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裂缝是水工混凝土结构常见病害之一,针对水工混凝土结构运行期的裂缝问题,应用粗集理论,结合实测资料,对裂缝产生的主要原因进行了系统地研究,提出了裂缝成因挖掘的粗集方法.  相似文献   
In this paper, an image edge detection method based on multi-fractal spectrum analysis is presented. The coarse grain H?lder exponent of the image pixels is first computed. then, its multi-fractal spectrum is estimated by the kernel estimation method. Finally, the image edge detection is done by means of different multi-fractal spectrum values. Simulation results show that this method is efficient and has better locality compared with the traditional edge detection methods such as the Sobel method. __________ Translated from Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2004, 31(4): 28–33  相似文献   
在产品设计规则和计算式中,常存在一些只能在某一范围内取值的待定系数(设为a,且a∈[aL,aH]).a的取值通常受到多种因素的影响和约束,而这种约束往往带有模糊性.为此,首先根据设计规则中各种影响因素对a的模糊约束关系,分别构造两者的备择集以及备择集元素在其论域上的模糊集合,然后基于模糊综合决策方法来确定a.本方法剔除了以往在解决这一问题时,由人来决定a取值的主观性,适用于产品的智能化设计.  相似文献   
设f(z)是C上全纯自映射,0和是它的本性奇点,其中本文讨论f(z)的完全不变域的性质,证明了如果D是f(z)的完全不变域,那么D一定是二连通的且D包含了的奇异值集;此外,如果f(z)是有限型的,则D=F(f).由此结论可以推出f(z)最多只有一个完全不变域在F(f)中  相似文献   
This paper illustrates extensively the theoretical properties, the implementation issues, and the programming style underlying finitary programs. They are a class of normal logic programs whose consequences under the stable model semantics can be effectively computed, despite the fact that finitary programs admit function symbols (hence infinite domains) and recursion. From a theoretical point of view, finitary programs are interesting because they enjoy properties that are extremely unusual for a nonmonotonic formalism, such as compactness. From the application point of view, the theory of finitary programs shows how the existing technology for answer set programming can be extended from problem solving below the second level of the polynomial hierarchy to all semidecidable problems. Moreover, finitary programs allow a more natural encoding of recursive data structures and may increase the performance of credulous reasoners.  相似文献   
本文研究描述混合Bose-Einstein凝聚的耦合Cross-Pitaevskii方程组的Cauchy问题,利用不变集理论,得到了混合Bose-Einstein凝聚的不稳定性。  相似文献   
借助Lyapunov函数稳定性理论研究了简化Lorenz混沌系统的全局吸引集,得到了它的界估计。通过了计算机模拟,数值模拟验证了计算理论的可行性。  相似文献   
We discuss a method of evaluating fuzzy clustering algorithms. Each of them generates a partition matrix of a data set with the entries lying in the [0, 1] interval and expressing the grade of belonging of the object to the clusters detected. Membership functions of the same cluster are interpreted as probabilistic sets in the sense of Hirota. This makes it possible to characterize the clusters by means of the entropy of the corresponding probabilistic sets. Moreover, the mutual entropy of pairs of probabilistic sets provides an index for evaluating the degree of interaction between clusters.  相似文献   
煤制乙二醇技术进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了目前乙二醇生产工艺技术的现状和发展动向,指出了石油乙烯路线是目前乙二醇工业生产的主要工艺。同时,着重介绍了中国科学院福建物质结构研究所与企业合作,率先在国内外实现工业化的煤制乙二醇的成套技术。该技术符合我国缺油、少气、煤炭资源相对丰富的资源特点,可利用煤炭资源生产乙二醇,代替目前的石油乙烯路线,将有效缓解我国乙二醇产品供需矛盾,逐步实现我国以煤代油生产乙二醇的战略目标,节省大量石油资源,对国家的能源和化工产业产生重要积极影响,代表了当今煤化工领域的前沿发展方向之一。  相似文献   
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