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This paper presents a linear mixed-integer modeling approach for basic components in a biomass supply chain including supply, processing, storage and demand of different types of biomass. The main focus in the biomass models lies on the representation of the relationship between moisture and energy content in a discretized framework and on handling of long-term processes like storage with passive drying effects in the optimization. The biomass models are formulated consistently with current models for gas, electricity and heat infrastructures in the optimization model ‘eTransport’, which is designed for planning of energy systems with multiple energy carriers. To keep track of the varying moisture content in the models and its impact on other biomass properties, the current node structure in eTransport has been expanded with a special set of biomass nodes. The Node, Supply, Dryer and Storage models are presented in detail as examples of the approach. A sample case study is included to illustrate the functionality implemented in the models.  相似文献   
Silverpoint drawings from the Renaissance are among the most precious and rarest treasures of graphical art. Our research group is particularly interested in the analysis of silverpoint drawings by Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). A very sensitive and non-destructive analytical method, either spatially resolved synchrotron-radiation induced X-ray fluorescence (SY-XRF) or proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), is needed to determine the chemical composition of the very faint silver marks on such drawings. Dürer drawings from the collection of the Albertina, Vienna, were analyzed to amend existing data on Dürer drawings. For this purpose an external-beam PIXE setup was installed at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA). It allows to analyze a spot of ∼0.15 mm on the object in air with 3 MeV protons, and to detect the emitted X-rays that are characteristic for the chemical composition with very good sensitivity and without harming the precious objects. After successful measurements on artificial test samples, four original silverpoint drawings were investigated: two portraits from Albrecht Dürer’s very early period (self-portrait and portrait of his father) and two drawings from Dürer’s sketch book of his travel to the Netherlands 1520/21.  相似文献   
In this paper the solution of the problem of interaction of a plate with a two parameter elastic foundation is presented. Vertical displacements of rectangular plates having free edges resting on a heterogeneous elastic foundation have been analysed by using of finite element method. The heterogeneity of the foundation caused by the orthotropy has been taken into account when forming the equations of equilibrium and variable thickness of the foundation by approximating it by Haar's functions. The obtained results have been compared with the results for a homogeneous foundation.  相似文献   
The presented study gives an integrated overview on the prospects of glow discharge (GD) methods in the chemical analysis of photovoltaic materials. With a focus on recent research and important photovoltaic (PV) materials, the GD coupled analytical methods, high resolution mass spectrometry (MS), time‐of‐flight‐mass spectrometry (TOF‐MS) and optical emission spectrometry (OES) are discussed. Each exemplary study carried out will point out the most suitable GD technique for the problem at hand, at the same time showing ways to increase analytical accuracy and to overcome typical instrumental restrictions. Challenging GD‐MS analyses of thin and ultra thin films (down to 20 nm) as well as GD‐MS and GD‐OES studies of ready‐to‐use modules were carried out, showing the reader the application potential of GD methods in a PV development or production process. For the first time, novel cell concepts based on crystalline silicon on glass and silicon nanowires are analyzed by GD‐OES, revealing precise chemical information on the devices. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We propose a six-layer architecture for processing graph-grammar applications. The layers and the transformations between them are formally described and concepts for their implementation are given. Especially we introduce the syntax and semantics of a graph-grammar implementation language. Graph-grammar productions will be translated into programs of this language to have a basis for their implementation into programs written in commonly available programming languages.  相似文献   
The density profiles of standing iceberg lettuce are obtained by recording the transmitted X-ray signal during traverse of the row. From the profile of each single head, five parameters are extracted which are used in a regression analysis to predict weight, W, volume, V, and density, D, of the head when stripped for market display. The regression equations are only slightly dependent on variety for 3 varieties tested (Salinas, Monterey, and Great Lakes) and cover a time span of 17 days, from head formation to one week after optimum maturity. Ninety-two, 81 and 80%, of the variation of W, V, and D, respectively, is accounted for by the regression. The distribution of both independent and dependent variables is found to be consistent with a normal distribution. This is one in a series of papers using X-ray scanners to characterize standing row crops.  相似文献   
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