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通过对MasterCAM软件的研究,探讨了当切削含有大深度,长行程,小宽度的凹槽的情况下,如何更好地利用CAD/CAM软件提高刀具的寿命以及加工效率的问题,以帮助读者在实际操作中找到适合自己的高效加工方式。 相似文献
本文研究了缺口对GH33A合金在高温低周疲劳及劳疲/蠕变交互作用下的力学行为。结果表明:缺口使GH33A合金低周疲劳寿命缩短,其缩短的程度随缺口尖锐程度的增加而加剧。低周疲劳高应力时,保载时间的作用引入了蠕变分量,促使低周疲劳寿命Nf降低。在低周疲劳固定最大应力,改变最小应力而造成蠕变/疲劳交互作用情况下,其断裂寿命在一定条件下具有最大值,断裂机制可由纯疲劳断裂逐步转化为纯蠕变断裂,其程度主要决定于蠕变应力(或疲劳应力)分量所占比例的大小。 相似文献
永磁交流伺服系统机械谐振成因及其抑制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
永磁交流伺服系统中机械传动装置的刚度有限,传动装置的弹性会在系统中引发机械谐振。针对典型伺服驱动系统中的机械传动装置,建立了电机-负载双惯量模型,通过理论分析阐明机械谐振形成的原理,并建立起关键参数与谐振现象的定量关系。通过仿真分析了弹性传动装置对伺服驱动系统性能的影响,并研究了使用陷波滤波器抑制机械谐振的控制效果。仿真结果验证了机械谐振特性理论分析的正确性,同时也验证了陷波滤波器的有效性及局限性。陷波滤波器在对机械谐振产生抑制的同时,还会在系统中引入两个不同频率的谐振,进而无法完全消除谐振的影响。 相似文献
B.Eng. Julian Imp Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergej Rempel M.Sc. Michael Mikoschek 《Beton- und Stahlbetonbau》2023,118(10):735-743
Calcium sulfate based top layers in timber-concrete composite ceillings For ecological reasons, the timber-concrete composite construction method with notched connection was optimized by replacing the conventional reinforced concrete with a top layer based on calcium sulfate and reinforcement made of basalt fibers. In this paper, the basic properties of calcium sulfate as a binder are first explained, followed by experimental component tests investigating the load-bearing behavior by means of shear and bending tests, drawing a comparison with conventional reinforced concrete top layers. As a result, comparable load-bearing capacities and stiffness were achieved compared to steel-reinforced concrete top layers. Long-term bending tests over a period of about two years showed approximately equal deflections. Finally, special features of the practical construction application are pointed out. 相似文献
通过开展光滑试样和不同V型缺口试样载荷控制下的蠕变-疲劳试验,研究了载荷水平、保载时间、缺口尺寸对316H不锈钢在600℃试验温度下蠕变-疲劳寿命的影响及缺口效应,探讨了ASME BPVC III-NH卷中316不锈钢蠕变-疲劳考核准则对于316H缺口试样的适用性。结果表明:316H不锈钢蠕变-疲劳寿命在短时保载下表现出缺口削弱作用,长时保载下表现出缺口强化作用;随着保载时间的增加,可观察到断口处裂纹扩展区凹坑和凸起变多,瞬断区韧窝变大变深;根据现有的试验结果,ASME规范中316不锈钢蠕变-疲劳考核准则适用于缺口构件。 相似文献
Mattia Zanni Alessandro Morri Lorella Ceschini 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2022,45(1):113-132
A new model for the high cycle notch fatigue strength prediction of tool steels subjected to axial loading is proposed, based on previous literatures studies and experimental tests carried out on six different tool steels, including rotating bending fatigue tests on notched specimens, fractographic analyses, hardness, residual stress, and roughness measurements. The novelty is the assumption that surface defects are the main cause of notch fatigue failures of such steels. A probabilistic approach was implemented by modeling size distributions of defects, resulting in the prediction of normal distributions of fatigue strength. Like to other previous models, the effect of steel hardness, surface residual stress, notch severity, and specimen size was also taken into account. Model calibration and validation were performed using the data collected by the experimental activity. Model behavior was investigated by performing a sensitivity analysis, aiming to verify the response to variations of the considered input variables. Prediction errors of only 1.3% (on average) and 3.1% (maximum) resulted from the comparison between model-predicted and experimental notch fatigue strength. 相似文献
The management of chronic liver diseases (CLDs) remains a challenge, and identifying effective treatments is a major unmet medical need. In the current review we focus on the pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG1)/delta like non-canonical notch ligand 1 (DLK1) axis as a potential therapeutic target to attenuate the progression of these pathological conditions. PTTG1 is a proto-oncogene involved in proliferation and metabolism. PTTG1 expression has been related to inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrogenesis in cancer and experimental fibrosis. On the other hand, DLK1 has been identified as one of the most abundantly expressed PTTG1 targets in adipose tissue and has shown to contribute to hepatic fibrosis by promoting the activation of hepatic stellate cells. Here, we extensively analyze the increasing amount of information pointing to the PTTG1/DLK1 signaling pathway as an important player in the regulation of these disturbances. These data prompted us to hypothesize that activation of the PTTG1/DLK1 axis is a key factor upregulating the tissue remodeling mechanisms characteristic of CLDs. Therefore, disruption of this signaling pathway could be useful in the therapeutic management of CLDs. 相似文献