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刘金龙  张岩  董军 《电子测试》2014,(10):144-146
哈萨克语在发展变化的过程中,在世界范围内形成了基于同一语言的两种文字形式的特殊情况,分别是国外的以斯拉夫文字母为基础的哈萨克斯拉夫文字,称之为斯拉夫哈萨克文,以及我国的以阿拉伯文字母为基础的哈萨克阿拉伯文字,称之为现行哈萨克文。由于两种哈萨克文发音相同,而且均是一音一字的文字形式,所以斯拉夫哈萨克文与现行哈萨克文是可以通过规则互相转换的,但至今并没有相关的国家或地方标准对转换规则进行明确描述。因此,本文通过对斯拉夫哈萨克文和现行哈萨克文的研究,提出两种文字的字符编码转换规则。  相似文献   
刘天荣 《通信技术》2003,(9):115-116
概述了铁氧体的特性,并重点论述了铁氧体抑制元件的应用场合,以及在电磁兼容设计中如何正确地选择及使用铁氧体抑制元件。  相似文献   
Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey,State of Art and Future Directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the recent years, cloud computing frameworks such as Amazon Web Services, Google AppEngine and Windows Azure have become increasingly popular among IT organizations and developers. Simultaneously, we have seen a phenomenal increase in the usage and deployment of smartphone platforms and applications worldwide. This paper discusses the current state of the art in the merger of these two popular technologies, that we refer to as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). We illustrate the applicability of MCC in various domains including mobile learning, commerce, health/wellness and social medias. We further identify research gaps covering critical aspects of how MCC can be realized and effectively utilized at scale. These include improved resource allocation in the MCC environment through efficient task distribution and offloading, security and privacy.  相似文献   
硫酸盐法蒸煮脱木素历程的近红外光谱表征法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用近红外光谱法对木材硫酸盐法蒸煮过程脱木素历程进行了研究。结果表明,利用红外光谱能较好地表征木材的三段脱木素历程。这为下一步近红外光谱在线测量仪的开发奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
溶剂法浸出棉籽油和脱除棉酚的工艺研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
综述了采用单一溶剂或混合溶剂浸出棉仁生坯(或饼),提取棉籽油并脱除棉籽粕中棉酚的工艺研究进展情况。  相似文献   
The problem of finding the closest nonnegative definite moving average covariance sequence to a given estimate which may not be nonnegative definite is considered. An algorithm is developed which is based on a set of constrained minimization problems, each parameterized by the zero frequencies of the spectral density function corresponding to the optimal solution. The algorithm entails first solving a simple minimization problem with linear constraints whose closed-form solution is given by a projection onto a subspace. These solutions lie either outside the set of nonnegative definite sequences, or on its boundary; if the solution lies on the boundary, it is the optimal solution. The problem is considered directly in the space of covariance sequence elements. As a result, the nonlinear maximization step is performed on sets of low dimension. By considering the minimization problem in this space, it is possible to characterize some of the geometrical properties of the optimal solution in terms of the locations of its zero frequencies  相似文献   
装修工程的电气安装应该重新进行负荷计算电气设计,正确选用导线、开关和静设方式,采用线槽敷设时的容线面积可限定在20-40%以下。  相似文献   
 以深圳机场软基处理为例, 在众多的软基处理设计方案中, 选取了排水固结法中传统的全堆载预压和新型的真空联合堆载进行对比和探讨, 阐述了各方案的优缺点, 并从中推荐了最佳设计方案。  相似文献   
 为配合深圳河潮汐模型试验,采用直流脉宽调速技术对其生潮设备进行了研制。控制软件采用模糊控制法编写,并就模糊控制方法描述了模糊控制器的构造特点和模糊推理准则。数据采集系统全部由计算机自动控制,并设计了良好的人机界面。经过数月的试验,表明整个系统精确可靠,稳定性好,能满足试验要求。  相似文献   
在三峡工程大江截流进程中,随着深水围堰戗堤进占,裹头水位观测的平面位置是一个平行于围堰轴线的动态轨迹。采用无人立尺测量技术代替常规主法接测水中消除堤塌和施工车辆振动等因素对水位精度的影响,并且目标位置可根据需要随时变动。  相似文献   
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