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南极磷虾富含优质蛋白,被认为是地球上最大、也是最后一个潜在动物性蛋白资源库。目前,南极磷虾蛋白产品以虾粉、冷冻南极磷虾肉等初级产品为主,缺乏高附加值产品。本文系统综述了南极磷虾蛋白的营养特性及其评价、功能特性及其改性、功能活性及其作用机制、食用安全性问题,以期为南极磷虾蛋白的精深加工及综合利用提供研究思路。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the lipolysis and lipid oxidation of Staphylococcus xylosus 135 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 31 in Suan yu. Suan yu were made inoculated with and without two strains at different stages, and model systems of emulsions were also established. Lipolysis and lipid oxidation were evaluated by determining the changes in free fatty acid (FFA) content and composition, conjugated diene (CD) value and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value. The total FFA of the sample without cultures increased from 476.61 mg/100 g fat to 1413.89 mg/100 g fat after 5 weeks fermentation, while those of samples with cultures declined to 258.98 and 452.89 mg/100 g fat, respectively. On the other hand, CD and TBARS values of samples with inoculation markedly increased. In the model system, higher FFA, CD and TBARS values for the samples added with CFE were observed. This study showed that Staphylococcus xylosus 135 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 31 made a significant contribution to lipolysis and lipid oxidation during the processing of Suan yu.  相似文献   
冷冻保护剂和储藏条件对海洋酵母冻干粉活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋拮抗酵母Rhodosporidium paludigenum作为生防保鲜剂在控制水果采后真菌类病原菌中表现出了良好的抑制效果,然而生防制剂要真正取代化学杀菌剂,必须以产品的形式投入市场,即实现其商品化生产。实验将该拮抗酵母制成冻干粉,研究冻干保护剂和储藏条件对海洋酵母干粉稳定性的影响。结果显示,海藻糖作为保护剂可以显著地提高酵母干粉的存活率和生防活性,用5%的海藻糖作保护剂,存活率为42%,而对照仅为3%。研究还发现,酵母细胞的存活率与其胞内海藻糖含量具有一定的相关性。另外,储藏实验表明,低温(4℃)可以较好地保持酵母干粉的存活力。而常温(25℃)下储藏1个月,每克干粉中酵母活细胞数下降5个数量级,因此常温不适合储藏该新型拮抗酵母生防制剂。  相似文献   
以燕麦蛋白质为研究对象,通过β-葡聚糖对其进行湿热复合改性。研究不同条件下,复合产物的功能性质随着反应条件的变化规律,并对工艺条件进行优化。结果表明,随着燕麦蛋白和β-葡聚糖湿热复合反应时间的延长,在中性至弱碱性pH条件下,采用不同比例燕麦蛋白和葡聚糖的复合产物功能性质都有了不同程度的改善,同时,接枝度变大,颜色逐渐变深。在100℃,pH9,反应物比例为1:1(w/w),反应120min的最佳工艺条件下,燕麦蛋白的溶解性提高到82%,复合物乳化性与乳化稳定性显著提高。  相似文献   
从黑曲霉中提出了一种具有很高催化活性和选择性的脂肪酶,为证明这种脂肪酶的高选择性,用此酶直接催化甘油和月桂酸反应合成单月桂酸甘油酯,并且优化了反应的工艺参数。实验表明,采用甘油月桂酸摩尔比为1∶1.5,脂肪酶与底物质量比为0.5%,水与底物质量比为3%的条件在50℃下反应12h,可使月桂酸转化率达到91.2%,单酯含量高达70%。  相似文献   
张清安  范学辉  张志琪 《食品工业科技》2012,33(19):275-278,334
为了获得沙苑子黄酮类化合物的最佳提取工艺参数,选取液料比、超声温度、沙苑子粒度、超声时间作为实验因素,以提取物的吸光度为响应值,采用响应面实验设计法对工艺参数进行优化。结果表明:沙苑子黄酮类丙酮提取物在323nm处有最大吸光值;60%丙酮为最佳提取剂;最佳工艺参数为粒度120目,超声温度50℃,超声时间60min,液料比40:1(mL/g),粗提率为16.19%。环境扫描电镜显示,超声处理后沙苑子粉的表面出现了蜂窝状形貌图,从而促使胞内物质溶出,提高了提取率。  相似文献   
Milk biologically active components as nutraceuticals: review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Milk contains components that provide critical nutritive elements, immunological protection, and biologically active substances to both neonates and adults. Milk proteins are currently the main source of a range of biologically active peptides. Concentrates of these peptides are potential health-enhancing nutraceuticals for food and pharmaceutical applications. Several bioactive peptides may be used as nutraceuticals, for example, in the treatment of diarrhea, hypertension, thrombosis, dental diseases, as well as mineral malabsorption, and immunodeficiency. Minor whey proteins, such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and immunoglobulins, are considered antimicrobial proteins. Milk also contains some natural bioactive substances. These include oligosaccharides, fucosylated oligosaccharides, hormones, growth factors, mucin, gangliosides, and endogenous peptides, which are present in milk at secretion. Most of the claimed physiological properties of milk bioactive components have been carried out in vitro or in animal model systems, and these hypothesized properties remain to be proven in humans. Whether these milk bioactive components will replace drugs entirely in the immediate future is still unclear, but the increasing appreciation of "drug foods" or nutraceuticals plays a complementary rather than a substitutional role to the synthetic pharmacological drugs.  相似文献   
乳糜泻是在基因易感人群中主要由麦醇溶蛋白肽诱导的免疫反应所致,该免疫反应包括非特异性免疫反应和特异性免疫反应。α-麦醇溶蛋白在小麦醇溶蛋白中含量丰富,是引起乳糜泻的最主要蛋白,而激发乳糜泻的α-麦醇溶蛋白肽包括免疫肽和毒性肽。α-醇溶蛋白中p57-89肽段是引起乳糜泻的主要的免疫肽,p31-43和p31-49肽段则是引起乳糜泻的主要毒性肽。  相似文献   
热处理对扇贝闭壳肌肌动球蛋白生化性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肌动球蛋白是扇贝闭壳肌中的主要功能蛋白质,对贝类制品的品质起关键的作用。文中以虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)闭壳肌为原料,提取其肌动球蛋白,并考察了热处理温度和时间对肌动球蛋白的α-螺旋含量、表面疏水性、活性-SH含量和浊度的影响。结果表明:在热处理过程中,扇贝闭壳肌肌动球蛋白的α-螺旋发生解旋,肽链展开,疏水性氨基酸残基暴露,蛋白表面疏水性增强;同时热处理使活性-SH氧化生成二硫键,蛋白聚集,使得扇贝闭壳肌肌动球蛋白的浊度增加。加热温度越高,这些指标变化越快。由此推断,扇贝闭壳肌肌动球蛋白在热处理过程中伴随着肽链的解旋和蛋白的无规则聚集。  相似文献   
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