Based on the experimental results and analysis of the cyclic deformation, there is an obvious yield stage on the cyclic stress-strain curve at the stage of small plastic deformation (in room or low temperatures). This phenomenon is similar to that of monotonic tensile curve case. But for the former the deformation amount at which the yield begins is much smaller than that for the latter. The cyclic stress-strain constitutive relation needs to be further studied according to the actual cyclic stress-strain curve. The conventional constitutive equation σ=Aεn is based on the results only corresponding to the cyclic strengthening stage. It is not appropriate for the stage of the small plastic deformation and the stage of yield. 相似文献
The safety of lithium-ion batteries under mechanical abuse has become one of the major obstacles affecting the development of electric vehicles.In this paper,th... 相似文献
Phosphorylurea molecules, which contain both phosphoryl and carbonyl groups, are considered efficient extractants for UO_2~(2+). This study aims to explain the complexation of UO_2~(2+)with carbamoylphosphoramidic acid(CPO), a simple model for phosphorylurea, for ligand design for uranium recovery from seawater using density functional theory calculations, natural bond order analysis,and the quantum theory of atoms in molecules. The results showed that, when CPO acts as a monodentate ligand, the affinity of phosphoryl for UO_2~(2+)is stronger than that of carbonyl, and CPO coordinates with UO_2~(2+)through the phosphoryl oxygen atom. When CPO serves as a bidentate ligand, both the phosphoryl and carbonyl oxygen atoms connect to UO_2~(2+), and the U–O(carbonyl) bond plays a more important role than the U–O(phosphoryl) bond in the interaction between UO_2~(2+)and CPO. This paradox may be caused by the significant charge transfer from the U–O(carbonyl) p bond orbital to the C–N σ antibond orbital of the bidentate CPO. The NH spacer between the phosphoryl and carbonyl groups could ensure the delocalization of the electron system of the molecule. The bidentate binding motif is favored by entropy and opposed by enthalpy, while the monodentate binding motif is favored by enthalpy and opposed by entropy. Ultimately, the bidentate binding motif is more favorable than the monodentate one. As expected, the interaction between UO_2~(2+)and the deprotonated CPO is stronger than that between UO_2~(2+)and the neutral CPO. Comparing the interaction between UO_2~(2+)and CPO with that between UO_2~(2+)and Nphenylcarbamoylphosphoramidic acid(Ph CPO), formed by replacing one hydrogen atom from the terminal nitrogen atom of CPO with a phenyl group, the phenyl substituent at the terminal nitrogen atom of Ph CPO shows a slightly negative effect on the interaction between UO_2~(2+)and Ph CPO. 相似文献
The development of the velocity, temperature and the concentration profiles in the vicinity of the trailing edge is investigated under the boundary layer approximation for an arbitrary initial temperature profile and an arbitrary value of the parameter B for the chemical kinetics.
A series solution is constructed in terms of a system of “universal functions”, from which the initial development of an arbitrary initial temperature profile can be calculated with or without chemical reaction. The first three terms in the series for the temperature have been tabulated previously and are presented here in a diagram.
In the case of no chemical reaction, the analytical results for a given initial temperature distribution predict that the temperature gradient normal to the dividing stream line tends to increase for a limited distance in the downstream direction. This may not be anticipated from the consideration of thermal diffusion alone. Experimental results confirm this qualitative trend. With the three terms in the series solution for the temperature, the agreement between the analytical and the experimental results appears also quite satisfactory.
The analytical results will enable us to calculate the development of the temperature field with chemical reaction. There are as yet no experimental data for comparison. 相似文献
网络负载均衡器是实现网络功能虚拟化(network function virtualization, NFV)的重要功能组件,通过其准确的业务负载分担,运营商可以灵活、高效地实现业务能力增强和容量扩展.基于DPDK技术框架设计实现了面向NFV的高性能4层网络负载均衡机制及系统HVLB,能够灵活部署运行于主流虚拟化平台.HVLB整体采用软件定义网络(software defined networking, SDN)思想设计,实现调度策略制订和数据转发的有效分离.在转发端基于用户空间实现多核多队列高效数据处理架构,同时保证各处理队列间的数据访问隔离和任务处理均衡;在控制端基于网络链路和计算相结合的综合能力作为NF选择和转发策略的制订依据,在实施业务数据准确分发的基础上保障了网络性能.基于KVM的原型系统实验结果表明:与现有LVS系统相比,HVLB极大地提升了数据包处理与转发性能,并实现了64字节UDP数据包的线速转发. 相似文献
随着物联网(Internet of things, IoT)技术的发展,在不同的物联网之间逐渐形成了大规模、异构化、动态化的分布式物联网环境.分布式物联网内的设备间与物联网管理机构间存在着广泛的合作需求,为此需要在其中建立信任机制以促进合作.然而,现有的信任机制研究大部分脱离于物联网环境,没有考虑物联网设备计算与存储能力有限且差异较大这一特点,造成抽象信任机制研究无法直接应用于物联网中;另一方面,现有的物联网信任问题研究都依赖于额外的可信第三方或域间信任假设,这在实际中是难以实现的.为了解决上述问题,借助区块链与风险理论,提出一种适用于分布式物联网的信任管理方法.具体地,将信任量化为对期望信用与风险的考察,并借助区块链实现信任数据的有效共享与安全性.实验与分析表明:该方案能够有效量化信任,保护数据不被篡改,且能够以较低的存储开销维护系统的正常运行. 相似文献