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高含硫气田通常采用常规克劳斯工艺+SCOT尾气处理装置进行酸气处理。结合川东北高含硫气田工程实际情况,研究了在设置有SCOT尾气处理装置的高含硫气田工程中的硫磺回收装置的工艺选择,主要对二级常规克劳斯工艺和三级克劳斯工艺进行比选。通过对两种不同硫磺回收工艺情况下硫磺回收装置和尾气处理装置的一次投资(主要包括设备费用、材料费用、土建费用、结构费用和施工费用)和20年操作费用(主要包括催化剂消耗和蒸汽消耗)综合进行量化比较,发现在设置有SCOT尾气处理装置的高含硫气田工程采用三级常规克劳斯硫磺回收工艺更为经济合理。 相似文献
目前在役储罐的温度场难以准确的描述,对安全作业造成隐患。基于国内外储罐自燃机理研究,建立了含自燃灾源的储罐物理模型和数学模型,利用ANSYS有限元平台分析了自燃灾源、保温层厚度、环境温度及空气对流系数对含硫油品储罐温度场的影响.数值模拟结果表明,随着自燃灾源的持续氧化,外壁温度场异常区域逐渐明显;增加保温层厚度,外壁异常区域温差减小的趋势由大变小,当厚度达到30mm时,最大温差降至0.4℃;升高环境温度,外壁异常区域温差均匀降低,当环境温度达到35℃时,外壁温度基本趋于环境温度;增加空气对流系数,外壁异常区域温差快速减小,当空气对流系数达到100W/(m·℃)时,外壁温度接近环境温度,且外壁温差基本趋于一致. 相似文献
Theoretical predictions using a modified radical species ternary diagram for C–H–O system indicate that addition of sulfur expands the C–H–O gas phase compositional window for diamond deposition. Sulfur addition to no-growth domain increases the carbon super-saturation by binding the oxygen and the addition of sulfur to the non-diamond domain reduces the heavy carbon super-saturation by decreasing CnHm species concentration in the gas phase. The overall effect of sulfur addition to gas phase mixtures is characterized as that of oxygen addition to the C–H system, i.e. expansion of the compositional window over which diamond can be deposited from the gas phase. In addition, the increasing sulfur concentration to diamond domain feed gases beyond 2000 ppm did not affect the steady state gas phase composition but the quality of diamond was reduced. 相似文献
该仪器根据GB214-2007《煤中全硫的测定方法》库仑滴定法原理设计,全部测试过程采用单片机自动控制,系统主要侧重于电路简单、系统抗干扰能力强、测硫精度高和控制温度科学等方面的研制。该方法与目前采用的艾士卡重量分析法和高温燃烧中和法相比具有测定迅速、结果准确的优点。 相似文献
在单层塔板泡沫吸收塔中对 SO_2液相催化氧化进行了初步扩大实验研究,当SO_2净化效率(单板效率)为50%时,得到10%(wt)H_2SO_4;硫酸生或速率为1.8%/h;SO_2吸收最佳液气比≤5 l/Nm~3;添加表面活性剂及鼓氧操作对 SO_2液相催化氧化有明显促进作用;冶炼烟气 SO_2浓度波动对吸收效率影响不大.实验结果表明,该法具有明显的环境,经济效益. 相似文献
The effect of different components of gasification gas on sulphur poisoning of nickel catalysts were studied. In addition, the sulphur distribution and content of nickel catalyst beds were analysed to account the poisoning effect of sulphur on the activity of catalysts to decompose tar, ammonia and methane. The desorption behaviour of chemisorbed sulphur from the bed materials was monitored by temperature programmed hydrogenation (TPH). It was established that bulk nickel sulphide was active in decomposing ammonia in high-temperature gasification gas-cleaning conditions. The decomposing activity of methane was not affected by bulk nickel sulphide formation, but that of toluene was decreased. The activity of the catalyst regained rapidly when H2S was removed from the gas. However, the conversion of ammonia was not regained at as high a level as before sulphur addition, most probably due to irreversible sulphur adsorption on the catalyst. The temperature increase could also be used to regenerate the catalyst performance especially in respect to methane and toluene. Sulphur adsorbed on nickel catalysts in different chemical states depends on the process conditions applied. At >900°C the sulphur adsorbed on the catalyst formed an irreversible monolayer on the catalyst surfaces, while at <900°C the adsorbed sulphur, probably composed of polysulphides (multilayer sulphur), was desorbed from the catalyst in sulphur-free hydrogen containing atmosphere. However, a monolayer of sulphur still remained on the catalyst after desorption. The enhanced effect of high total pressure on sulphur-poisoning of nickel catalysts could be accounted for the increased amount of sulphur, probably as a mode of polysulphides, adsorbed on the catalyst. 相似文献
It is known that the production reaction of sodium thiosulfate which consists of the reaction of Na2SO3 with sulfur is considerably slow. Ultrasound energy was used to increase the conversion fraction of sulfur and to accelerate the production reaction of Na2S2O3, and the effect of ultrasonic energy on the reaction kinetics was investigated. The particle size, reaction temperature, concentration of Na2SO3 solution and amplitude of ultrasound power were chosen as parameters. The experiments were performed in the absence and presence of ultrasound. Considering the results the reaction is chemically controlled first order and the activation energy is equal to 42 kJ/mol in both cases. The results indicated that the ultrasound energy increased the reaction speed but it did not vary the activation energy. The effect of ultrasound is on the pre‐exponential factor A. Finally, an empirical relation is given which relates the rate constant to ultrasound power. 相似文献