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在实验室对回转窑烧制活性石灰的工艺进行了模拟,发现对CaCO3分解后形成活性石灰影响较大的参数为预热温度、预热时间、锻烧温度和煅烧时间.活性石灰烧制的最佳参数为:预热温度700℃,预热时间60min,与此对应的锻烧温度1150℃,煅烧时间15min.选用宣化钢铁公司生产的石灰石原料,得到的活性石灰的活性度可以达到410mL.  相似文献   
通过大量试验,采用强度指标研究了试件尺寸和预养方式对硫酸盐侵蚀速度的影响.结果表明:试件尺寸越小(比表面积越大),侵蚀速度越快;提高预养温度、缩短预养时间,可以加快侵蚀速度.在各种条件下,硫酸钠侵蚀破坏的速度比硫酸镁侵蚀快.对硫酸钠型侵蚀,采用抗折抗蚀系数作为判定指标较为合理,而对硫酸镁型侵蚀,应该综合考虑抗折抗蚀系数和抗压抗蚀系数.  相似文献   
结合防雷工作现状设计的防雷项目管理系统,可以充分利用网络资源,有效地提高工作效率。  相似文献   
大型屋盖整体顶升施工技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴聚龙 《施工技术》2008,37(3):40-42
武汉体育中心二期主体育馆屋盖为双层扁平张弦网壳.结合该结构的施工特点,运用大型集群控制液压千斤顶进行中心区域整体顶升、空中悬停接长,四周区域采取满堂红脚手架高空散装的施工方案.并借助ANSYS有限元分析软件,根据施工顶升步骤,进行有限元建模分析,模拟施工工况,为方案的实施提供充分的理论依据.实践证明根据数值模拟分析结果进行针对性的预案措施准备是确保施工顺利实现的保障.  相似文献   
根据生物传感器及酶的特性,介绍了酶的固定化方法,比较了各种固定化方法的优劣.  相似文献   
Aiming at closed-loop water system, by the method that shutting certain subcircuit, and solving the piping network, computing flow deviation of other subcircuits, then analyzing the rules of variation of stability with various factors, following conclusions are obtained: When reducing the resistance in main pipes, increasing resistance of subcircuits, system stability can be improved. Centralized regulation by changing power has no influence on system stability; centralized regulation by changing resistances will decrease system stability. Pump characteristics curve influences system stability, stability of the flat characteristic is superior to the steep one. For direct return system (DRS), the stability of subcircuit which is farthest from the heat source is the worst. For reverse return system (RRS), the stability of subcircuit in the middle of the pipe-network has the worst stability. Overall, stability of RRS is inferior to that of DRS.  相似文献   
PCM在长输管道外防腐层质量检查中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长输管道外防腐层质量状况是管道企业管理的重点,通过分析了雷迪PCM的工作原理,实际应用于长输管道外防腐层质量检查,影响因素和注意事项,进一步提高PCM管道电流测量在长输管道中的综合利用。  相似文献   
In order to comply with discharge standards, a gas–solid separator is used to remove solid particles from the thorium molten salt reactor-solid fuel(TMSR-SF)system. As a key component, it directly determines system energy efficiency. However, current gas–solid separators,based on activated carbon adsorption technology, result in high pressure drops and increased maintenance costs. In the present study, a new combined gas–solid separator was developed for the TMSR-SF. Based on a simplified computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model, the gas–solid twophase flow and the motion trajectory of solid particles were simulated for this new separator using commercial ANSYS 16.0 software. The flow and separation mechanism for this structure were also been discussed in terms of their velocity effects and pressure field distributions, and then the structure was optimized based on the influence of key structural parameters on pressure and separation efficiency. The results showed that the standard k–e model could be achieved and accurately simulated the new combined separator. In this new combined gas–solid separator, coarse particles are separated in the first stage using rotating centrifugal motion, and then fine particles are filtered in the second stage, giving a separation efficiency of up to 96.11%. The optimum blade inclination angle and numbers were calculated to be 45° and four, respectively. It implicated that the combined separator could be of great significance in a wide variety of applications.  相似文献   
近红外光热转换材料在光热治疗、光驱动智能器件等医学和能源领域受到广泛重视.本文以商业化芳香小分子为单体,通过一步简单的交联聚合方法制得了四种共轭多孔聚合物,并首次系统研究了它们的光热转换性能.结果表明,它们均具有灵敏的近红外光热响应性,且材料的光热转换效率与单体结构中共轭苯环数有很大关系,其中两种聚合物的光热转换效率可...  相似文献   
The spatiotemporal evolution of hairpin vortex structures in a fully developed turbulent boundary layer is investigated qualitatively and quantitatively by usin...  相似文献   
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