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We review the literature on approximate dynamic programming, with the goal of better understanding the theory behind practical algorithms for solving dynamic programs with continuous and vector-valued states and actions and complex information processes. We build on the literature that has addressed the well-known problem of multidimensional (and possibly continuous) states, and the extensive literature on model-free dynamic programming, which also assumes that the expectation in Bellman’s equation cannot be computed. However, we point out complications that arise when the actions/controls are vector-valued and possibly continuous. We then describe some recent research by the authors on approximate policy iteration algorithms that offer convergence guarantees (with technical assumptions) for both parametric and nonparametric architectures for the value function.  相似文献   
With the increasing number of available XML documents, numerous approaches for retrieval have been proposed in the literature. They usually use the tree representation of documents and queries to process them, whether in an implicit or explicit way. Although retrieving XML documents can be considered as a tree matching problem between the query tree and the document trees, only a few approaches take advantage of the algorithms and methods proposed by the graph theory. In this paper, we aim at studying the theoretical approaches proposed in the literature for tree matching and at seeing how these approaches have been adapted to XML querying and retrieval, from both an exact and an approximate matching perspective. This study will allow us to highlight theoretical aspects of graph theory that have not been yet explored in XML retrieval.  相似文献   
如何既准确获取监测数据,又减少监测过程对实际网络传输数据的影响是网络研究的一个根本问题。该文提出了层次化网络测量模型,强调数据聚集过程的传输延迟和监测数据流量占用链路的带宽都小于预设数值同时,尽量追求聚集节点数目最小化。求解该模型的问题是NP难的,在节点间路由唯一的情况下,该文设计的近似算法的近似程度为lnd+1,其中d是监测节点的数量。  相似文献   
近似串匹配是生物信息学、文本检索、信号处理等领域的一个基础问题,如何提高近似串匹配的速度一直都是研究的关键问题。提出一种新的在大文本库中快速查找近似匹配的无损过滤算法。为保证在大文本库中的匹配速度,本算法使用了查询速度较快的q-gram索引。为通过提高过滤算法的过滤效率达到提升算法整体性能的目的,详细分析了含有匹配串的文本区域,提取了一些基于尾匹配q-gram特征的新过滤条件,然后用这些特征优化了过滤算法的过滤标准。实验数据表明,新过滤条件有效地提高了算法的过滤效率,提升了算法的整体性能。结果显示新算法适合各种匹配错误率下的近似匹配,算法的通用性较强。  相似文献   
Many efficient exact branch and bound maximum clique solvers use approximate coloring to compute an upper bound on the clique number for every subproblem. This technique reasonably promises tight bounds on average, but never tighter than the chromatic number of the graph.Li and Quan, 2010, AAAI Conference, p. 128–133 describe a way to compute even tighter bounds by reducing each colored subproblem to maximum satisfiability problem (MaxSAT). Moreover they show empirically that the new bounds obtained may be lower than the chromatic number.Based on this idea this paper shows an efficient way to compute related “infra-chromatic” upper bounds without an explicit MaxSAT encoding. The reported results show some of the best times for a stand-alone computer over a number of instances from standard benchmarks.  相似文献   
Approximate dynamic programming (ADP) relies, in the continuous-state case, on both a flexible class of models for the approximation of the value functions and a smart sampling of the state space for the numerical solution of the recursive Bellman equations. In this paper, low-discrepancy sequences, commonly employed for number-theoretic methods, are investigated as a sampling scheme in the ADP context when local models, such as the Nadaraya–Watson (NW) ones, are employed for the approximation of the value function. The analysis is carried out both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. In particular, it is shown that the combined use of low-discrepancy sequences and NW models enables the convergence of the ADP procedure. Then, the regular structure of the low-discrepancy sampling is exploited to derive a method for automatic selection of the bandwidth of NW models, which yields a significant saving in the computational effort with respect to the standard cross validation approach. Simulation results concerning an inventory management problem are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   
为解决实际中不同制造模式的实现之间存在大量相似但又不完全相同的模块的自重构问题,提出基于近似匹配的知识化制造系统自重构的理论和算法.首先讨论知识化制造系统自重构中知识点的匹配度定义和性质;然后给出基于近似匹配的知识网自重构算法,并利用C#和SQL Sever 2000在.NET平台上开发出基于近似匹配的自重构使能工具;最后通过实例说明基于近似匹配的自重构技术的应用.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种多层次时间窗口模型,支持在不同时段对数据流进行不同粒度的建模,并给出了多粒度聚集树结构及其数据流聚集查询算法,从而有效地解决了在有限时空条件下的数据流聚集查询问题。  相似文献   
目前在智能领域中对Vague集的研究已越来越广泛与深入,并运用于决策问题中,有学者已把Vague集用于多评价指标的模糊决策中,但其决策方法在某些时候却难以得到目标。为此,本文提出了一个基于Vague集模糊推理的多评价指标模糊决策方法。在这个方法中,从基于Vague集的模糊推理的观点来看待模糊决策问题。将评价指标和候选方案之间的关系用一组基于Vague集的推理规则来表示,将决策者的要求用一组Vague集来表示,经过模糊推理等过程最后得到决策结果。然后还给出了一个实例说明这种多评价指标模糊决策方法。这个基于Vague集模糊推理的多评价指标模糊决策方法的提出为决策系统提供了一个有用的工具。  相似文献   
缺电损失最小化减负荷算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在满足安全稳定限制的情况下,建立了寻求缺电损失最小的负荷减载模型和算法,以解决系统供电不足时的减负荷问题.该模型是具有等式和不等式约束的函数极值问题,属于最优潮流模型.该算法是在控制变量空间寻优的改进近似规划法:从初始可行的运行点开始,通过计算系统的状态变量对控制变量的灵敏度,将系统的目标函数和约束条件线性化,进行有效约束的筛选,以线性规划修正控制变量,进而解算潮流得到新的可行运行点.通过迭代收敛到最优解.并以IEEE-14节点系统和IEEE-30节点系统为试算系统,验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   
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