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本文介绍了快速热处理技术的研究成果.包括:RHT设备,高剂量注入硅的RTA机理与最佳RTA条件选择,以及浅PN结制造,硅化物形成,BPSG回流和薄氧化层的快速氮化等RTP技术.  相似文献   
Circular birefringence is a property of chiral materials. In this work, we consider the use of chiral materials in optical fibres to produce circularly birefringent optical fibres and in fibres where a contrast in circular birefringence contributes to forming the waveguide. (-)-menthyl methacrylate is also investigated as a possible material for the fabrication of such fibres.  相似文献   
Cognitive networks are capable of learning and reasoning. They can dynamically adapt to varying network conditions in order to optimize end-to-end performance and utilize network resources efficiently. This paper proposes a cognitive network routing scheme that includes a context information collection entity,a route manager entity,a route reconfiguration entity,and reasoning and learning entity.  相似文献   
Base station placement has significant impact on sensor network performance. Despite its significance, results on this problem remain limited, particularly theoretical results that can provide performance guarantee. This paper proposes a set of procedure to design (1− ε) approximation algorithms for base station placement problems under any desired small error bound ε > 0. It offers a general framework to transform infinite search space to a finite-element search space with performance guarantee. We apply this procedure to solve two practical problems. In the first problem where the objective is to maximize network lifetime, an approximation algorithm designed through this procedure offers 1/ε2 complexity reduction when compared to a state-of-the-art algorithm. This represents the best known result to this problem. In the second problem, we apply the design procedure to address base station placement problem when the optimization objective is to maximize network capacity. Our (1− ε) approximation algorithm is the first theoretical result on this problem. Yi Shi received his B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1998, a M.S. degree from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, in 2001, and a second M.S. degree from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, in 2003, all in computer science. He is currently working toward his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech. While in undergraduate, he was a recipient of Meritorious Award in International Mathematical Contest in Modeling and 1997 and 1998, respectively. His current research focuses on algorithms and optimizations for wireless sensor networks, wireless ad hoc networks, UWB-based networks, and SDR-based networks. His work has appeared in journals and highly selective international conferences (ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, and IEEE Infocom). Y. Thomas Hou received the B.E. degree from the City College of New York in 1991, the M.S. degree from Columbia University in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, in 1998, all in Electrical Engineering. Since Fall 2002, he has been an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech, the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Blacksburg, VA. His current research interests are radio resource (spectrum) management and networking for software-defined radio wireless networks, optimization and algorithm design for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, and video communications over dynamic ad hoc networks. From 1997 to 2002, Dr. Hou was a Researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Sunnyvale, CA, where he worked on scalable architectures, protocols, and implementations for differentiated services Internet, service overlay networking, video streaming, and network bandwidth allocation policies and distributed flow control algorithms. Prof. Hou is a recipient of an Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award (2003) and a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award (2004). He is a Co-Chair of Technical Program Committee of the Second International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM 2007), Orlando, FL, August 1–3, 2007. He also was the Chair of the First IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software Defined Radio Networks, September 25, 2006, Reston, VA. Prof. Hou holds two U.S. patents and has three more pending. Alon Efrat earned his Bachelor in Applied Mathematics from the Technion (Israel’s Institute of Technology) in 1991, his Master in Computer Science from the Technion in 1993, and his Ph.D in Computer Science from Tel-Aviv University in 1998. During 1998–2000 he was a Post Doctorate Research Associate at the Computer Science Department of Stanford University, and at IBM Almaden Research Center. Since 2000, he is an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Arizona. His main research areas are Computational Geometry, and its applications to sensor networks and medical imaging.  相似文献   
主要介绍在Asp.net中利用设计模式的类工厂以及C#中类的继承,实现模板页面技术,达到页面级代码重用,解决在B/S项目开发中,相同相似功能页面存在的前台重复开发问题。提高开发效率,降低开发成本。  相似文献   
The hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (HC-PCFs) with integrity structure have been fabricated with an improved twice stack-and-draw technique. The transmission spectrum shows that five photonic band-gaps within 450-1100 nm have been obtained.And the green fight transmission in the HC-PCFs has been observed remarkably.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the problem of how to represent the locations of Internet hosts in a Cartesian coordinate system to facilitate estimation of network distances among arbitrary Internet hosts. We envision an infrastructure that consists of beacon nodes and provides the service of estimating network distance between pairs of hosts without direct delay measurement. We show that the principal component analysis (PCA) technique can effectively extract topological information from delay measurements between beacon hosts. Based on PCA, we devise a transformation method that projects the raw distance space into a new coordinate system of (much) smaller dimensions. The transformation retains as much topological information as possible and yet enables end hosts to determine their coordinates in the coordinate system. The resulting new coordinate system is termed as the Internet Coordinate System (ICS). As compared to existing work (e.g., IDMaps and GNP), ICS incurs smaller computation overhead in calculating the coordinates of hosts and smaller measurement overhead (required for end hosts to measure their distances to beacon hosts). Finally, we show via experiments with both real-life and synthetic data sets that ICS makes robust and accurate estimates of network distances, incurs little computational overhead, and its performance is not susceptible to the number of beacon nodes (as long as it exceeds a certain threshold) and the network topology.  相似文献   
Optimal base-station locations in two-tiered wireless sensor networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider generic two-tiered wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consisting of sensor clusters deployed around strategic locations, and base-stations (BSs) whose locations are relatively flexible. Within a sensor cluster, there are many small sensor nodes (SNs) that capture, encode, and transmit relevant information from a designated area, and there is at least one application node (AN) that receives raw data from these SNs, creates a comprehensive local-view, and forwards the composite bit-stream toward a BS. This paper focuses on the topology control process for ANs and BSs, which constitute the upper tier of two-tiered WSNs. Since heterogeneous ANs are battery-powered and energy-constrained, their node lifetime directly affects the network lifetime of WSNs. By proposing algorithmic approaches to locate BSs optimally, we can maximize the topological network lifetime of WSNs deterministically, even when the initial energy provisioning for ANs is no longer always proportional to their average bit-stream rate. The obtained optimal BS locations are under different lifetime definitions according to the mission criticality of WSNs. By studying intrinsic properties of WSNs, we establish the upper and lower bounds of maximal topological lifetime, which enable a quick assessment of energy provisioning feasibility and topology control necessity. Numerical results are given to demonstrate the efficacy and optimality of the proposed topology control approaches designed for maximizing network lifetime of WSNs.  相似文献   
刘彩虹  陈秀萍 《现代电子技术》2009,32(19):189-190,194
可编程逻辑器件的出现,使得传统的数字系统设计方法发生了根本的改变,所以有必要介绍一下基于可编程逻辑器件的数字电路设计方法.以计数器的实现方法作为实例,介绍了采用原理图和硬件描述语言两种方法作为输入,实现计数器的方法,并描述了编译仿真的方法,给出了对应的仿真结果.采用熟悉的器件为例,使基于可编程逻辑器件的数字电路设计方法更容易理解掌握.  相似文献   
电力谐波实验台是一种通过模拟实际电网中产生的谐波电流并对其进行实时抑制的实验装置。该实验装置采用公共基础台+功能挂件的设计方式,结构紧凑,集成度高,扩展性好,能够完成电力谐波的产生、在线检测、分析、有源滤波等多项实验。装置软件实现由DSP控制器和上位机两部分组成。DSP控制器采用自适应滤波理论的单神经元电力谐波动态检测算法和滞环控制算法实现系统的补偿。上位机负责计量、监测、显示、储存等功能,是实验装置虚拟仪器的核心部分。该装置系统具有较高的教学使用和科研价值。  相似文献   
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