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Thermodiffusion, thermal radiation, Hall and ion slip effects on heat and mass transport of free convective MHD micropolar fluid flow bounded by a semi‐infinite absorbent plate with rotation and suction have been investigated. The plate is assumed to oscillate in time with constant frequency so that the solutions of the boundary layer are the same oscillatory type. The solutions are found analytically with the perturbation technique. With the help of graphic representations, the impacts of many critical parameters on velocity, temperature, and concentration within the boundary layer are discussed. In addition, local skin‐friction, Nusselt number, and Sherwood numbers are determined and computationally analyzed.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the feasibility of utilizing low-grade heat sources such as solar energy or waste heat from industrial processes for desalination. The premise of the approach is that saline waters can be desalinated by evaporation and condensation of fresh water at near-ambient temperatures at low pressures. Low pressures can be achieved naturally in the head space of water columns of height equal to the local barometric head. By connecting the head space of such a saline water column to that of a distilled water column, and by maintaining the temperature of the former about 15–20°C above that of the latter, fresh water can be evaporated from the saline column and condensed in the distilled water column. In this study, it is proposed to use a sensible heat thermal energy storage (TES) system to heat the head space of the saline water column. The TES can be maintained at the desired temperature using solar energy and/or waste heat from thermal power plants, refrigeration plants, or air conditioning units. This paper presents the feasibility of the proposed approach, where the TES is maintained at the design temperature by a solar-powered absorption refrigeration system (ARS) augmented by an electric heater. Results of this feasibility study show that the heat rejected by an ARS of cooling capacity of 3.25?kW (0.975 tons of refrigeration) along with an additional energy input of 208?kJ/kg of desalinated water is adequate to produce desalinated water at an average rate of 4.5?kg/h. The solar panel area required for this application was 25?m2. An integrated process model and performance curves of the proposed approach are presented.  相似文献   
Densities and viscosities of binary mixtures of Propiophenone with o-xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene were measured over the entire composition range at T=(303.15 to 318.15) K and at 0.1Mpa atmospheric pressure. Experimental data used to calculate excess molar volume (VE), deviation of viscosity (Δη), excess Gibb’s free energy (G*E) activation of viscous flow for each binary system and the results were fitted to the Redlich-Kister polynomial equation to obtain the fitting coefficients and standard deviations. Viscosity values used to compute single adjustable interaction parameters from Grunberg and Nissan, Katti and Chaudhri, Hind et al., Tamara Kurata and Frenkel relations. Deviations in thermodynamic properties of the binary mixtures were discussed in terms of their molecular interactions between the components. Viscosity data correlated with the McAllister’s three body/four body models, Heric, Auslander, and Jouyban-Acree relations having two and three adjustable parameters for the studied binary mixtures. Viscosity relations like Kendall-Monroe, Bingham, Arrhenius, and Kendall were used to calculate and compare the standard deviation percentage, (σ %), between the experimental and calculated viscosity data. The studied systems showed specific intermolecular interactions and the percentage deviations were in good agreement with the experimental values. Obtained results are useful in various chemical and industrial processes.  相似文献   
Herein, we report the temperature-induced magnetization changes of NiFe2O4 thin film, which is coated over a ferroelectric BaTiO3 ceramic substrate. The solid-state reaction method was adopted for the preparation of ferroelectric BaTiO3 (BT) substrate, whereas NiFe2O4 (NFO) film was deposited by spin-coating method. Rietveld refinement revealed that BT substrate has a tetragonal (P4mm) crystal system along with a minor orthorhombic phase (Amm2) at room temperature. The GIXRD analysis confirms the phase purity of NFO/BT heterostructure. Polarization hysteresis with respect to electric field (P-E loop) and the temperature-dependent dielectric measurement of BT substrate demonstrate its typical ferroelectric and phase transition behavior, respectively. Magnetization hysteresis loops were recorded for the NFO/BT heterostructure at 150, 240 and 300?K. A significant increase in the remnant magnetization (MR) and coercive field (HC) of NFO film are noticed while cooling the heterostructure below 300?K. Variation in the magnetization of NFO film corresponds to the change in the structural phase transition (Amm2 at 240?K and R3c at 150?K) of BT while cooling below RT. The interfacial strain mediated coupling is the primary mechanism attributed to the temperature-induced changes in the magnetization of NFO/BT heterostructure.  相似文献   
A second-generation enantiospecific synthesis of spiroleucettadine is described. The original reported antibacterial activity was not observed when the experiment was repeated on the synthetic samples; however, significant anti-proliferative activity was uncovered for both enantiomers of spiroleucettadine. Comparison of the optical rotational data and ORD-CD spectra of both enantiomers and the reported spectrum from the natural source have not provided a definitive answer regarding the absolute stereochemistry of naturally occurring spiroleucettadine. Efforts then focussed on alteration at the C-4 and C-5 positions of the slightly more active (−)-spiroleucettadine. Ten analogues were synthesised, with three analogues found to possess similar anti-proliferative profiles to spiroleucettadine against the H522 lung cancer cell line.  相似文献   
Summary  Sodium alginate (SA) and chitosan (CS) blended membranes were crosslinked with maleic anhydride (MA) for the separation of 1,4-dioxane/water mixtures at 30 °C by pervaporation (PV). The membranes were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis and Ion Exchange Capacity (IEC) to verify the crosslinking. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern were used to observe the thermal degradation and crystalline nature of the membrane respectively. The membrane performance was studied by calculating flux, selectivity, and pervaporation separation index. Sorption studies were carried out to evaluate the extent of interaction and degree of swelling of the membranes in pure liquids as well as in binary mixtures. The effects of experimental parameters such as feed composition, membrane thickness, and permeate pressure on separation performance of the crosslinked membranes were determined. The experimental result suggested that the membrane has a good potential for breaking the aqueous azeotrope 1,4-dioxane.  相似文献   
In this study, the compressive strength, the durability to chloride penetration and the corrosion of concrete containing bagasse-rice husk-wood ash (BRWA) were tested. Normal strength concrete with water to binder ratio (w/b) of 0.45 and 0.60 were used. The Portland cement was partially replaced with BRWA at the dosage of 10% and 20% by weight of binder. For concrete with w/b of 0.60, the replacement level of 40% was also tested. The chloride penetration resistance of the concretes was evaluated using the measurement of non-steady state chloride diffusion coefficient by accelerated salt ponding. The accelerated corrosion test by impressed voltage (ACTIV) was also performed to verify the findings and to investigate the characteristics of corrosion in terms of the initial current, the time of initial crack, and the weight loss of embedded steel.From the experiment, it was found that the concrete with 20% BRWA had the highest gain of compressive strength at the ages ranging from 7 to 180 days. The results of the experiments of accelerated salt ponding were in good agreement and conformed with ACTIV. The increase of the incorporation of the BRWA reduced the chloride penetration. The diffusion coefficient was reduced by 30–40% and 65–70% for concrete containing 10% BRWA and 20% BRWA compared to control concrete. The results of ACTIV also indicated that the initial current and the weight loss of embedded steel reduced and the time of initial crack increased with the increase in the replacement level of BRWA.  相似文献   
Quorum sensing inhibitory (QSI) activity of common South Indian spices and vegetables were evaluated using the bacterial model Chromobacterium violaceum. Among the 22 samples tested the QSI compound present in the methanolic extract of Cuminum cyminum at 2 mg/ml inhibited violacein production in C. violaceum. Further, the outcome of the present investigation reveals that C. cyminum extract strongly interferes with acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) regulated physiological functions coupled with biofilm formation such as flagellar motility and exopolysaccharides (EPS) production. It promotes the loosening of biofilm architecture and powerfully inhibits in vitro biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, Proteus mirabilis and Serratia marcescens at sub-MIC levels. The result of molecular docking analysis attributes the QSI activity exhibited by C. cyminum to methyl eugenol (ME). The ability of ME to interfere with quorum sensing (QS) systems of various Gram-negative bacterial pathogens comprising diverse AHL molecules was also assessed and ME was found to reduce the AHL dependent production of violacein, bioluminescence and biofilm formation.  相似文献   
A new composite chitosan biosorbent was prepared by coating chitosan, a glucosamine biopolymer, onto ceramic alumina. The composite bioadsorbent was characterized by high-temperature pyrolysis, porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Batch isothermal equilibrium and continuous column adsorption experiments were conducted at 25 degrees C to evaluate the biosorbent for the removal of hexavalent chromium from synthetic as well as field samples obtained from chrome plating facilities. The effect of pH, sulfate, and chloride ion on adsorption was also investigated. The biosorbent loaded with Cr(VI) was regenerated using 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution. A comparison of the results of the present investigation with those reported in the literature showed that chitosan coated on alumina exhibits greater adsorption capacity for chromium(VI). Further, experimental equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms, and values of the parameters of the isotherms are reported. The ultimate capacity obtained from the Langmuir model is 153.85 mg/g chitosan.  相似文献   
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