Glass-ceramics with the celsian-corundum binary join composition of 88.8 wt% SrO·Al2O3·2SiO2 – 11.2 wt% Al2O3, (SA2S-A), were fabricated by pressureless sintering and investigated for their sintering and crystallization behaviors. The (SA2S-A) glass powder showed crystallization peak and melting temperatures of 1059 and 1550 °C, respectively and high sintering ability. The (SA2S-A) glass powders containing B2O3, (SA2S-A)B and those containing B2O3 and TiO2, (SA2S-A)BT showed lowered crystallization peak temperatures of 1033 and 997 °C, respectively. By applying Kissiger analyses to the DTA data of the (SA2S-A), (SA2S-A)B and (SA2S-A)BT glass powders, the activation energy values for crystallization were determined as 488, 370 and 333 kJ/mol, respectively. The Ozawa analyses on the DTA data gave the Avrami parameter values at 1.2, 1.1 and 1.9, respectively for the (SA2S-A), (SA2S-A)B and (SA2S-A)BT glass powders. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the (SA2S-A) glass-ceramics, crystallized at 1100 °C for 4 h, showed formation of both the monocelsian and hexacelsian phases. The (SA2S-A)B and (SA2S-A)BT glass-ceramics crystallized at 1100 °C for 1 h, showed formation of the phase-pure monocelsian and did not show any evidence of the hexacelsian formation prior to the monocelsian formation. 相似文献
Harmful algal blooms have caused critical problems worldwide because they pose serious threats to human health and aquatic ecosystems. In particular, red tide blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides have caused serious damage to aquaculture in Korean coastal waters. In this study, multiple linear regression, regression tree (RT), and Random Forest models were applied to detect C. polykrikoides blooms in coastal waters. Five types of input data sets were implemented to test the performance of the models. The observed number of C. polykrikoides cells and reflectance data from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager images obtained in a 3-year period (2013–2015) were used to train and validate the models. The RT model demonstrated the best prediction performance when four bands and three-band ratio data were simultaneously used as input data. The results obtained via iterative model development with randomly chosen input data indicate that the recognition of patterns in the training data caused variations in the prediction performance. This work provides useful tools for reliable estimation of the number of C. polykrikoides cells using reasonable coastal water reflectance data sets. It is expected that administrators and decision-makers whose work is associated with coastal waters will be able to easily access and manipulate the RT model. 相似文献
The leak-before-break (LBB) design of the piping system for nuclear power plants has been based on the premise that the leakage due to the through-wall crack can be detected by using leak detection systems before a catastrophic break. The piping materials are required to have excellent J–R fracture characteristics. However, where ferritic steels for reactor coolant piping systems operate at the temperatures where dynamic strain aging (DSA) could occur, the fracture resistance could be reduced with the influence of DSA under dynamic loading. Therefore, in order to apply the LBB design concept to the piping system under seismic loading, both static and dynamic J–R characteristics must be evaluated.Materials used in this study are SA516 Gr.70 for the elbow pipe and SA508 Cl.1a for the main pipe and their welding joints. The crack extension during the dynamic and the static J–R tests was measured by the direct current potential drop (DCPD) and the compliance method, respectively. This paper describes the influences of the dynamic strain aging on the J–R fracture characteristics with the loading rate of the pipe materials and their welding joints. 相似文献
Given a set $\T$ of rooted, unordered trees,
where each $T_i \in \T$ is distinctly leaf-labeled by a set $\Lambda(T_i)$
and where the sets $\Lambda(T_i)$ may overlap,
the maximum agreement supertree problem~(MASP) is to construct a distinctly
leaf-labeled tree $Q$
with leaf set $\Lambda(Q) \subseteq $\cup$_{T_i \in \T} \Lambda(T_i)$
such that $|\Lambda(Q)|$ is maximized and for each $T_i \in \T$,
the topological restriction of $T_i$ to $\Lambda(Q)$ is isomorphic to
the topological restriction of $Q$ to $\Lambda(T_i)$.
Let $n = \left| $\cup$_{T_i \in \T} \Lambda(T_i)\right|$,
$k = |\T|$, and $D = \max_{T_i \in \T}\{\deg(T_i)\}$.
We first show that MASP with $k = 2$ can be solved
in $O(\sqrt{D} n \log (2n/D))$ time, which is $O(n \log n)$ when
$D = O(1)$ and $O(n^{1.5})$ when $D$ is unrestricted.
We then present an algorithm for MASP with $D = 2$ whose running time is polynomial if $k = O(1)$.
On the other hand, we prove that MASP is NP-hard for any fixed
$k \geq 3$ when $D$ is unrestricted,
and also NP-hard for any fixed $D \geq 2$ when $k$ is unrestricted even if
each input tree is required to contain at most three leaves.
Finally, we describe a polynomial-time $(n/\!\log n)$-approximation algorithm
for MASP. 相似文献
This study presents a characterization of fractured basement reservoir by using statistical and fractal methods with outcrop
data, seismic data, as well as FMI log data. In the statistical method, fracture intensity and length have been calculated
from various outcrop data. The optimum statistical distribution functions of fracture length for outcrops have been identified
with the use of discriminant equation derived from Crofton’s theory. The Fisher distribution constant, representing the fracture
orientation, has been computed from FMI log data. With the statistical values and distribution functions, a 3D fracture network
system has been generated. The result shows that there is no distinction in orientation of the fracture network system, and
it excellently matches with the outcrop data. In the fractal method, fractal dimensions of fracture length and strike for
the seismic fracture network in areal distribution were calculated; a greater value in fractal dimension means that the fracture
network system has intensive fractal characteristics. Meanwhile, vertical distribution and dip angle of the fracture system
have been evaluated from FMI log data. The resulting 3D fracture system presents that the overall strike and distribution
of the fracture system are excellently matched with those of seismic data. 相似文献
Elastomers show improved properties when reinforced with nanoclay at low filler loadings, but dispersion of the clay is difficult in non‐polar polymers, such as ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM). In this work several compatibilization approaches were studied, including the addition of EPDM modified with maleic anhydride (EPDM‐g‐MA) and the use of organoclay modified with maleic anhydride‐grafted liquid vinyl polybutadiene (LVPB‐g‐MA). The use of LVPB‐g‐MA‐modified organoclay increased the degree of dispersion as measured by X‐ray diffraction, giving increased thermal stability and modulus, and decreased swelling. Flame resistance was poorer for the EPDM/LVPB‐g‐MA‐modified organoclay system compared to the unmodified EPDM/organoclay compound. The resistivity of the nanoclay‐filled composites was lower than the reference EPDM compound, but dielectric properties for the LVPB‐g‐MA modified organoclay were similar to the reference.
The hydrodynamic and gas mixing characteristics have been determined in a FCC regenerator (0.48 m I.D.x3.4 m high) with FCC
particles. Solids holdup in the dense bed decreases with increasing gas velocity, but it increases in the freeboard region.
The bubble/void fraction increases with an increase along the bed height at a given gas velocity and increases with increasing
gas velocity at a constant bed height. Backmixed tracer gas at the wall region is higher than that at the center region of
the bed. The gas backmixing coefficient decreases with increasing gas velocity. 相似文献
The investigations on the precipitate phases in a 9%Cr ferritic/martensitic steel under different normalization conditions have been made by using a transmission electron microscope and an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Hot-rolled steel samples were normalized at 1050-1200 °C for 1-2 h followed by an air cooling to room temperature. MN vanadium nitride precipitates with a plate-like morphology and a chemical formula of about (V0.4Nb0.4Cr0.2)N have been observed at triple junctions, grain boundaries and within matrix in the steel samples normalized at 1050-1150 °C for 1-2 h, but they were dissolved out at 1200 °C within 1 h. Vanadium nitride is a stable phase at 1050 °C according to thermocalc prediction of equilibrium phases in the steel. With increasing normalizing temperature and time, there was no a striking change in the chemical composition of metallic elements in the MN phase, but a considerable increase in the size of the MN precipitate. 相似文献
A model reduction method for large flexible structures is developed in order to deal with rigid-body modes and to obtain higher modes related to starting vectors corresponding to multi-directional locations of actuators and sensors. The algorithm is involved with the frequency shifting technique, Krylov vector sequence and the inverse iteration method. The reduced-order model by the proposed algorithm has shown better dynamic response than the model constructed by truncated eigenvectors of a full-order system because the eigenvectors are not always the best choice in a dynamic analysis. Futhermore, the algorithm for a semi-positive definite system can accommodate a damping effect so that the efficient vectors depending on load vectors can be produced without increasing the system order and without using complex calculus, unlike the standard eigenproblem with damping effect. Numerical example is given with a flexible space structure characterized by closely spaced eigenvalues. 相似文献