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Fuel cells are energy transformation technologies and they are clean, don't damage to environment, have high efficiency and provide uninterruptible energy generation. Research and development studies about fuel cells have been done increasingly. In the recent years, fuel cell technologies have performed in some sectors such as military, industrial, space, portable, residential, transportation and trading.  相似文献   
In this study, novel conductive fabrics were developed by polymerising of aniline onto the polyamide (PA)-knitted fabrics. The fabric treatment was done by the chemical polymerisation method at 0.5, 0.8 and 1.2?M aniline concentrations. Hydrochloric acid as acidic medium and ammonium per sulphate as oxidant were employed during the polymerisation process. The polyaniline (PANI)-treated PA fabric structures were fully characterised and evaluated in terms of their electromagnetic shielding effectiveness, absorption and reflection characteristics and tensile properties. Additionally, the fabrics were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the surface morphology and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for the chemical functionality. The electromagnetic shielding effectiveness, absorption and reflection characteristics were determined by Network Analyzer with a frequency ranged from 15 to 3000 MHz. The electrical characteristics were measured by the two ends method. It has been concluded that the bursting strength values of the treated fabrics reduced when the amount of monomer in the concentrations decreased as compared to the untreated fabrics. It is interesting to note that 1.2 M treated fabric had the highest bursting strength values as compared to the other treated fabrics. It was also found that 0.5 M concentration of PANI-treated fabric had the lowest surface resistivity due to this it showed the highest conductivity value. Another important finding is that the 0.5 M-aniline treated fabric had the highest shielding effectiveness.  相似文献   
Real-time monitoring of spoilage/freshness of perishable food products using intelligent indicators under commercial packaging conditions is of interest. Thus, this study is aimed at fabricating intelligent indicators to determine the possibility of using developed indicators to monitor fish freshness packaged under real packaging conditions. Bromothymol blue (BTB) dye and two different binders (methyl cellulose [MC] and cellulose acetate [CA]) were used to fabricate four different indicators, with the addition of NaOH for carbon dioxide (CO2) or HCl for total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) sensitive indicators. The colour of produced indicators was observed during 10-day simulations using CO2 and trimethyl amine (TMA) at different concentrations (0%–30% for both) at 4°C. BTB-MC-NaOH changed from blue to green at 15% CO2, while BTB-CA-NaOH changed from green to yellow at 25% CO2. Both BTB-MC-HCl and BTB-CA-HCl indicators changed colour completely at 15% TMA (BTB-MC-HCl from yellow to navy and BTB-CA-HCl from yellow to green). Indicators were used to monitor the spoilage of Atlantic bonito for 10 days at 4°C under two different modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) conditions (30% CO2, 70% nitrogen (N2) and 100% N2). Headspace gas analysis, pH, TVB-N, TMA, microbiology, sensory and colour analyses were conducted. For 30% CO2 70% N2, CO2-sensitive indicators showed a colour change responding to CO2 used, while TVB-N sensitive indicators showed no visible colour change since the TMA level in packages did not reach the spoilage threshold. Colour transition was also not clear in any of indicators under 100% N2-packaging, since neither colour-changing range of CO2 or TMA was reached.  相似文献   
In the present work, machinable green gel-cast alumina compacts were prepared by using polyethyleneglycol (400) diacrylate (P4) and polyethyleneglycol (600) dimethacrylate (P6) together with the acrylamide (AAm) comonomer. The glass transition temperatures of copolymers decreased with the increasing of P4 or P6 amount in total copolymer. The green samples obtained in an aqueous system were mechanically analyzed by means of three-point bending. Flexural strength values increased, from 2 MPa to 25 MPa, as the weight ratio of P4 or P6 in total copolymer (AAm-P4 or AAm-P6) decreased from 90% to 3.5%, respectively. The green gel-cast samples prepared by using P4 or P6 were machined easily by using a lathe, drill and milling machine without damaging the samples, which have good surface finish. The binder removal was achieved at lower temperatures than those samples prepared by using only AAm.  相似文献   
Emotion recognition behavior and performance may vary between people with major neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and control groups. It is crucial to identify these differences for early diagnosis and individual treatment purposes. This study represents a methodology by using statistical data analysis and machine learning to provide help to psychiatrists and therapists on the diagnosis and individualized treatment of participants with ASD and ADHD. In this paper we propose an emotion recognition experiment environment and collect eye tracker fixation data together with the application log data (APL). In order to detect the diagnosis of the participant we used classification algorithms with the Tomek links noise removing method. The highest classification accuracy results were reported as 86.36% for ASD vs. Control, 81.82% for ADHD vs. Control and 70.83% for ASD vs. ADHD. This study provides evidence that fixation and APL data have distinguishing features for the diagnosis of ASD and ADHD.  相似文献   
Children are particularly vulnerable to many classes of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in indoor environments. The negative health impacts associated with chronic and acute exposures of the VOCs might lead to health issues such as genetic damage, cancer, and disorder of nervous systems. In this study, 40 VOCs including aldehydes and ketones, aliphatic hydrocarbons, esters, aromatic hydrocarbons, cyclic terpenes, alcohols, and glycol ethers were identified and qualified in different locations at the University of Missouri (MU) Child Development Laboratory (CDL) in Columbia, Missouri. Our results suggested that the concentrations of the VOCs varied significantly among classrooms, hallways, and playground. The VOCs emitted from personal care and cleaning products had the highest indoor levels (2-ethylhexanol-1, 3-carene, homomenthyl salicylate with mean concentration of 5.15 µg/m3, 1.57 µg/m3, and 1.47 µg/m3, respectively). A cancer risk assessment was conducted, and none of the 95th percentile dose estimates exceeded the age-specific no significant risk levels (NSRL) in all classrooms. Dimensionless toxicity index scores were calculated for all VOCs using a novel web-based framework called Toxicological Prioritization Index (ToxPi), which integrates multiple sources of toxicity data. According to the method, homomenthyl salicylate, benzothiazole, 2-ethylhexyl salicylate, hexadecane, and tridecane exhibited diverse toxicity profiles and ranked as the five most toxic indoor VOCs. The findings of this study provide critical information for policy makers and early education professionals to mitigate the potentially negative health impacts of indoor VOCs in the childcare facilities.  相似文献   
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