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Many video-based techniques for assessing postures at work have been developed. Choosing the most appropriate technique should be based on an evaluation of different alternatives in terms of their ability to produce posture information at low input costs, i.e. their cost efficiency. This study compared four video-based techniques for assessing upper arm postures, using cost and error data from an investigation on hairdressers. Labour costs associated with the posture assessments from the video recordings were the dominant factor in the cost efficiency comparison. Thus, a work sampling technique associated with relatively large errors appeared, in general, to be the most cost-efficient because it was labour-saving. Measurement bias and other costs than labour cost for posture assessment influenced the ranking and economic evaluation of techniques, as did the applied measurement strategy, i.e. the numbers of video recordings and repeated assessments of them. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: The cost efficiency of four video-based techniques for assessing upper arm postures was compared. Work sampling techniques were in general more cost efficient than continuous observations since they were labour-saving. Whilst a labour cost dominated the comparison, 'hidden costs', bias and measurement strategy also influenced this dominance.  相似文献   
该文根据球面上一点切平面的方程和平移变换,对空间任一点P(x0,y0,z0),分P点为坐标原点和P点不是坐标原点两种情形,给出了到平面π:Ax By Cz D=0的距离公式d=|Ax0 By0 Cz0 D|/√A2 B2 C2 的一种新证法.  相似文献   
张华  裘雪红 《微机发展》2006,16(4):67-68
文中研究表明,反映说话人特征信息的特征参数矢量的各个分量通常具有不同的分布,对正确识别说话人身份的有效性是有差别的。文中通过增减分量的方法对LPCCEP的各维分量进行分析,得到一个关于LPCCEP参数各维分量的平均贡献序列,将此序列运用于WDMVQ有助于系统识别率的提高。  相似文献   
Based on the dynamic anti-windup strategy, an alternative control methodology for state constrained systems is presented. The proposed method is an a posteriori approach for state constrained systems, which is differentiated from the usual a priori approach. That is, first a linear controller is designed to show a desirable nominal performance by ignoring state constraints. Then, an additional compensator is introduced to account for state constraints. By minimizing a reasonable performance index, a dynamic compensator is derived explicitly, which is expressed in plant and controller parameters. The proposed method not only provides a graceful performance degradation, but it also guarantees the total stability of the resulting systems. An illustrative example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
In this paper, a historical overview of significant attempts to get over the software crisis is presented. In particular, we trace the development of lifecycle models and information systems development methodologies during the last four decades. Finally, we explore the role of measurements and outline current and future works leading to process and product improvement.  相似文献   
介绍了测控系统中,根据各点采样数据似合出线性函数并过滤采样数据的干扰以提高系统可靠性。  相似文献   
外施交流电压是电力设备绝缘检测的一种重要的方法,文章论述了交流电压下电力设备绝缘计算机检测下数字信号的处理技术。  相似文献   
激光三角法位移传感器测头设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以直射式激光三角测头为例,导出了满足Scheimpfiag成象条件下的待测面位移与象位移间的准确关系,作为仪器结构参数设计的基础,并对提高测量精度和实用性的各项改进设计进行了分析。  相似文献   
This paper introduces a high precision 7m laser measuring instrument developedby the anthors and its operating principle,and systematically analyses the errors havinginfluence on the performance of the measuring instrument.Error analysis and actualverification indicate that all the characteristics reached or exceeded the original designspecifications.  相似文献   
本文叙述了示波器的测量方法,并对测量结果的不确定度进行分析评定。  相似文献   
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