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With the ongoing challenge of successfully managing information technology (IT) projects, organizations are recognizing the need for greater project management discipline. For many organizations, this has meant ratcheting up project management skills, processes, and governance structures by implementing a project management office (PMO). While anecdotal evidence suggests that implementing a PMO can be quite difficult, few studies discuss the specific challenges involved, and how organizations can overcome them. To address this gap in existing knowledge, we conducted a Delphi study to (1) identify the challenges of implementing a PMO for managing IT projects, (2) rank these challenges in order of importance, (3) discover ways in which some organizations have overcome the top-ranked challenges, and (4) understand the role of PMO structure, metrics, and tools in the implementation of a PMO.We identified 34 unique challenges to implementing a PMO and refined this list to 13 challenges that our Delphi panelists considered most important. The top-three challenges were (1) rigid corporate culture and failure to manage organizational resistance to change, (2) lack of experienced project managers (PMs) and PMO leadership, and (3) lack of appropriate change management strategy. Through follow-up interviews with selected panelists, we identified a series of actions that can be taken to overcome these challenges including having a strong PMO champion, starting small and demonstrating the value of the PMO, obtaining support from opinion leaders, hiring an experienced program manager who understands the organization, bringing the most talented PMs into the PMO implementation team, adopting a flexible change management strategy, and standardizing processes prior to PMO implementation. The interviews were also used to better understand the role of PMO structure, metrics, and tools. In terms of PMO structure, we found that ‘light’ PMOs were more likely to be implemented successfully. Most organizations eschew formal metrics, instead relying on subjective indicators of PMO success. Lastly, it appears that PMO tools are difficult to implement unless a project management culture has been established.  相似文献   
In service-oriented computing (SOC) environments, service clients interact with service providers for services or transactions. From the point view of service clients, the trust status of a service provider is a critical issue to consider, particularly when the service provider is unknown to them. Typically, the trust evaluation is based on the feedback on the service quality provided by service clients. In this paper, we first present a trust management framework that is event-driven and rule-based. In this framework, trust computation is based on formulae. But rules are defined to determine which formula to use and what arguments to use, according to the event occurred during the transaction or service. In addition, we propose some trust evaluation metrics and a formula for trust computation. The formula is designed to be adaptable to different application domains by setting suitable arguments. Particularly, the proposed model addresses the incremental characteristics of trust establishment process. Furthermore, we propose a fuzzy logic based approach for determining reputation ranks that particularly differentiates new service providers and old (long-existing) ones. This is further incentive to new service providers and penalize poor quality services from service providers. Finally, a set of empirical studies has been conducted to study the properties of the proposed approaches, and the method to control the trust changes in both trust increment and decrement cases. The proposed framework is adaptable for different domains and complex trust evaluation systems.
Vijay VaradharajanEmail:
We present a method and an associated system, called MathCheck, that embeds the functionality of a computer algebra system (CAS) within the inner loop of a conflict-driven clause-learning SAT solver. SAT+CAS systems, à la MathCheck, can be used as an assistant by mathematicians to either find counterexamples or finitely verify open universal conjectures on any mathematical topic (e.g., graph and number theory, algebra, geometry, etc.) supported by the underlying CAS. Such a SAT+CAS system combines the efficient search routines of modern SAT solvers, with the expressive power of CAS, thus complementing both. The key insight behind the power of the SAT+CAS combination is that the CAS system can help cut down the search-space of the SAT solver, by providing learned clauses that encode theory-specific lemmas, as it searches for a counterexample to the input conjecture (just like the T in DPLL (T)). In addition, the combination enables a more efficient encoding of problems than a pure Boolean representation. In this paper, we leverage the capabilities of several different CAS, namely the SAGE, Maple, and Magma systems. As case studies, we study three long-standing open mathematical conjectures, two from graph theory regarding properties of hypercubes, and one from combinatorics about Hadamard matrices. The first conjecture states that any matching of any d-dimensional hypercube can be extended to a Hamiltonian cycle; the second states that given an edge-antipodal coloring of a hypercube there always exists a monochromatic path between two antipodal vertices; the third states that Hadamard matrices exist for all orders divisible by 4. Previous results on the graph theory conjectures have shown the conjectures true up to certain low-dimensional hypercubes, and attempts to extend them have failed until now. Using our SAT+CAS system, MathCheck, we extend these two conjectures to higher-dimensional hypercubes. Regarding Hadamard matrices, we demonstrate the advantages of SAT+CAS by constructing Williamson matrices up to order 42 (equivalently, Hadamard up to order \(4\times 42=168\)), improving the bounds up to which Williamson matrices of even order have been constructed. Prior state-of-the-art construction was only feasibly performed for odd numbers, where possible.  相似文献   
This paper proposes accurate and robust algorithms for approximating variable order fractional derivatives of arbitrary order. The proposed schemes are based on finite difference approximations. We compare the performance of algorithms by introducing a new formulation of experimental convergence order. Two initial value problems are considered and solved by means of the proposed methods. Numerical results are provided justifying the usefulness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
Determining order relationship between events of a distributed computation is a fundamental problem in distributed systems which has applications in many areas including debugging, visualization, checkpointing and recovery. Fidge/Mattern’s vector-clock mechanism captures the order relationship using a vector of size N in a system consisting of N processes. As a result, it incurs message and space overhead of N integers. Many distributed applications use synchronous messages for communication. It is therefore natural to ask whether it is possible to reduce the timestamping overhead for such applications. In this paper, we present a new approach for timestamping messages and events of a synchronously ordered computation, that is, when processes communicate using synchronous messages. Our approach depends on decomposing edges in the communication topology into mutually disjoint edge groups such that each edge group either forms a star or a triangle. We show that, to accurately capture the order relationship between synchronous messages, it is sufficient to use one component per edge group in the vector instead of one component per process. Timestamps for events are only slightly bigger than timestamps for messages. Many common communication topologies such as ring, grid and hypercube can be decomposed into edge groups, resulting in almost 50% improvement in both space and communication overheads. We prove that the problem of computing an optimal edge decomposition of a communication topology is NP-complete in general. We also present a heuristic algorithm for computing an edge decomposition whose size is within a factor of two of the optimal. We prove that, in the worst case, it is not possible to timestamp messages of a synchronously ordered computation using a vector containing fewer than components when N ≥ 2. Finally, we show that messages in a synchronously ordered computation can always be timestamped in an offline manner using a vector of size at most . An earlier version of this paper appeared in 2002 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). The author V. K. Garg was supported in part by the NSF Grants ECS-9907213, CCR-9988225, an Engineering Foundation Fellowship. This work was done while the author C. Skawratananond was a Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   
The Morse-Smale complex is an efficient representation of the gradient behavior of a scalar function, and critical points paired by the complex identify topological features and their importance. We present an algorithm that constructs the Morse-Smale complex in a series of sweeps through the data, identifying various components of the complex in a consistent manner. All components of the complex, both geometric and topological, are computed, providing a complete decomposition of the domain. Efficiency is maintained by representing the geometry of the complex in terms of point sets.  相似文献   
Determining service configurations is essential for effective service management. In this paper we describe a model-driven approach for service configuration auto-discovery. We develop metrics for performance and scalability analysis of such auto-discovery mechanisms. Our approach addresses several problems in auto-discovery: specification of what services to discover, how to efficiently distribute service discovery, and how to match instances of services into related groups. We use object-oriented models for discovery specifications, a flexible bus-based architecture for distribution and communication, and a novel multi-phased, instance matching approach. We have applied our approach to typical e-commerce services, Enterprise Resource Planning applications, like SAP, and Microsoft Exchange services running on a mixture of Windows and Unix platforms. The main contribution of this work is the flexibility of our models, architecture and algorithms to address discovery of a multitude of services.  相似文献   
We study a linear stochastic approximation algorithm that arises in the context of reinforcement learning. The algorithm employs a decreasing step-size, and is driven by Markov noise with time-varying statistics. We show that under suitable conditions, the algorithm can track the changes in the statistics of the Markov noise, as long as these changes are slower than the rate at which the step-size of the algorithm goes to zero.  相似文献   
Considering the fact that faults may be revealed as undesired mutual effect of program predicates on each other, a new approach for localizing latent bugs, namely Hierarchy-Debug, is presented in this paper. To analyze the vertical effect of predicates on each other and on program termination status, the predicates are fitted into a logistic lasso model. To support scalability, a hierarchical clustering algorithm is applied to cluster the predicates according to their presence in different executions. Considering each cluster as a pseudo-predicate, a distinct lasso model is built for intermediate levels of the hierarchy. Then, we apply a majority voting technique to score the predicates according to their lasso coefficients at different levels of the hierarchy. The predicates with relatively higher scores are ranked as fault relevant predicates. To provide the context of failure, faulty sub-paths are identified as sequences of fault relevant predicates. The grouping effect of Hierarchy-Debug helps programmers to detect multiple bugs. Four case studies have been designed to evaluate the proposed approach on three well-known test suites, SpaceSiemens, and Bash. The evaluations show that Hierarchy-Debug produces more precise results compared with prior fault localization techniques on the subject programs.  相似文献   
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