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Scaling-free McClellan transform for 2-D digital filters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The original McClellan transformation used in the design of 2-dimensional digital filters having quadrantally symmetrical magnitude response, involves the substitution cos ? = F(cos ?1, cos ?2). For real frequencies, a scaling procedure was proposed by Mersereau et al. (1976) to guarantee that |F|?1 using the two values Fmax and Fmin. In the letter, we first present extremely simple formulas for the scaling factors, then suggest a modified transform which not only is scaling-free but also contains one less coefficient than the original transform.  相似文献   
Semiempirical expressions have been obtained with acceptable levels of accuracy for solar cell fill factors as a function of normalised voltages and normalised parasitic resistances. These expressions extend the fill factor calculations to cases where the parasitic resistances are equally important. Also established is a very accurate expression for the fill factor of an ideal solar cell.  相似文献   
Responding to the recent availability of very small earth-stations (commonly called micro terminals) for data/voice communications, INTELSAT has introduced a new service called INTELNET. INTELNET services are designed to operate with two different modulation and coding techniques, i.e. spread spectrum and binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) with rate 1/2 forward error correction (FEC). The INTELNET I service is a data distribution service, whereas the INTELNET II service is a data collection service. These services are facilitated by the use of micro terminals at remote locations (i.e. outposts) which will be linked through the INTELSAT space segment to relatively large INTELSAT earth-stations (e.g. Standard A, B, C and E-3). INTELNET services are leased transponder services offered on a range of INTELSAT satellites in C- or Ku-bands on a pre-emptible or non-pre-emptible basis. These services are offered on a full-time or occasional-use basis, by assigning predetermined satellite resources of bandwidth and power with a smallest allotment of 1 MHz. In this paper, the system design and network architecture for the INTELNET I and II services are addressed. Representative transmission parameters have also been developed for the INTELNET I and II services. System cost considerations as a result of the use of micro terminals are analysed.  相似文献   
Gac fruit aril has an attractive orange red colour and very high level of carotenoids, giving it exceptional antioxidant properties. However, spray drying of this material has not been successful and malto dextrin is considered as a suitable drying aid to preserve its colour and antioxidant properties. This paper reports the effects of inlet drying air temperature (120, 140, 160, 180 and 200 °C) and maltodextrin addition (10%, 20% and 30%) on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of the Gac aril powder. Moisture content and bulk density, colour characteristics, total carotenoid content (TCC), encapsulation efficiency and total antioxidant activity (TAA) were significantly affected by maltodextrin concentration and the inlet air temperatures. However, pH, aw and water solubility index were not significantly influenced by the spray drying conditions. Overall, a good quality Gac powder in terms of colour, TCC and TAA can be produced by spray-drying at inlet temperature of 120 °C and adding maltodextrin concentration at 10% w/v.  相似文献   
Scope : Thymol is a component of several plants with antimicrobial activity. Little is known about the effects of thymol on immune cells of the host. This study addressed the effects of thymol on dendritic cells (DCs), regulators of innate and adaptive immunity. Methods and results : Immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and fluorescence‐activated cell sorting analysis were performed in bone marrow‐derived DCs either from wild‐type mice or from mice lacking acid sphingomyelinase (ASM?/?) treated and untreated for 24 h with thymol (2–100 μg/mL). Thymol treatment resulted in activation of ASM, stimulation of ceramide formation, downregulation of anti‐apoptotic Bcl‐2 and Bcl‐xL proteins, activation of caspase 3 and caspase 8, DNA fragmentation as well as cell membrane scrambling. The effects were dependent on the presence of ASM and were lacking in ASM?/? mice or in wild‐type DCs treated with sphingomyelinase inhibitor amitriptyline. Conclusion : Thymol triggers suicidal DC death, an effect mediated by and requiring activation of ASM.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various combinations of pressure and thermal treatments in preserving textural quality of selected foods. Carrot, zucchini, apricot, red radish, and jicama were used as test samples. Pressure-assisted thermal processing (PATP; 600 MPa, 105 °C), high-pressure processing (HPP; 600 MPa, 25 °C), and thermal processing (TP; 105 °C, 0.1 MPa) experiments were conducted. Role of pressure (600 MPa) in preserving product quality while simultaneously (PATP) or sequentially (HPP-TP) exposed to elevated process temperature (105 °C) was also compared. Instrumental puncture, shear force, color and sensory analyses were utilized to compare the influence of the various process treatments. A crunchiness index (CI), relating product puncture force and stiffness, was able to characterize the severity of the process treatments on various products tested. Among the treatments, TP was the worst at retaining texture, but HPP-TP improved texture retention. In comparison to TP alone, PATP better retained texture and color. Jicama was least influenced by the treatments as compared to products tested. Process treatments investigated degraded the textural quality of zucchini and apricot. Instrumental CI results were also in agreement with the sensory data of carrot, red radish and jicama samples.  相似文献   
Landfill bioreactors (LBRs) with management of leachate and biogas have presented numerous advantages such as accelerated stabilization of solid wastes, reduced amount of leachate, and in situ leachate treatment. Such advantages have minimized environmental risks, have allowed extension of the useful life of the landfill site, and have fostered cost reduction. LBRs of three types have been developed using both anaerobic and aerobic modes: anaerobic, aerobic, and hybrid. Microorganisms in landfills cause various reactions related with organic fractions and heavy metals. Such functions have been stimulated in LBRs by recirculation of leachate with or without aeration. To date, most studies of microorganisms in LBRs have analyzed bacteria and archaea based on 16S rRNA genes and have analyzed fungi based on 18S rRNA genes from a taxonomical viewpoint. Indicator genes for specific functions in LBRs such as nitrification, denitrification, and methane production have also been monitored. The population dynamics of microorganisms in LBRs have been partially clarified, but the obtained data remain limited because of highly heterogeneous features of solid wastes inside LBRs. Systematic monitoring of microorganisms should be established to improve LBR performance.  相似文献   
The influence of different salt concentrations of 6%, 15%, 18% and 24% (w/w) on mass transfer of water and salt during brine salting of cod loins was studied. An increase in salt concentration accelerated water exudation and salt diffusion in the cod loins. Weight gain of the cod loins increased with decreasing salt concentration and the cod loins in the 6% brine had the highest process yield. The salting kinetic parameter values for total and water weight changes decreased with increasing salt concentration. Inversely, higher salting kinetic parameter values for salt weight changes were observed for higher brine concentrations. The samples brined at 18% and 24% had identical effective diffusion coefficients and the highest effective diffusion value was found in the cod loins brined at 15%.  相似文献   
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