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利用Laguerre超群K上的广义次拉普拉斯算子L定义K上的Riesz位势,并证明它是Lp(1p+∞)有界和弱(1,1)有界的,即证明K上的Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev不等式.它为进一步分析K上的偏微分方程问题提供了一个有利的工具.  相似文献   
董琰 《计算机工程与设计》2012,33(4):1591-1594,1681
为了解决高维小样本数据的分类中Fisherface思想判别分析方法的不足,在最大散度差准则的基础上,提出了利用多线性子空间技术对每类样本进行单独描述的方法,该方法能更准确地反映样本在类内类间的分布关系.在分类中不是以距离作为判别依据,而是按照贝叶斯决策规则得到的隶属置信度作为衡量标准.实验结果表明了该方法的有效性,和同类方法相比,有更高的识别率.  相似文献   
It is shown that a stochastic matrix operator (quantum measurement matrix) may be considered in some cases as a density matrix. Results of measurements in the form of figure numbers, interconnected with a matrix of quantum measurements, are similar to quantum observable quantities determined in quantum statistical theory. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 3–8, December, 2006.  相似文献   
Metal matrix composites reinforced by three-dimensional (3-D) continuous network structure reinforcement (3DCNRMMC) are difficult to machine due to serious tool wear and poor surface roughness caused by the brittle and hard reinforcement which interpenetrate into ductile matrix. In order to achieve the approach of low cost of 3DCNRMMC, the machinability of it needs to be understood. The influences of three cutting parameters and volume fraction of reinforcement on cutting force were analyzed in detail. The results indicate that: (1) Due to the brittle phase(s) introduced into ductile matrix of composites, there is a large fluctuation of cutting force causing deterioration of machinability. The fluctuation ranges of cutting forces, initially increase rapidly with the increase of volume fraction of reinforcement and then decrease finally, are largest at the range of the volume fraction of 55–65%; (2) The influence of cutting parameters on cutting force is obvious. With the increases of cutting speed, cutting force decreases gradually unless cutting speed exceeds the value of 209 m/min. Cutting forces increase with increasing feed rate and depth of cut; (3) Owing to the large fluctuation of cutting force, there were some cratered surfaces caused by Si3N4 reinforcement pulling-out and flaking-off. Some brittle phase protruding from the machined surface caused the deterioration of machined surface.  相似文献   
同余方程组是数论中一个极为有用的课题。文中考虑的是具有一个未知数而具有不同的模的一次同余方程组。一般可以用中国剩余定理或者递推算法等方法给出一次同余方程组的解法。利用矩阵的初等变换和矩阵的Sm ith标准形给出了求解一次同余方程组的一种矩阵解法。  相似文献   
介绍了测控系统中,根据各点采样数据似合出线性函数并过滤采样数据的干扰以提高系统可靠性。  相似文献   
给出矩阵方程AX=B的反问题具有正定实方阵解的充要条件以及解的一般形式.  相似文献   
本文根据可靠性原理,导出了精密滚动直线导轨系统额定寿命的计算方法,具有重要的工程应用价值.  相似文献   
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