be applied to the simulation and design optimization of UV photoreactors with different geometries and operating conditions.  相似文献   
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