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We present a time-continuous identification method for nonlinear dynamic Volterra models of the form HX=f(u,X)+v with H, a causal convolution operator. It is mainly based on a suitable parameterization of H deduced from the so-called diffusive representation, which is devoted to state representations of integral operators. Following this approach, the complex dynamic nature of H can be summarized by a few numerical parameters on which the identification of the dynamic part of the model will focus. The method is validated on a physical numerical example.  相似文献   
基于Internet网的集成化供应链管理协同环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试从企业集团化生产管理方式的特点与要求出发,通过Internet网和WWW(W orld Wide Web)来实现企业集团供应链协同和信息集成,提出基于WWW的供应链集成支撑环 境,它的主要特征是为管理决策者进行讨论、分析提供文字、声音、图象以及模拟分析工具 的会议式协同环境.  相似文献   
系统采用Oracle数据库作为开发平台,VB.net为开发工具研制而成。系统借鉴银行和电力企业信用等级评价的规则,结合水司水费收缴的历史纪录及各客户的实际情况,运用自动采集程序,从原有的营销系统和财务系统自动录入数据,再通过优化的模糊概率、神经网络程序,对用户进行交纳水费信用等级评定,建立客户交纳水费风险预警机制。  相似文献   
XML能够使用得Internet上的数据交换变得更方便,XML与数据库一样,都能够作为信息存储的途径。当数据量不大的时候,比如完成一个在线备忘录,XML作为数据存储具有关系数据库所无法比拟的优势。在asp.net中能够利用.net类库提供的类及方法轻松地构建一个基于XML的在线备忘录。  相似文献   
SAR图像存在强烈的相干斑噪声,传统方法不能很好对其分割。文章基于模糊理论,通过选择图像特征,构造模糊集,借助最大隶属度原则进行了SAR图像分割算法的设计,并借助SAR图像分别进行了参数调节和窗口选择的实验,获得了满意的分割结果。实验结果表明,该算法对于SAR图像分割可行有效。  相似文献   
The search for anomalies in time series by methods of fuzzy logic is further explored. The algorithms DRAS and FLARS underlying these methods are further developed in the form of the algorithm FCARS that is completely based on fuzzy comparisons. Parts 1 and 2 were published in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, No. 2, 2002 and No. 4, 2003. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 3, pp. 3–18, May–June 2008.  相似文献   
Intelligence has been an object of study for a long time. Different architectures try to capture and reproduce these aspects into artificial systems (or agents), but there is still no agreement on how to integrate them into a general framework. With this objective in mind, we propose an architectural methodology based on the idea of intentional configuration of behaviors. Behavior‐producing modules are used as basic control components that are selected and modified dynamically according to the intentions of the agent. These intentions are influenced by the situation perceived, knowledge about the world, and internal variables that monitor the state of the agent. The architectural methodology preserves the emergence of functionality associated with the behavior‐based paradigm in the more abstract levels involved in configuring the behaviors. Validation of this architecture is done using a simulated world for mobile robots, in which the agent must deal with various goals such as managing its energy and its well‐being, finding targets, and acquiring knowledge about its environment. Fuzzy logic, a topologic map learning algorithm, and activation variables with a propagation mechanism are used to implement the architecture for this agent.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe an algorithm for distributed, BDD-based bounded property checking and its implementation in the verification tool SymC. The distributed algorithm verifies larger models and returns results faster than the sequential version.The core algorithm distributes partitions of the state set to computation nodes after reaching a threshold size. The nodes proceed with image computation on the nodes asynchronously. The main scalability problem of this scheme is the overlap of state set partitions. We present static and dynamic overlap reduction techniques.  相似文献   
Rapid prototyping of software and hardware is recognized as a very important step in timely, cost-effective system development. The complexity inherent in designing distributed computing systems and distributed problem solutions emphasizes the need for effective rapid prototyping tools. ADL/ADS is a testbed user interface tool for experimentation with critical research and design issues pertaining to distributed data processing (DDP). The experimenter expresses a candidate distributed system in terms of experiment objects, along with attributes and relationships. The experiment objects represent hardware, software, and behavior. This paper provides a brief overview of ADL/ADS, and gives especial emphasis to the Behavior Prototyping Language (BPL) within ADL/ADS. BPL is designed for expressing Behavior Modules (B_MODULEs)—the most versatile of the behavior objects. BPL incorporates set-theoretical approaches, and provides syntax designed for effectively describing manipulations of experiment objects, and their attributes and relationships.  相似文献   
水和甲醇存在下MAMS的消失反应动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验研究了甲基丙烯酰胺硫酸盐(MAMS)与甲醇、水进行反应的动力学,并对该反应的机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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