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错落有致的几何形窗口的墙面,可以看到窗外斑驳的树影正和窗内淡蓝色玻璃长台上的枯枝相呼应。阳光一天的挪移都能透过几何窗在室内留下足迹。同时窗外的树枝、风、云……大自然的一切身影都被定格成立体而丰富的"壁画",内外空间被无声地融合在一起。相互渗透,瞬息万变除了自然的丰富变化,透过空间设计手法,材料的丰富性使得室内风格更加立体而融洽。清水混凝土,钢板的天花,收纳管线的钢梁和烧毛面的花岗岩地面,营造了一种素面朝天的影像。中度抛光的石材柱子,透明的塑料椅子,淡绿色玻璃发光的长台,不但增强了光线的明暗效果,而且渗透着不张扬的现代感。材料的多样性增添了空间的层次感,光影变化在不同材料上反应出来的不同效果使空间有了更强  相似文献   
Air entrainment in fresh concrete with PFA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The results of a study into the influence of PFA on air entrainment in fresh concrete are discussed It is shown that the required dosage of AEA to produce an air content of 5.5 ± 0.5% in a PFA modified concrete mix is two-six times that required in the corresponding neat OPC concrete mix. The dosage of a vinsol based air entraining agent (AEA) required appears to be directly related to the PFA content of the mix. Similar direct relationships were obtained with a range of different PFAs. The dosage of an AEA based on the salt of a fatty acid appears to be sensitive to both PFA and OPC contents. For the type of PFA used, the variability of measured air content or the amount of air retained after continued agitation both indicated that vinsol based AEAs show the highest variability whilst fatty acid based AEAs show low variability. The between batch variability of air content was significantly improved by the addition of PFA regardless of the AEA used.  相似文献   
��Consulting the relevant documents at home and abroad,the author finisheid the derivation of quations about critical flow quantity,critical flow rate,contrast flow quantity,contrast flow rate which are necessary to the continuous water withdrawal through the flow string with different diameters and the rational flow string formula that should be selected when the contrust parameter1.The author also works out the solving programme for TI-59 computer and designs and draws up the nomograrn of mathematical mode.The evident economical results have been obtained from practice of optimizing the flow string for water withdrawal in gas production in Southern Sichuan and from studying the gas-water two-phase flow characteristics through vertical pipe.  相似文献   
A novel methanol-tolerant oxygen-reduction catalyst, Iridium-selenium (Ir-Se) chalcogenide, was synthesized by chemical precipitation in an organic solvent. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) analysis confirmed that the synthesized Ir-Se chalcogenide had a chemical formula of Ir4Se. This chalcogenide showed strong catalytic activity towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and a high methanol tolerance. It was found that most of the oxygen could be directly reduced to water through a four-electron pathway with less than 10% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) being produced during the ORR. The improvement in catalytic activity of the Ir-Se chalcogenide in comparison with that of pure Ir might be attributed to the effect of a bimetallic interaction.  相似文献   
在30CrMnSiA钢中加入不同量的As,Sb,Sn元素,研究了这些元素单独存在及复合存在时对钢的强度,塑性,冲击韧度及韧脆转变温度的影响规律,并用扫描电镜及俄歇能谱分析了As,Sb,Sn导致晶界脆化的机理。  相似文献   
本文简要地介绍了美国一家公司提供的原皮防腐方法。  相似文献   
压缩感知理论提供了一种新的数据获取和压缩思路,能有效地把计算负担从编码端转移到解码端.高光谱数据具备数据稀疏性、空间相关性和谱间相关性,结合这3类先验知识,提出了一种基于复合正则化的高光谱图像压缩感知投影与重构方法.该方法的编码端只需要一个简单的投影操作;在重构算法实现中,基于变量分裂的思想,把具备多个正则项的优化问题转化成多个简单的优化问题,并用迭代方式求解.实验结果表明,本文算法在高光谱图像重构上能获得更高的峰值信噪比和更好的重构效果.该方法具备极低的编码复杂度,适用于资源受限的机载和星载高光谱成像平台.  相似文献   
The probabilistic distribution properties of a set of medical images are studied. It is shown that the generalized Gaussian function provides a good approximation to the distribution of AP chest radiographs. Based on this result and a goodness-of-fit test, a generalized Gaussian autoregressive model (GGAR) is proposed. Its properties and limitations are also discussed. It is expected that the GGAR model will be useful in describing the stochastic characteristics of some classes of medical images and in image data compression and other applications.  相似文献   
Li  Yongming  Zhang  Xinyue  Wang  Pin  Zhang  Xiaoheng  Liu  Yuchuan 《Neural computing & applications》2021,33(15):9733-9750
Neural Computing and Applications - Speech diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) as a non-invasive and simple diagnosis method is particularly worth exploring. However, the number of samples...  相似文献   
We present a simple and efficient approach for continuous collision detection of deforming triangles based on conservative advancement. The efficiency of our approach is due to a sequence of simple collision-free conditions for deforming triangles. In our experiment, we show that our CCD algorithm achieves 2-30 times performance improvement over existing algorithms for triangle primitives.  相似文献   
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