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无线网络中基于最高向量权独立集的分群算法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
ad hoc 网络是多跳无线网络,网络节点通信不依赖于预先架设的固定设施,这种动态网络的重要特点是寻找好的路由算法,基于群的算法是最有效和可伸缩的.然而,由于高度动态拓扑且缺少固定架构,系统重构经常是不可避免的,因此,尽可能长时间使拓扑稳定是至关重要的.极大独立集(MWIS)是一个分群算法,用于将整个网络划分为群,每个群选举一个群首.基于MWIS,提出了最高向量权独立集(HVWIS)算法.首先,每一节点被分配一个向量权,其动机是要考虑相邻节点的多个因素;其次,算法使用了模糊决策模型.这样,群首形成了一个最高向量权独立集,确定了其拓扑和其稳定性.本文证明了HVWIS 算法的正确性并分析了其时间复杂度. 相似文献
基于Niederreiter纠错码的公钥密码体制的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
二十多年来,纠错码成功地用于构造诸多纠错码公钥密码体制。文中首先研究了N公钥体制的性能指标,给出了它的计算机模拟曲线;通过分析N公钥体制的安全性,给出了一种攻击N公钥体制的新方法;然后探讨M公钥体制与N公钥体制的内在关系,揭示了它们之间安全性等价的事实,给出了M公钥与N公钥体制性能比较的结果。 相似文献
In this paper, we address the traffic grooming problem in WDM mesh networks when the offered traffic is characterized by a set of traffic matrices—a variant of dynamically changing traffic. We justify the need to address this problem in mesh networks and also argue for the validity of our approach to solve this problem. Our primary objective is to design the network in terms of the number of wavelengths and transceivers required to support any offered traffic matrix. We provide a simple and generic framework to minimize the number of transceivers needed in the network. Simulation results have been presented in contrast with a possible approach, to enable comparison with our solution strategy. An ILP formulation of our approach is also presented. 相似文献
粗糙集理论能够在分析大量经验数据基础上找到用于判断决策的规则,同时允许决策对象中存在一些不太完整的属性,并通过推理得出基本上确定的规则。将粗糙集理论与交通控制结合起来,对交通控制过程中的属性进行了分析,并将粗糙集理论的知识获取和决策分析算法应用到交通信号控制中,提出了一种系统的交通信号控制知识获取和决策的方法,是在解决城市交通状况决策问题上的一次有益的尝试。 相似文献
Xiao Yun Han Chongzhao Zheng Qinghua Zhang Junjie 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2006,23(6):901-905
A new method called RS-MSVM (Rough Set and Multi-class Support Vector Machine) is proposed for network intrusion detection. This method is based on rough set followed by MSVM for attribute reduction and classification respectively, The number of attributes of the network data used in this paper is reduced from 41 to 30 using rough set theory. The kernel function of HVDM-RBF (Heterogeneous Value Difference Metric Radial Basis Function), based on the heterogeneous value difference metric of heterogeneous datasets, is constructed for the heterogeneous network data. HVDM-RBF and one-against-one method are applied to build MSVM. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) intrusion detection evaluating data were used in the experiment. The testing results show that our method outperforms other methods mentioned in this paper on six aspects: detection accuracy, number of support vectors, false positive rate, falsc negative rate, training time and testing time. 相似文献
Zheng Yaohui 《现代通信》1997,(8)
问与答·问:日本驰电达牌C260型对讲机发生屏幕显示CL符号,各功能键操作无效的故障,更换锂电池后故障依旧,请提供有关分析及解决方法。答:根据所述故障现象,C260型手持机屏幕出现“CL”符号,各功能键操作无效,除锂电池电量不足引起数据丢失外,极可能... 相似文献
高压发电机组在邮电系统应用的可行性探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
结合国外通信部门高压发电机组的使用民政部及国内通信发展的现状,探讨高压发电机组作为备用电源在国内大的通信局(站)使用的可行性,并对由此而构成的供电系统类型进行分析。 相似文献