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The cooling and solidification of melted drops during their movement in an immiscible cooling medium is widely employed for granulation in the chemical industry, and a study of these processes to provides a basis for the design of the granulation tower height and the temperature of the cooling medium is reported. A physical model of the cooling and solidification of the drop is established and the numerical calculation is performed. The influences of the key factors in the solidification, i.e., Bi number, drop diameter, temperature of the cooling medium, etc. are presented. The cooling and solidification during wax granulation in a water‐cooling tower and during urea granulation in an air‐cooling tower (spraying tower) are described in detail. Characteristics of the solidification and temperature distribution within the particle at different times are shown. The model and calculations can be used for structure design of the granulation tower and optimization of the operation parameters.  相似文献   
A novel cholesterol‐imprinted polymer (CMIP‐H) was prepared by a hybrid method of covalent imprinting and non‐covalent imprinting. This approach involves the copolymerization of a template‐containing monomer, cholesteryl 2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate carbonate, and a cross‐linker, followed by hydrolysis to afford a flexible guest‐binding site accompanied with the easy and efficient removal of a ‘sacrificial spacer’. The effect of solvent on the binding capacity of CMIP‐H towards cholesterol was studied, indicating that a good binding capacity towards cholesterol could be achieved in a less‐polar solvent. The binding experiments of CMIP‐H towards a series of structural analogues of cholesterol, including cholesterol acetate, progesterone and stigmasterol, were carried out in hexane. The results showed that CMIP‐H almost did not bind cholesterol acetate at all because the hydrogen‐bonding site is blocked. It exhibited a similar binding towards both cholesterol and stigmasterol, but much higher binding towards progesterone. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Hydrate formation rate plays an important role in making hydrates for the storage and transport of natural gas. Micellar surfactant solutions were found to increase gas hydrate formation rate and storage capacity. With the presence of surfactant, hydrate could form quickly in a quiescent system and the energy costs of hydrate formation reduced. Surfactants (an anionic surfactant, a non‐ionic surfactant and their mixtures) and liquid hydrocarbons (cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane) were used to improve hydrate formation. The experiments of hydrate formation were carried out in the pressure range 3.69–6.82 MPa and the temperature range 274.05–277.55 K. The experimental pressures were kept constant during hydrate formation in each experimental run. The effect of anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)) on natural gas storage in hydrates is more pronounced compared to a non‐ionic surfactant (dodecyl polysaccharide glycoside (DPG)). The induction time of hydrate formation was reduced with the presence of cyclopentane (CP). Cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane (MCH) could increase hydrate formation rate, but reduced hydrate storage capacity The higher methylcyclohexane concentration, the lower the hydrate storage capacity. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An improved multivariable, probabilistic method for the safety analysis of power grounding systems is presented. The application of this method is demonstrated in four examples. The first three examples illustrate the practical evaluation of one new and two existing substation grounding grids when the substation is connected to an overhead distribution system. The fourth example ascertains the relative impact of a difference between the S curve of IEC Publication 479 and Dalziel's equation for the allowable body current used in ANSI/IEEE Std 80-1986 on the validity of an exposure model based on the requirements of Std 80. In this example, the statistical data on ground faults have been taken from actual system records. Further possible refinements of the exposure model are discussed  相似文献   
Undoped and phosphorus (P)-doped diamond-clad Si field emitter arrays have been successfully fabricated using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) technology. The electron emission from the blunt diamond-clad microtips are much higher than those for the pure Si tips with sharp curvature due to a lower work function. Furthermore, the characteristics of emission current against applied voltage for the P-doped diamond-clad tips show superior emission at lower field to the undoped ones. After the examination of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and electrical characteristics of as-grown diamond, such a significant enhancement of the electron emission from the P-doped diamond-clad tips is attributed to a higher electron conductivity and defect densities  相似文献   
The power penalty induced by imperfect phase recovery in PSK homodyne communication systems with balanced phase-locked loop receivers are exactly evaluated. Optimum phase deviations between the mark-state and the space-state bits are used in this study. This study for the first time shows the imperfect-phase-recovery-induced power penalty as a function of laser linewidth with optimum phase deviations considered. It can be estimated from the theoretical result that an optimal balanced PLL receiver requires the laser linewidth as Δν⩽1.15×10-6× (bit rate) in contrast to the previous reported one Δν⩽5.88×10-6× (bit rate). We also point out here that the previously reported laser linewidth requirement was wrongly estimated  相似文献   
The laboratory scale anaerobic–anoxic–aerobic (A2O) process fed with synthetic brewage wastewater was designed to investigate the effects of changing feed C/P ratio on the performance of biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes. In the experiment, the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration was kept at approximately 300 mg L?1 while the total phosphorus concentration was varied to obtain the desired C/P ratio. Results showed that when the C/P ratio was lower than 32, phosphorus removal efficiency increased as C/P ratio increased linearly, while when the C/P ratio was higher than 32, the P removal efficiency was maintained at 90–98%, and effluent P concentration was lower than 0.5 mg L?1. However, regardless of the C/P ratio, excellent COD removal (90% or higher) and good total nitrogen removal (75–84%) were maintained throughout the experiments. It was also found that very good linear correlation was obtained between COD uptake per unit P released in the anaerobic zone and C/P ratio. In addition, the P content in the wasted activated sludge increased with the decrease in the C/P ratio. Based on the results, it was recommended that the wastewater C/P ratio and its effects be incorporated into BNR design and operational procedures, appropriate C/P ratios were used to achieve the effluent treatment goals. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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