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在异构分级式认知传感器网络中,为提高数据分组的传输成功率,提出将节点划分为具备持续传输条件和不具备持续传输条件两类,两类节点分别以牺牲较多能耗和分配较优信道的方式提高数据分组的传输成功率,并由此得到一种集中式信道分配策略.为了降低节点在信息传输过程中每比特平均能耗,对数据分组自适应调节机制进行了优化,确保不具备持续传输条件的节点得到最优的传输数据分组大小.仿真结果证明,提出的分配策略和优化机制能够有效提高能量的使用效率,改善网络性能.  相似文献   
IPTV,video-phone,video-conference,distance learn-ing,distance medical ,e-governmental affairs ,etc .will be-come commonthings in people' s daily life with the fastdevelopment of Internet technology.During this processextra-capacity of fiber communication …  相似文献   
Aslegalconfirmationofbankcheck,sealimprintsare usedinOrientalcountries.Manymethodsonautomatic sealimprintverificationbyacomputerhavebeenan nounced[14],ofwhich,however,mostcannotbeapplied directly,becausetheydealwiththoseoftheimagesof onlyasealimprintother…  相似文献   
The GaNis a semiconductor material witha widefor-bidden band(Eg=3.36eV).It has many unique advan-tages such as high electron drift velocity,small dielectricconstant,goodthermal conduction et al.It is a favorablematerial for making electric devices with hi…  相似文献   
This paper devoted to report the design and the achievement of an optical communication subsystem with 12 parallel channels in one chip. The system is capable of,transmitting 10 Gbps bidirectional date over hundreds of meters. It can provide error detection and correction by using 8B/10B encoding and Cyclical Redundancy Checking (CRC) encoding when only single-channel fails. The design scheme has already passed the simulation in FPGA. This technique is useful to enhance the capability and the reliability of the very short reach (VSR) transmission systems.  相似文献   
Ti me of flight mass spectrometer(TOF-MS) is verysuccessful apparatus to detect clusterions[1-3].It isknown protonatedions are easy to formedin multipho-tonionization( MPI)[4 ,5].Acetoneis the si mplest molecule in the ketones ,it isvery popularinvestigat…  相似文献   
This paper presents an investigation into using a combination of two alternative digital number representations; the residue number system (RNS) and the signed-digit (SD) number representation in digital arithmetic circuits. The combined number system is called RNS/SD for short. Since the performance of RNS/SD arithmetic circuits depends on the choice of the moduli set (a set of pairwise prime numbers), the purpose of this work is to compare RNS/SD number systems based on different sets. Five specific moduli sets of different lengths are selected. Moduli-set-specific forward and reverse RNS/SD converters are introduced for each of these sets. A generic conversion technique for moduli sets consisting of any number of elements is also presented. Finite impulse response (FIR) filters are used as reference designs in order to evaluate the performance of RNS/SD processing. The designs are evaluated with respect to delay and circuit area in a commercial 0.13 μm CMOS process. For the case of FIR filters it is shown that generic moduli sets with five or six moduli results in designs with the best area × delay products.
Lars Bengtsson (Corresponding author)Email:
通过对影响音视频产品安全测试的主要条件分析,帮助检测人员更好地理解这些主要测试条件,并在音视频产品的安全检测中,能对这些条件进行最不利的组合,确保产品达到标准的安全要求.  相似文献   
蒋民 《电子测试》2016,(13):167-168
资产证券化凭借其独特的交易机制,已经成为发达国家资本市场的主流融资手段,更是全球领域最重要的金融创新之一。它不但为市场机制作用的发挥奠定了基础,而且充分体现了金融市场一体化的客观要求。信息化条件下,资产证券化快速渗透到社会经济领域的各个层面,对经济运行效率能够产生深远的影响。  相似文献   
深层发酵灵芝生物工程技术与产品研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了深层发酵灵芝(Ganoderma Lucidum)工艺条件;基质中强化锌(Zn)、硒(Se)和测试中试菌种质量指标、最佳发酵条件:温度28℃±1℃、时间72h、基质WG、pH值(最终)3.8左右、锌(Zn)、硒(Se)。加入量分别为8mg/L、4mg/L  相似文献   
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