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侵犯商业秘密罪虽然已经不是新罪名,但是因其存在认定难等一系列问题,致使其难以发挥应有的效能,本文对其认定中存在的一些疑问进行探析,以图能使侵犯商业秘密罪在今后的经济建设发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   
唐山市丰润区新希望保温节能材料有限公司顺应当前建筑节能保温形式的发展需要,引进国内的先进技术,研究开发了卓强外墙保温系列专用粘结干粉,产品具有粘结强度高、安全性能高、保水性能好、抗流挂性好、冬施性能好等优越的特点,解决了空鼓、开裂、脱落、渗漏等技术难题,该项目生产工艺合理、质量体系健全,无废物排放,无环境污染,施工过程简单方便,是较好的建筑保温形式,经济效益和社会效益显著,市场前景广阔,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
正在急性脑血管病中,脑卒中的危害最为严重。我国脑卒中具有发病率高、复发率高、致残率高、死亡率高的特点。而国内医疗资源分配不平衡、高级医疗人员的缺乏、偏远地区交通不便等问题更加剧了"四高"的情况。因此,推动远程医疗的发展对于降低中国脑卒中的致残率和死亡率具有十分重要的意义。2014年5月,国家远程卒中中心在北京正式揭牌成立,致力于推广远  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a new hard problem, called bilateral inhomogeneous small integer solution (Bi-ISIS), which can be seen as an extension of the small integer solution problem on lattices. The main idea is that, instead of choosing a rectangle matrix, we choose a square matrix with small rank to generate Bi-ISIS problem without affecting the hardness of the underlying SIS problem. Based on this new problem, we present two new hardness problems: computational Bi-ISIS and decisional problems. As a direct application of these problems, we construct a new lattice-based key exchange (KE) protocol, which is analogous to the classic Diffie- Hellman KE protocol. We prove the security of this protocol and show that it provides better security in case of worst-case hardness of lattice problems, relatively efficient implementations, and great simplicity.  相似文献   
针对串级不稳定时滞过程研究了内模控制器的设计方法。该方法副回路采用传统内模控制,能及时快速消除内环干扰对系统整体控制性能的影响;主回路采用一种二自由度内模控制结构,将设定值跟随特性与干扰抑制特性解耦,控制器的参数整定不需要在两种特性之间折中选择,克服了传统内模控制的不足。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该方法不仅能有效减少控制器的个数,而且可使系统同时获得良好的设定值跟随特性、干扰抑制特性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
当前,低压电器已在国民经济建设的各部门中占据了重要的地位,对于促进国民经济建设发挥了重要的作用.经过半个多世纪的发展,我国低压电器生产企业不断壮大,慢慢形成规模化生产模式.伴随着改革开放,市场经济的不断发展,国营、民营、外资共同着力,使国内低压电器业得到快速发展.但在目前经济形势下,我国低压电器行业也面临着新的挑战,只有实现自身的转型升级,才能得到稳定、可持续的发展.  相似文献   
为获得七桥瓮泵站水泵机组的实际运行工况,便于对水泵机组进行合理优化调度,提高效率,节约能源,实现泵站的优化、经济和稳定运行。采用超声波流量计、Y系列压力表、超声波水位计等测试仪器对水泵机组进行现场流量和扬程测试,获得了水泵实际运行的性能曲线,并与水泵样本曲线进行对比。测试结果表明:现场测试的水泵性能曲线与水泵样本曲线存在较大差异,规划设计扬程下的现场测试流量,仅为设计流量的64%,未能达到规划设计要求。实际性能曲线不能以水泵选型时为依据,而应根据实际运行工况为准。  相似文献   
针对不确定环境下的应急群决策问题,提出一种新的基于语义信息的考虑群体冲突与指标关联的应急群决策模型。利用自由语义信息与可能性分布—犹豫模糊语言集刻画并处理不确定信息;提出一种基于可能性分布—犹豫模糊语言集的群体意见冲突检测与调整算法,降低了专家群体的意见冲突水平;提出一种新的基于决策试验和评价实验室与网络层次分析方法的指标关联权重确定方法;考虑决策专家的风险偏好,提出一种基于前景理论的逼近理想解排序算法。以某高铁车站应对大量旅客滞留突发事件为例,验证了所提模型的有效性与科学性。  相似文献   
Based on a simplified 3-DOF model of twin-tower structure linked by a sky-bridge, the frequency response functions, the displacement power spectral density (PSD) functions, and the time-averaged total vibration energy were derived, by assuming the white noise as the earthquake excitation. The effects of connecting parameters, such as linking stiffness ratio and linking damping ratio, on the structural vibration responses were then studied, and the optimal connecting parameters were obtained to minimize the vibration energy of either the independent monomer tower or the integral structure. The influences of sky-bridge elevation position on the optimal connecting parameters were also discussed. Finally, the distribution characteristics of the top displacement PSD and the structural responses, excited by El Centro, Taft and artificial waves, were compared in both frequency and time domain. It is found that the connecting parameters at either end of connection interactively affect the responses of the towers. The optimal connecting parameters can greatly improve the damping connections on their seismic reduction effectiveness, but are unable to reduce the seismic responses of the towers to the best extent simultaneously. It is also indicated that the optimal connecting parameters derived from the simplified 3-DOF model are applicable for two multi-story structures linked by a sky-bridge with dampers. The seismic reduction effectiveness obtained varies from 0.3 to 1.0 with different sky-bridge mass ratio. The displacement responses of the example structures are reduced by approximately 22% with sky-bridge connections.  相似文献   
Windows安全帐号管理器和密码十分有益于任何管理企业桌面,这里是你不知道的五件事:1.安全帐户管理器多年来一直是微软操作系统的核心部分,现在也是Windows 8.1的一部分。SAM的功能固定于lsass.exe中。lsass.exe是一个位于c:\Windows\system32的Windows服务。Windows SAM管理本地Windows账户密码并管理登录  相似文献   
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