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Excel软件功能强大,操作简便,其提供的函数可用于处理和分析复杂的数据。介绍了Excel中查找函数Vlookup的语法格式及功能,并通过工作中的具体实例来阐述利用Vlookup函数解决核对数据匹配问题,提高了工作效率,节省了大量的人力。  相似文献   
设计了CCD在线外观纸病检测系统,介绍了该系统的硬件组成情况和系统的工作原理、技术指标和软件设计,重点阐述了外观纸病检测系统中CCD技术的优势。  相似文献   
本研究目的在于探究战略网络生成中制造模式的推动作用。文章首先分析了制造模式在技术经济范式变迁中扮演的角色,总结出制造模式与技术经济范式之间的关系,接着运用数学抽象和哲学思辨的方法,提炼出人类历史上三次制造模式对技术经济范式的价值实现函数。基于该函数研究发现:精益生产中目的在于充分调动人的主观能动性,以实现人的解放的复合机制——现场管理、劳工关系管理和知识管理等体系是制造模式未来的发展方向;战略网络的演进服务于制造模式的价值实现功能,它的生成是为了弥补制造模式柔性不足的缺陷。  相似文献   
在商业税收领域中,不同的行业、商家,可能会采用不同的系统平台来完成他们各自的销售任务,这就给国家税收时获取税控数据带来了一定的挑战。本文基于国家信息化标准委员会针对税控收款机的国家标准,提出并实现了一种在多平台下动态采集税控数据的解决方案。  相似文献   
对文本特征选择的传统方法进行了深入分析并对各自的优缺点进行了详细的对比;其次,通过利用遗传算法自身的寻优特点,把它与传统特征选择方法相结合,并得出了算法。最后,在对各自算法进行了分析,表明了在性能上有了明显的提高。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on hierarchical classification problems where the classes to be predicted are organized in the form of a tree. The standard top-down divide and conquer approach for hierarchical classification consists of building a hierarchy of classifiers where a classifier is built for each internal (non-leaf) node in the class tree. Each classifier discriminates only between its child classes. After the tree of classifiers is built, the system uses them to classify test examples one class level at a time, so that when the example is assigned a class at a given level, only the child classes need to be considered at the next level. This approach has the drawback that, if a test example is misclassified at a certain class level, it will be misclassified at deeper levels too. In this paper we propose hierarchical classification methods to mitigate this drawback. More precisely, we propose a method called hierarchical ensemble of hierarchical rule sets (HEHRS), where different ensembles are built at different levels in the class tree and each ensemble consists of different rule sets built from training examples at different levels of the class tree. We also use a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm to optimise the rule weights used by HEHRS to combine the predictions of different rules into a class to be assigned to a given test example. In addition, we propose a variant of a method to mitigate the aforementioned drawback of top-down classification. These three types of methods are compared against the standard top-down hierarchical classification method in six challenging bioinformatics datasets, involving the prediction of protein function. Overall HEHRS with the rule weights optimised by the PSO algorithm obtains the best predictive accuracy out of the four types of hierarchical classification method.  相似文献   
A new Coulomb friction compensator is proposed for servo control systems in this paper. The novelty of the new approach lies in its capability of assigning the eigenvalues of the resulting closed loop system while attacking the problem. First, based on the standard backstepping methodology, an implicit Lyapunov function, with part of the components being only symbolically constructed at the very beginning, is utilized. To increase the robustness of the system against disturbance and model inaccuracy, an integral term is employed in the design. Using part of the variable gradient method, we are able to turn the implicit Lyapunov function into an explicit one, which is positive definite, and whose time‐derivative is negative definite. Second, it will be shown that the resulting closed loop error system is a switched linear system with two possible active modes that share the same set of eigenvalues, which is at our disposal. Unlike the common adaptive control design methods, such as the Control Lyapunov Function approach, in which the gains are typically positive but otherwise arbitrary, and are hence difficult to choose and have a lack of connection with the system's performance, our new scheme imposes two further constraints on the gains. It turns out that we can then match these gains with the coefficients of the desired characteristic equation of the closed loop system. In this respect, the gains are linked to the system's overall performance, which is a new and very appealing feature for such a scheme. Finally, a procedure of constructing a common Lyapunov function is provided to prove exponential stability of the aforementioned switched linear system. In addition, using the invariance principle, we will show the convergence of the estimated Coulomb friction coefficient to its real value. Numerical simulations are given to validate the effectiveness of the design and its robustness against friction time‐variations. Compared to existing results, the proposed scheme is much simpler, hence, much more advantageous computationally. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   
把建筑定义为美学带有主观随意性,局限性,除了形式美,建筑还具有实用,经济,技术等价值。本文分别从建筑的形式美,使用功能,先进技术、环境特色等方面具体阐述建筑美学,对大多数人关心的建筑美学做一个冷静而深入的思考,探究这样一种美从何而来。  相似文献   
文中基于热叠加原理研究了固态功率组件中多个离散分布的集中热源的热耦合效应,并证明强迫对流下应用热叠加原理计算的温度场与整场系统数值模拟的结果相当吻合,用它来进行热耦合效应的分析研究是有效的.  相似文献   
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