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The effects of particle size and volume fraction on the mode I fracture toughness of epoxy composites filled with spherical silica particles were investigated through experiments and an analytical model. Spherical silica particles with various particle diameters ranging from 1.56 μm to 240 nm and volume fractions from 0 to 0.35 were added to epoxy resin. We found that the fracture toughness of the composites was approximately linear with respect to the reciprocal of the product of (i) the square root of the mean distance between the particle surfaces and (ii) the normalized mean stress in the matrix given by the equivalent inclusion method.  相似文献   
The fatigue crack growth (FCG) mechanism of a cast hybrid metal matrix composite (MMC) reinforced with SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers was investigated. For comparison, the FCG mechanisms of a cast MMC with Al2O3 whiskers and a cast Al alloy were also investigated. The results show that the FCG mechanism is observed in the near-threshold and stable-crack-growth regions. The hybrid MMC shows a higher threshold stress intensity factor range, ΔKth, than the MMC with Al2O3 and Al alloy, indicating better resistance to crack growth in a lower stress intensity factor range, ΔK. In the near-threshold region with decreasing ΔK, the two composite materials exhibit similar FCG mechanism that is dominated by debonding of the reinforcement–matrix interface, and followed by void nucleation and coalescence in the Al matrix. At higher ΔK in the stable- or mid-crack-growth region, in addition to the debonding of the particle–matrix and whisker–matrix interface caused by cycle-by-cycle crack growth at the interface, the FCG is affected predominantly by striation formation in the Al matrix. Moreover, void nucleation and coalescence in the Al matrix and transgranular fracture of SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers at high ΔK are also observed as the local unstable fracture mechanisms. However, the FCG of the monolithic Al alloy is dominated by void nucleation and coalescence at lower ΔK, whereas the FCG at higher ΔK is controlled mainly by striation formation in the Al grains, and followed by void nucleation and coalescence in the Si clusters.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the possibility of evaluating ferroelastic mechanical characteristics by spherical indentation. Finite element simulation of spherical indentation, with a relatively large sphere, of a ferroelastic-plastic material was performed using characteristic bulk data of a typical ferroelastic oxide (LaSrCoFeO). The simulation results showed that the ferroelastic mechanical behaviour cannot be observed in the indentation load vs depth curve, but is clearly observable in the indentation stress vs indentation strain curve, which can be obtained reliably in experiments by estimating the contact radius using load-partial unloading sequences. The method can be reliable when the indentation stress is under the upper ferroelastic critical stress. Therefore, in principle ferroelastic mechanical characteristics could be evaluated by spherical indentation by obtaining the indentation stress vs indentation strain curve using partial unloading to estimate the contact radius, although the requirements are very difficult to satisfy in actual experiments.  相似文献   
Tsuzuki W  Yunoki R  Yoshimura H 《Lipids》2007,42(2):163-170
To elucidate the transepithelial transport characteristics of lipophilic compounds, the cellular uptake of tocopherol and tocotrienol isomers were investigated in Caco2 cell monolayer models. These vitamin E isomers formed mixed micelles consisting of bile salts, lysophospholipids, free fatty acid, and 2-monoacylglycerols, then the micelles were supplied to Caco2 cells. The initial accumulation of tocotrienol isomers in Caco2 cells was larger than those of corresponding tocopherol isomers. There was little difference among the cellular accumulations of four tocopherol isomers. These findings suggested that the difference between the molecular structures of the C16 hydrocarbon chain tail in tocopherol and tocotrienol was strongly responsible for the rapid epithelial transport into the Caco2 cells membranes rather than the difference in the molecular structures of their chromanol head groups. Furthermore, the secretion of α-tocopherol and γ-tocotrienol from Caco2 cells was investigated using Caco2 cells plated on a transwell. The time courses of their secretions from Caco2 cells showed that the initial secretion rate of γ-tocotrienol was also larger than that of α-tocopherol. To investigate the intestinal uptake of α-tocopherol and γ-tocotrienol in vivo, the mice were fed single doses of α-tocopherol or γ-tocotrienol with triolein. The γ-tocotrienol responded faster in plasma than α-tocopherol, although the maximal level of γ-tocotrienol was lower than that of α-tocopherol. This suggested that the intestinal uptake properties of administered α-tocopherol and γ-tocotrienol would characterize their plasma level transitions in mice.  相似文献   
In this study, resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) for determining residual stress in small size spherical balls was examined. Natural frequencies of spherical balls with residual stress were analysed by finite element method. Resonant frequencies of spherical balls were experimentally measured by a RUS system. Both natural frequencies in the analysis and the resonant frequencies measured in the experiment decreased as the compressive circumferential stress at the ball surface increased. It was concluded, on the basis of both analytical and experimental results, that the measurement of the resonant frequency by the RUS system along with the analysis of natural frequency are effective for determining the values and distributions of unknown residual stress in spheres.  相似文献   
Mutagenesis studies on glucose oxidases (GOxs) were conducted to construct GOxs with reduced oxidase activity and increased dehydrogenase activity. We focused on two representative GOxs, of which crystal structures have already been reported—Penicillium amagasakiense GOx (PDB ID; 1gpe) and Aspergillus niger GOx (PDB ID; 1cf3). We constructed oxygen-interacting structural models for GOxs, and predicted the residues responsible for oxidative half reaction with oxygen on the basis of the crystal structure of cholesterol oxidase as well as on the fact that both enzymes are members of the glucose/methanol/choline (GMC) oxidoreductase family. Rational amino acid substitution resulted in the construction of an engineered GOx with drastically decreased oxidase activity and increased dehydrogenase activity, which was higher than that of the wild-type enzyme. As a result, the dehydrogenase/oxidase ratio of the engineered enzyme was more than 11-fold greater than that of the wild-type enzyme. These results indicate that alteration of the dehydrogenase/oxidase activity ratio of GOxs is possible by introducing a mutation into the putative functional residues responsible for oxidative half reaction with oxygen of these enzymes, resulting in a further increased dehydrogenase activity. This is the first study reporting the alteration of GOx electron acceptor preference from oxygen to an artificial electron acceptor.  相似文献   
Spatial verification methods permit geometrically stable image matching, but still involve a difficult trade-off between robustness as regards incorrect rejection of true correspondences and discriminative power in terms of mismatches. To address this issue, we ask whether an ensemble of weak geometric constraints that correlates with visual similarity only slightly better than a bag-of-visual-words model performs better than a single strong constraint. We consider a family of spatial verification methods and decompose them into fundamental constraints imposed on pairs of feature correspondences. Encompassing such constraints leads us to propose a new method, which takes the best of existing techniques and functions as a unified Ensemble of pAirwise GEometric Relations (EAGER), in terms of both spatial contexts and between-image transformations. We also introduce a novel and robust reranking method, in which the object instances localized by EAGER in high-ranked database images are reissued as new queries. EAGER is extended to develop a smoothness constraint where the similarity between the optimized ranking scores of two instances should be maximally consistent with their geometrically constrained similarity. Reranking is newly formulated as two label propagation problems: one is to assess the confidence of new queries and the other to aggregate new independently executed retrievals. Extensive experiments conducted on four datasets show that EAGER and our reranking method outperform most of their state-of-the-art counterparts, especially when large-scale visual vocabularies are used.  相似文献   
A multibody system called the perioral dynamic model for investigating dynamic behavior of human speech articulator is presented. The model is based on the biomechanical architecture of human speech articulators, consisting of the soft tissue around the lips, the related muscles, and the jaw bone structure. The dynamic consequence of human speech articulation is revealed as a sequential perioral motion induced by the selectively activated muscle actions. As an anatomically consistent biomechanical platform, the perioral dynamic model is designed to represent the rigid jaw motion as well as the perioral soft tissue deformation interacting with each other. The perioral soft tissue in the model is approximated as a discrete particle system consisting of lumped point masses interconnecting with adjacent ones via viscoelastic elements. To ensure continuum-compatible static deformation in the discrete particle system, we introduce a method of adjusting element stiffness. We also present a new method for determining the effective forces acting on the jaw-bone-attached nodes that transforms jaw dynamics in the rigid body system into the one defined in the discrete particle system, keeping dynamic equivalency and equipollency between two systems. To derive muscle activations which let the developed dynamic model produce a simulated perioral motion mimicking an actual human speech behavior, we present an inverse dynamics technique driven by visual observation-based feedback of an actual lip motion.  相似文献   
研究了一种SiCp及Al2O3w增强铸态混杂金属基复合材料(MMC)的疲劳裂纹扩展(FCG)机理,同时对比研究了Al2O3w增强铸态金属基复合材料和铸态铝合金的疲劳裂纹扩展机理。在研究近临界和裂纹稳定扩展区域的疲劳裂纹扩展(FCG)机理时,发现混杂MMC的临界应力强度因子?Kth值高于其他两种材料的?Kth值,说明应力强度因子?K值较低时混杂MMC可以更好地抵抗裂纹扩展。随着?K值的降低,两种MMC在近临界区域显示出相似的FCG机理,即主要由增强相–基体界面的剥离控制,随后由铝基体中空隙的形核与合并控制;在裂纹稳定或中等扩展区域,?K值较高时FCG除了受界面上周期性裂纹扩展引起的增强相–基体界面剥离的影响之外,还显著受到铝基体中疲劳条带的影响。此外,在高?K值下,因为局部失稳断裂机制,可见铝基体中空隙的形核与合并以及SiCp和Al2O3w中的穿晶断裂。对于铸态铝合金,在低?K值下,FCG主要受空隙的形核与合并所控制;在高?K值下,FCG主要受铝晶粒的疲劳条带控制,随后受Si团簇中空隙的形核与合并控制。  相似文献   
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