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The goal of this research was to evaluate the use of vacuum impregnation (VI) and soaking techniques (ST) in the application of edible coatings of chitosan and chitosan + lauric acid to minimally processed pumpkins (MPP). The vacuum impregnation method led to greater component incorporation (5.9% and 1.75%, respectively) in the pumpkins when compared to soaking and consequently the formation of more uniform, thicker coatings (25.6 and 22.3 μm, respectively). However, VI caused greater changes in pH, acidity, colour and firmness. Relating to water content and carotenoid content, noncoated pumpkins presented greater losses during the storage period, regardless of impregnation method. The pumpkins with edible coatings, regardless of method, presented lower numbers of psychrotrophic micro‐organisms and coliforms during the storage period. Therefore, soaking was considered the best method for the application of chitosan‐based edible coatings to minimally processed pumpkins, as it led to smaller changes in the properties of the product.  相似文献   
A multiplex polymerase chain reaction was developed to simultaneously identify Listeria monocytogenes and species of the genus Listeria. Two sets of primers were used, with the first amplifying a 938-bp region of the 16S rRNA gene that is highly conserved in all Listeria species and the second amplifying a 174-bp region of the listeriolysin (hlyA) gene of L. monocytogenes. Thus, isolates of Listeria spp. yield a single 938-bp product, whereas L. monocytogenes isolates yield both the 938-bp product and a 174-bp product. The specificity of the assay was verified with all six Listeria species and 11 serotypes of L. monocytogenes, as well as nonrelated bacteria. The multiplex PCR assay was used to determine the incidence of Listeria spp., especially L. monocytogenes, in mechanically separated turkey samples (n = 150 samples). L. monocytogenes strains were selected by using the University of Vermont two-step enrichment protocol and plating to selective Palcam agar. The multiplex PCR assay was used for verification of presumptive Listeria colonies. Approximately 38% of mechanically separated turkey samples (57 of 150) yielded L. monocytogenes; an additional 18% of these samples (27 of 150) harbored other Listeria spp. Fifty-one percent (29 of 57) of the L. monocytogenes isolates were of serogroup 1, 44% (25 of 57) were of serogroup 4, and 2% (1 of 57) were assigned to serogroups other than 1 and 4.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate if supplementing rumen-protected choline (RPC; Reashure, Balchem Encapsulates, Slate Hill, NY) could prevent or alleviate fatty liver in dairy cattle. The first experiment evaluated the effect of supplementing RPC on hepatic triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation during fatty liver induction. Twenty-four dry cows between 45 to 60 d prepartum were paired by body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) and randomly assigned to control or supplementation with 15 g of choline as RPC/d. From d 0 to 6, before treatment application, all cows were fed 1.4 kg/d of concentrate and forage ad libitum. Samples of blood and liver, obtained during the pretreatment period, were used for covariate adjustment of blood metabolites and liver composition data. During fatty liver induction (d 7 to 17), cows were fed 1.4 kg/d of concentrate with or without supplementation with RPC, and forage intake was restricted, so cows consumed 30% of the total energy requirements for pregnancy and maintenance. Supplementation with RPC during fatty liver induction did not affect plasma glucose and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration but did decrease plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA; 703 vs. 562 μEq/L, SE = 40) and liver TAG accumulation (16.7 vs. 9.3 μg/μg of DNA, SE = 2.0). In the second experiment, we evaluated the effect of supplementing RPC on the clearance of liver TAG when cows were fed ad libitum after the induction of fatty liver by feed restriction. Twenty-eight cows between 45 and 60 d prepartum were paired according to BCS and BW and assigned to treatments. Fatty liver was induced by feeding 1.4 kg/ d of concentrate (without RPC) and restricting forage intake, so cows consumed 30% of maintenance and pregnancy energy requirements for 10 d. From d 11 to 16, after feed restriction, cows were fed forage ad libitum and 1.4 kg/d of concentrate with or without RPC. Treatments were not applied during fatty liver induction; however, following feed restriction, liver for cows assigned to control and RPC treatments contained 6.8 and 12.7 μg of TAG/μg of DNA, respectively. Measurements obtained before treatment served as covariates for statistical analysis. During the depletion phase, plasma glucose, BHBA, and NEFA were not affected by treatment. Liver TAG, expressed as covariate adjusted means, was 6.0 and 4.9 μg/μg of DNA (SE = 0.4) on d 13, and 5.0 and 1.5 μg/μg of DNA (SE = 0.9) on d 16 for control and RPC, respectively. Rumen-protected choline can prevent and possibly alleviate fatty liver induced by feed restriction.  相似文献   
In this study, fresh and processing quality traits were collected on a total of 312 Country Hams. Phenotypic correlations between traits were estimated and numerous values were significantly different (P<0.05) from zero. Yield was significantly correlated with several fresh pork quality traits measured on the fresh hams, including subjective color (0.34) and lipid percentage (0.32). Some meat color traits were significantly correlated, including associations between the color scores taken on the fresh and cured hams. Correlations between fresh pork quality traits were also determined, with results showing significant correlations between ultimate pH and other pork quality traits. The results indicate that yield can be maximized if hams with good fresh pork quality parameters are used for curing. The correlations estimates are helpful for understanding of the biological mechanisms behind the production of dry-cured hams and can potentially be used to improve the efficiency of the dry-cured ham production chain.  相似文献   
The levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection in different fatty foods from a Spanish market. The average concentration of the sum of total PAHs in edible vegetable oils was below 25 ng/g, whereas the sum of heavy PAHs did not surpass 5 ng/g. Olive pomace oils obtained before the summer of 2001 were an exception because they were highly contaminated. The effects of different technological processes, such as bleaching, deodorization, and hydrogenation, on PAH concentration in edible oils have been studied. The PAH profiles, as well as the influence of cooking procedures, of other fatty foods (margarine, mayonnaise, and oils from canned fishes) have been examined.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques were used to determine water‐soluble peptide profiles aiming to identify the adulteration of buffalo milk mozzarella cheese by the addition of cow's milk. Thus, cheeses were produced with contents of cow's milk varying from 0% to 100%, and the peptides extracted after production and after 20 days of refrigeration. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS‐PAGE) identified a potential peptide marker of exclusively bovine origin with a size of about 21 kDa for the addition of cow's milk above 30%. Reverse‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography (RP‐HPLC) indicated the existence of two potential peptides present in higher concentrations in buffalo milk and one exclusive for cow's milk, the latter making it possible to estimate the addition of cow's milk to buffalo milk. Six commercial brands of buffalo mozzarella cheese were evaluated, and indications of adulteration found in four of them.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a carotenoid mixture (Capsantal FS-30-NT), containing capsanthin and capsorubin, on growth and aflatoxins (AF) production of AF-producing Aspergillus flavus isolates.  相似文献   
Calcium pidolate is a calcium containing molecule that has the essential advantage of being absorbed more easily and in a greater proportion than any other calcium compound. The combination between a low methoxyl pectin and calcium allows forming food gels with a small amount of sugar. In this work, the use of calcium pidolate in the composition of two of these products (jams and gelatins) has been assayed, testing its rheological properties. An optimum content of calcium pidolate has been found for each product and sugar proportion. Both in jams and gelatins, the results obtained with calcium pidolate were better than the ones obtained with calcium chloride.  相似文献   
The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most common mycotoxins of cereals worldwide, and its occurrence has been widely reported in raw wheat. The free mycotoxin form is not the only route of exposure; modified forms can also be present in cereal products. Deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside (DON-3-glucoside) is a common DON plant conjugate. The mycotoxin concentration could be affected by food processing; here, we studied the stability of DON and DON-3-glucoside during baking of small doughs made from white wheat flour and other ingredients. A range of common food additives and ingredients were added to assess possible interference: ascorbic acid (E300), citric acid (E330), sorbic acid (E200), calcium propionate (E282), lecithin (E322), diacetyltartaric acid esters of fatty acid mono- and diglycerides (E472a), calcium phosphate (E341), disodium diphosphate (E450i), xanthan gum (E415), polydextrose (E1200), sorbitol (E420i), sodium bicarbonate (E500i), wheat gluten and malt flour. The DON content was reduced by 40%, and the DON-3-glucoside concentration increased by >100%, after baking for 20 min at 180°C. This confirmed that DON and DON-3-glucoside concentrations can vary during heating, and DON-3-glucoside could even increase after baking. However, DON and DON-3-glucoside are not affected significantly by the presence of the food additives tested.  相似文献   
Summary Physicochemical and organoleptic properties were studied in two batches of four different types of goat's milk cheese: fresh, washed curd, soft with surface flora, and Majorero, frozen for four months prior to ripening and/or chilled storage. Frozen storage did not produce significant changes in the rheological or sensory characteristics of the cheeses, except in the case of fresh cheese, the textural characteristics of which were adversely affected. The level of proteolysis, estimated from the amino-acid nitrogen, was higher in the pre-frozen washed curd, soft with surface flora, and Majorero cheeses. The level of lipolysis was comparable, except in the soft cheese with surface flora, which presented higher levels of free fatty acids when stored frozen before ripening.
Einfluß des Gefrierens und der Gefrierlagerung auf die physikalisch-chemischen und organoleptischen Eigenschaften von vier Ziegenkäsen
Zusammenfassung Aus Ziegenmilch wurden jeweils zwei Chargen von vier spanischen Käsesorten hergestellt: Frischkäse, gewaschene Käsemasse, Weichkäse mit Oberflächenflora und Majorero -Käse. Von jeder Charge wurde die Hälfte gefroren gelagert und erst nach vier Monaten auf die übliche Weise gereift und/oder gekühlt aufbewahrt. Die physikalisch-chemischen und organoleptischen Eigenschaften wurden danach untersucht. Im Vergleich mit Käsen, die nicht gefroren gewesen waren, ergaben sich keine wesentlichen Unterschiede in den rheologischen und sensorischen Eigenschaften, mit Ausnahme bei den Frischkäsen, bei dem sich die Textur durch die Aufbewahrung in gefrorenem Zustand verschlechtert hatte. Der Gehalt an freien Aminosäuren, ein Maß für die Proteolyse, war höher in der gewaschenen Käsemasse, in dem Weichkäse mit Oberflächenflora und in dem Majorero-Käse, die vier Monate gefroren gewesen waren. Durch die Gefrierlagerung hatte sich der Fettabbau nicht verändert, mit Ausnahme bei dem Käse mit Oberflächenflora, bei dem der Gehalt an freien Fettsäuren erhöht war im Vergleich mit dem Käse, der nicht vier Monate gefriergelagert worden war.
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