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德国应用科学大学(FH)是德国高等教育体系的重要组成部分。在应用型人才培养方面,德国FH以能力为核心的实践教学模式具有值得借鉴的成功经验。为此,在分析高校机械工程实践教学特点与现状的基础上,通过对FH的应用型本科教育特点的总结,提出中国应用型高校应强化工程实践教学环节,注重实践教学内涵及改革实践教学方法,以提高学生的实践能力、创新能力和社会适应能力。  相似文献   
本文通过开发大型软件系统的六个阶段,阐述一种进行功能分析和系统设计的综合方法论,包括它的技术和应用这些技术的过程,并结合程控电话交换系统的实例,作了探讨.表明了软件工程不仅是一种需要继续发展的理论,而且已经成为一种工程实践的活动.  相似文献   
齐岳 《发电设备》2007,21(5):403-406
对火电厂电气监控系统间隔层设备的通信接口方式及通信协议进行了介绍,并指出了其特点及发展方向。  相似文献   
冶金企业实施国家安居工程在目前建设资金十分紧张的情况下靠自身的优势,走内涵挖潜的路子是十分有效的。在建设过程中充分发挥广大工程技术人员的作用,在设计和设计管理上给予强有力的保证非常重要。  相似文献   
层状硅酸盐经过有机化相容处理后,通过聚合插层法或熔体插层法将无机层状硅酸盐与聚酯复合,形成新的层状硅酸盐聚酯纳米复合材料。纳米聚酯的种类包括属于饱和聚酯的PET、PBT、PTT、PCT、PC、PLA及属于不饱和聚酯的各种配方。纳米聚酯材料在塑料、包装、纤维、农业等领域的诸多应用,如塑料啤酒瓶、PET工程塑料、抗茵纤维、回收再生料、纳米PC塑料、抗菌不饱和树脂制品等,使其具有巨大的开发应用价值。  相似文献   
文章分析了学生学习工程制图前的思维习惯,分析了现行教学方法中培养学生空间思维能力的方法和环节的欠缺之处,并提出了加强培养学生空间思维的方法。  相似文献   
In the micro drilling of precision miniature holes, the formation of exit burrs is a topic of interest, especially for ductile materials. Because such burrs are difficult to remove, it is important to be able to predict various burr types and to employ burr minimisation schemes that consider burrs’ micro-scale characteristics. In the present work, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used to predict the formation of burrs in the micro drilling of copper and brass, along with burr formation/optimisation analysis specialised for micro drills. The influence of cutting conditions, including cutting speed, feed and drill diameter, upon exit micro burr characteristics such as burr size and type was observed, analysed and classified. Based on the results, an empirical equation to predict micro burr height is proposed herein. The classification results were compared with conventional burr cases using burr control charts. Then, micro burr types were predicted by means of an ANN, using the influential parameters as input vectors. The usefulness of the proposed scheme was demonstrated by comparing the experimental and prediction/analysis results.  相似文献   
低温切削技术及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万宏强 《煤矿机械》2007,28(3):90-92
低温切削是指在低温环境下进行的切削过程,它利用低温下材料的物理化学性质,实现特定的加工目的。分析了低温切削技术的特点及其制冷技术,阐述了机械制造领域中低温切削技术的研究成果及应用状况。  相似文献   
聚乙烯管材在矿区的推广和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱克容 《煤炭技术》2006,25(7):93-94
聚乙烯(PE100)管材在建筑中的设计理论和施工技术等方面取得了很大的发展和完善,并积累了丰富的实践经验,促使聚乙烯管材在建筑给排水管道工程中占据了相当重要的位置,并形成一种势不可挡的发展趋势。PE100管是采用先进的生产工艺和技术,通过热挤塑而成型,具有耐腐蚀、内壁光滑、流动阻力小、强度高、柔韧性好、重量轻、卫生等特点。  相似文献   
Monitoring data from the Three Gorges Project show that the resulted tensile stresses are mainly distributed within the front section of the internal anchoring section which is often measuring 2.5 m in length. The composition of two early strength cement grout mixes marked as R3350 and R7350 was successfully developed to accelerate anchoring facilities installation and to reduce its intervention with the shiplock construction. It was measured that the ground water pH value in the sidewall slopes of the permanent navigation shiplock during the construction period was close to 8. Based on those characteristics it is concluded that the groundwater is weakly corrosive to steel material and will appear as non-corrosive to the steel wire strands embedded in the cement grout set. The advanced model of 3 MN unbonded anchor cables with double anti-corrosion protection (including the corrugated pipe) is developed to meet the needs of stabilizing the high sidewall rock slopes of the permanent navigation shiplock on the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   
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