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以三种不同粒度的硫铝酸盐水泥(CSA水泥)为矿物外加剂,研究了CSA水泥粒度、掺量对硅酸盐水泥(PC)物理性能、水化过程及水化产物性能的影响.研究表明:CSA水泥的掺量与粒度同时影响PC的凝结时间及标准稠度用水量;当CSA水泥掺量较低(1%)时,PC抗压强度有所提高;CSA水泥缩短PC水化诱导期,促进早期水化,降低C3S的水化速率,加快AFt向AFm转化;CSA水泥增加了早期水泥硬化浆体的孔隙率、累计孔体积及最可几孔径,但对后期硬化浆体的影响不大;而AFt与CH的形貌如短针状AFt及大尺寸六方板状CH不利于晶体的连生与结合,对强度的影响较大. 相似文献
Q. Zhou 《Cement and Concrete Research》2004,34(4):703-710
Dehydroxylation of ettringite in an atmosphere of constant partial water vapour pressure (30-400 Torr) and controlled temperature (55-95 °C) yields an X-ray amorphous product containing 11-13 H2O per ettringite formula unit. The X-ray amorphous product does, however, give electron diffraction patterns similar to those of ettringite but with a considerably reduced from ∼1.123 nm (ettringite) to 0.85 nm in the partially dehydroxylated product, termed metaettringite. The structure of metaettringite is closely related to that of fleischerite, Pb3Ge[(OH)6](SO4)2·3H2O and the isostructural despujolsite, Ca3MnIV(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O. These minerals contain columnar units. The columnar structure is like that of ettringite but with closer packing of columns in the a direction, resembling metaettringite.The mechanism of collapse of ettringite to metaettringite, involving loss of water and motion of columns, cannot be achieved without scissoring and possibly rotation of individual columns; this and other defect-producing mechanisms result in loss of crystallinity of the metaettringite product. 相似文献
本文通过将SSP型抗硫酸盐侵蚀防腐剂与普通硅酸盐水泥复合,用于混凝土试验中,研究其对混凝土工作性能、抗压强度以及耐久性能的影响.同时,通过采用化学结合水和SEM试验,对SSP型防腐剂在混凝土中的作用机理进行分析研究.试验结果表明:在混凝土中掺入SSP型抗硫酸盐侵蚀防腐剂,混凝土不仅工作性能好、抗压强度值高,而且抗氯离子渗透、抗硫酸盐溶液侵蚀性能优良;SSP型抗硫酸盐侵蚀防腐剂的掺入,能够提高混凝土各个龄期的化学结合水含量,促进水泥基胶凝材料的水化进程,生成较多的细针状、棒状的AFt和不规则扁平粒子的C-S-H凝胶,使得结构更加致密,提高混凝土综合性能. 相似文献
本文采用普通硅酸盐水泥作为基体、Q相 CA C1 2 A7水泥作为膨胀剂、加入少量石膏的条件下对该体系的膨胀性能进行试验研究。研究表明 :Q相 CA C1 2 A7水泥能够作为膨胀组分 ,通过调节Q相 CA C1 2 A7水泥和SO3的量 ,得到所要求的膨胀水泥。从DTA和XRD来看 ,其膨胀源主要是钙矾石 (AFt) ,它形成的速度及数量 ,可以通过控制Q相水泥和SO3的量来实现。 相似文献
在喷射混凝土中适量加入HCSA膨胀剂配制成喷射补偿收缩混凝土,通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和水泥稠凝测定仪等对喷射补偿收缩混凝土中主要胶凝材料的微观形貌、晶体结构及初凝时间等进行了测试。研究结果表明,8%HCSA膨胀剂与5%速凝剂、硅酸盐水泥形成的三元胶凝材料,具有初凝时间短、抗压强度高的特性;掺加适量HCSA膨胀剂明显促进了水化产物钙矾石和CaCO3晶体的生长,钙矾石晶体的生长填充了胶凝材料的微孔洞和缝隙,形成相互交错的网状结构,有利于提高混凝土的密实度和抗压强度。 相似文献
梁文泉 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》1994,(5)
通过试验系统地研究了固硫渣混合水泥的配制方法及其性能的测试结果,论述了硬化水泥浆体中钙矾石相的定量分析方法.通过对不同龄期固硫渣水泥硬化浆体中钙矾石相的定量分析,总结了钙矾石相形成量随龄期变化的趋势.为推广使用固硫渣混合水泥和制订出相应的规范提供了理论依据. 相似文献
The role of calcium carbonate in cement hydration 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Limestone, mainly consisting of calcite, is a permitted additive to Portland cements often up to a 5 wt.% limit. It is shown by experiment and calculation that much, if not all, of this calcite is reactive and affects the distribution of lime, alumina and sulfate and thereby alters the mineralogy of hydrated cement pastes. Calcite affects the mineralogical variant of the AFm phase(s). Calcite additions affect the amount of free calcium hydroxide as well as the balance between AFm and AFt phases, although C-S-H is unaffected in much of the range of compositions. Generic data are shown in graphical form to quantify these mineralogical changes as functions of cement composition and amount of added calcite. Calculations of the specific volume of solids as a function of calcite addition suggest that the space-filling ability of the paste is optimised when the calcite content is adjusted to maximise the AFt content. However, before the calculated data can be used uncritically, certain kinetic constraints on reactivity also need to be assessed. Progress towards the quantification of paste mineralogy suggests that (i) elucidation of the mineralogy of pastes, particularly blended cement pastes, is facilitated by using both theoretical and experimental approaches and (ii) that the ultimate goal, of calculating paste mineralogy from the bulk chemistry, is attainable. 相似文献
本文通过测定不同掺量的聚羧酸减水剂(PCE)作用下铝酸三钙(C3A)-石膏体系水化热,并采用XRD、SEM、Raman分析了水化产物微观结构的形成规律,研究了PCE对铝酸三钙-石膏体系水化调控机理.结果表明:水灰比为0.6,摩尔比为1∶1的铝酸三钙-石膏体系,水化24 ~ 48 h时出现水化热温峰,并生成大量的Aft(钙矾石);PCE掺量不同对铝酸三钙-石膏体体系的水化调控存在延缓与加速水化的双重作用,当掺量为0.1% ~0.3%时,PCE抑制铝酸三钙-石膏体系水化放热及AFt的形成;当掺量为0.5%时,PCE促进铝酸三钙-石膏体系水化放热,加速AFt的形成. 相似文献
The AFm phase in Portland cement 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The AFm phase of Portland cements refers to a family of hydrated calcium aluminates based on the hydrocalumite-like structure of 4CaO·Al2O3·13-19 H2O. However OH− may be replaced by SO42− and CO32−. Except for limited replacement (50 mol%, maximum) of sulfate by hydroxide, these compositions do not form solid solutions and, from the mineralogical standpoint, behave as separate phases. Therefore many hydrated cements will contain mixtures of AFm phases. AFm phases have been made from precursors and experimentally-determined phase relationships are depicted at 25 °C. Solubility data are reported and thermodynamic data are derived. The 25 °C stability of AFm phases is much affected by the nature of the anion: carbonate stabilises AFm and displaces OH and SO4 at species activities commonly encountered in cement systems. However in the presence of portlandite, and as carbonate displaces sulfate in AFm, the reaction results in changes in the amount of both portlandite and ettringite: specimen calculations are presented to quantify these changes. The scheme of phase balances enables calculation of the mineralogical balances of a hydrated cement paste with greater accuracy than hitherto practicable. 相似文献