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多级和多程脉冲激光放大器的逆问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张彬  吕百达 《中国激光》1997,24(6):495-500
采用脉冲分割模型和逐次逼近迭代法,对任意空间和时间分布波形的激光通过任意增益分布多级和多程激光放大系统传输的逆问题,即给定输出脉冲和多级/多程放大系统参数,求输入脉冲波形和能量密度,作了详细研究和计算模拟  相似文献   
本文提出了一种新的利用跨导运放OTA精确实现电压-电流型硬限幅函数神经元方法,它的主要特点是容易实现、且神经元的输幅可调。  相似文献   
周运恒 《钻采工艺》2008,31(3):75-77
蒸汽驱如何提高井组产液量,使采注比≥1.2是成功的关键,对深层稠油油田蒸汽驱而言更为重要。文章以高升油田蒸汽驱先导性试验为例,蒸汽驱后,油层温度大幅度提高,生产井井底温度高达200℃~300℃,引发出一系列新问题为背景,阐述其形成的原因并在此分析的基础上,针对蒸汽驱采油工艺上的难点和出现的主要问题,开展了相关配套技术研究及部分研究成果试验应用,进而提出了一套适合深层稠油蒸汽驱提高排液能力的方式与方法,为下一步深层稠油蒸汽驱采油工艺技术配套提供依据。  相似文献   
The aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbines are closely related to the geometry of their blades. The innovation and the technological development of wind turbine blades can be centred on two tendencies. The first is to improve the shape of existing blades; the second is to design new shapes of blades. The aspiration in the two cases is to achieve an optimal circulation and hence enhancing some more ambitious aerodynamic characteristics. This paper presents an inverse design procedure, which can be adapted to both thin and thick wind turbine blade sections aiming to optimise the geometry for a prescribed distribution of bound vortices. A method for simulating the initial contour of the blade section is exposed, which simultaneously satisfy the aerodynamic and geometrical constraints under nominal conditions. A detailed definition of the function characterising the bound vortex distribution is presented. The inviscid velocity field and potential function distributions are obtained by the singularities method. In the design method implemented, these distributions and the circulation of bound vortices on the camber line of the blade profile, are used to rectify its camber in an iterative calculation leading to the final and optimal form of the blade section once convergence is attained. The scheme proposed has been used to design the entire blade of the wind turbine for a given span-wise distribution of bound circulation around the blade contour.  相似文献   
柳青 《能源工程》2006,(3):21-23
通过对杭州市用水现状和节水管理中的问题剖析,提出解决杭州市城市节水管理中的机构虚化、手段缺乏、法规不健全等主要问题,以促进城市节水工作的开展,使杭州真正成为“蓝天、碧水”环绕的绿色“节水型城市”。  相似文献   
We consider the general motion planning problem for a sub-Riemannian metric with one-step bracket-generating distribution. Our results generalize earlier results in the corank-one case. Mostly, we completely solve the problem in generic situation for corank smaller or equal to 3. Our results are constructive: we explicitly construct the asymptotically optimal solutions.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C17, 53C99, 93B29.The second author was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 0201099) and UR 03099.  相似文献   
Solar PV arrays made of interconnected modules are comparatively less susceptible to shadow problem and power degradation resulting from the aging of solar cells. This paper presents a simulation model for the sizing of stand-alone solar PV systems with interconnected arrays. It considers the electricity generation in the array and its storage in the battery bank serving the fluctuating load demand. The loss of power supply probability (LPSP) is used to connote the risk of not satisfying the load demand. The non-tracking (e.g., fixed and tilted) and single-axis tracking aperture arrays having cross-connected modules of single crystalline silicon solar cells in a (6×6) modular configuration are considered. The simulation results are illustrated with the help of a numerical example wherein the load demand is assumed to follow uniform probabilistic distribution. For a given load, the numbers of solar PV modules and batteries corresponding to zero values of LPSP on diurnal basis during the year round cycle of operation are presented. The results corresponding to the surplus and deficit of energy as a function of LPSP are also presented and discussed to assess the engineering design trade offs in the system components.Furthermore, a simple cost analysis has also been carried out, which indicates that for Delhi the stand-alone solar PV systems with fixed and tilted aperture arrays are better option than those with single-axis tracking aperture (with north–south oriented tracking axis) arrays.  相似文献   
The two-dimensional problem of a crack in thermoelectric materials is studied in this research. The general solution is derived based on the complex variable method. For the case of a crack subjected to remote electric current and heat flow, the solutions are obtained in closed-form. The results show that the fields of heat flow, electric current, and stress exhibit traditional square-root singularity at the crack tip. The remote electric current produces both type I and II stress intensity factor. Furthermore, the stress intensity factor has a linear relationship with the heat flux, but a non-linear relationship with the electric current.  相似文献   
In IaaS Cloud,different mapping relationships between virtual machines(VMs) and physical machines(PMs) cause different resource utilization,so how to place VMs on PMs to reduce energy consumption is becoming one of the major concerns for cloud providers.The existing VM scheduling schemes propose optimize PMs or network resources utilization,but few of them attempt to improve the energy efficiency of these two kinds of resources simultaneously.This paper proposes a VM scheduling scheme meeting multiple resource constraints,such as the physical server size(CPU,memory,storage,bandwidth,etc.) and network link capacity to reduce both the numbers of active PMs and network elements so as to finally reduce energy consumption.Since VM scheduling problem is abstracted as a combination of bin packing problem and quadratic assignment problem,which is also known as a classic combinatorial optimization and NP-hard problem.Accordingly,we design a twostage heuristic algorithm to solve the issue,and the simulations show that our solution outperforms the existing PM- or network-only optimization solutions.  相似文献   
0-1背包问题是组合优化领域里的一个典型问题,是属于易于描述却难于解决的NP难题,有效解决0-1背包问题具有重要意义。首先给出了0-1背包问题的描述,然后详细介绍了回溯法和分支限界法的算法思想和搜索策略,并对两种算法进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   
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