A dandelion algorithm (DA) is a recently developed intelligent optimization algorithm for function optimization problems. Many of its parameters need to be set by experience in DA, which might not be appropriate for all optimization problems. A self-adapting and efficient dandelion algorithm is proposed in this work to lower the number of DA’s parameters and simplify DA’s structure. Only the normal sowing operator is retained; while the other operators are discarded. An adaptive seeding radius strategy is designed for the core dandelion. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance on the standard test functions with less time consumption than its competitive peers. In addition, the proposed algorithm is applied to feature selection for credit card fraud detection (CCFD), and the results indicate that it can obtain higher classification and detection performance than the-state-of-the-art methods.
共识机制是区块链技术的重要组成部分,但是主流的共识机制尤其是工作量证明共识机制都存在算力过度耗费和吞吐量低等问题. 而联邦学习作为一种分布式机器学习方法,学习模型的本地训练和最终的参与方贡献度计算都需要消耗大量算力资源. 因此,提出了一种支持自适应联邦学习任务的可信公平区块链框架TFchain,探索如何利用原本共识机制中耗费的大量算力来提高联邦学习的效率. 首先,设计了基于区块链和联邦学习的全新共识机制PoTF(proof of trust and fair),该共识机制将区块链的节点设置为联邦学习的参与方,将原本共识机制中用于哈希计算的大量无效算力转移到联邦学习中,进行本地模型的训练和参与方贡献度的评估;其次,在提高区块链交易吞吐量的同时,对联邦学习的参与方进行了合理的贡献度评估和激励;最后,设计了防止节点作恶的算法. 实验结果表明,提出的TFchain能够在回收算力的同时有效提升区块链的交易处理性能,对积极参与联邦学习的参与方进行有效正向的激励.