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本工作测定了不同温度下硫酸高铈与对二甲苯反应的速率常数及表观活化能Ea= 111.5kJ·m ol- 1。在动力学测定的的基础上确定了此反应的速率方程为d[PTAL]/dt= k[PX][Ce(IV)]  相似文献   
提供了人工神经网络的一种算法-误差反向传播算法的数学推导方法及上机实现步骤.  相似文献   
本文介绍6例在苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故期间受到放射性铯内污染的我国驻外人员,在本实验室接受活体测量和服用普鲁士蓝促排的观察结果。6例内污染者分两组分别于受污染后的第114天和第272天开始用药,在大约一个月期间,每人共服药54g(给药方式:每次服1g,每日3次,6天为一个疗程,间隔6天,共用药3个疗程)。观测结果表明,在促排期间,6例内污染者体内铯的生物半排期均明显缩短,~(131)Cs 的生物半排期由对照期(用药前)的54—123d 缩短到28—65d,~(134)Cs 由对照期的42—117d 缩短到23—69d;6例体内放射性铯的累积活度相对于同期未用药条件下的累积活度减少2—21%。  相似文献   
本文介绍了在400kV高压倍加器上,利用~(19)F(p,αγ)~(16)O瞬发核反应测量国内150余种茶叶样品含氟量的原理及实验装置,给出了一批典型的测量结果。结果表明:同一品种的茶叶,茶的品级数越大,含氟量越高;茶叶的品种越好,含氟量越低。  相似文献   
同步沉淀除磷在污水生物处理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在同步沉淀工艺的基础上,综述了同步沉淀在不同的污水生物处理工艺中的除磷效果、化学试剂用量的控制、除磷过程模拟的研究进展,并重点讨论了同步沉淀中的化学试剂对生物处理系统性能的影响.最后,展望了同步沉淀在污水生物处理中的应用前景和研究方向.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: A mutant soybean line (A16) low in linolenic acid content (2% of oil by weight) was developed to increase oil oxidative stability. It was unknown whether serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in humans would be affected should A16 soybean oil (A16 oil) replace commercial soybean oil in diets. This study was conducted to examine the hypothesis that in free-living normolipidemic women, the consumption of A16 oil at approximately 10% of energy intake (en%) would not affect serum lipids and lipoproteins differently than would the consumption of the same amount of a commercial soybean oil with 7% of linolenic acid content. DESIGN: Fifteen free-living female college students consumed the soybean oil daily with regular meals for 9 weeks in different orders, with each test oil being eaten for 3 weeks. During the study, 13 en% was provided by each test oil and a total of 35 en% was from dietary fat. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triacylglycerides (TAG) were measured. Serum total fatty acid patterns were analyzed as well. RESULTS: Each of the three test oils decreased serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and TAG concentrations from the baseline values. The feeding of A16 and commercial soybean oils decreased serum HDL cholesterol significantly compared with coconut oil (p < 0.05). Dietary inclusion of coconut oil increased serum myristic acid significantly more than did either soybean oil (p < 0.01). Serum arachidonic acid concentrations were significantly greater with A16 consumption than with commercial soybean oil consumption (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A16 and commercial soybean oils both diminished serum HDL cholesterol. Although the fatty acid composition differed between the two soybean oils, A16 oil and commercial oil had similar effects on serum concentrations of lipoproteins and lipids. With increased oxidative stability, A16 oil is a good alternative to commercial soybean oil.  相似文献   
通过实例简述了扎机主传动直流电动机通风冷却系统的风机选择原则,方法及其风机房,风机基础和通风管略的设计与应用。  相似文献   
研究以壳聚糖(Cs)作为高分子金属催化剂载体,制得负载稀土金属化合物的高分子金属催化剂,应用于环氧乙烷(BO)和环氧丙烷(PO)的共聚合反应.研究发现以三异丁基铝(Al(i-Bu)3)为助催化剂,乙酰丙酮(Acac)为第三组分时,该体系的催化活性高达192 kg*copolymer/mol*Y,比非负载型稀土催化体系活性提高1个数量级以上.环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷的竞聚率r 1(EO)、r 2(PO)分别为2.75±0.02和0.55±0.01;并用13C-NMR谱和DSC谱对共聚物结构进行了表征.  相似文献   
添加物对Fe_2O_3超微粒的稳定作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
粒子的尺寸直接关系着气敏元件性能的好坏.为了防止Fe2O3超微粒在气敏元件烧结过程中长大,我们在纯Fe2O3中掺入5mol%碱土金属离子,利用XRD和TEM系统研究了掺杂物对Fe2O3超微粒子的稳定作用,并对由掺杂引起的Fe2O3电学性质的变化作了初步探讨.  相似文献   
Li HY  Zhou SM  Li J  Chen YL  Wang SY  Shen ZC  Chen LY  Liu H  Zhang XX 《Applied optics》2001,40(34):6307-6311
A method, believed to be new, to simulate Drude parameters for collective oscillation of the free carriers in metallic films is proposed. Plasma resonance frequency and relaxation were simulated simultaneously from both the real and the imaginary parts of the dielectric function of a metallic film after consideration of their correlation in the Drude model. As examples, the contributions of the electrons in Ag films and of the free carriers in metallic silicide, NbSi(2) and TaSi(2), films have been studied.  相似文献   
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