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In this study, we measured growth trends in oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios in whole sagittal otoliths from three adult centropomid fish (Lates stappersii) from each of three sub-basins of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Sampling density was 20 to 50 samples per otolith. Both δ18O and δ13C values increase with age. The δ18O data suggest that otoliths were precipitated near the expected equilibrium with the ambient environment (ca. +3.5‰) and support a migration pattern from surface waters during larval stages to deeper waters (40 to 80 m) for mature fish. Relatively high δ18O values in the southern sub-basin are consistent with cooler temperatures in the region during seasonal upwelling. The δ13C increase from otolith core to edge is large (up to 4‰) and is interpreted as due to ontogenetic changes in diet and contributions from a decrease in the proportion of respired CO2 incorporated into otolith carbonate as metabolic rates of the fish dropped with maturity. The data seem to successfully reveal life strategy and migration patterns of L. stappersii, document regional differences in lake conditions, and provide a record of temperature within the water column during which the fish lived. Higher resolution studies and analyses of historical samples could be used to constrain modern and past growth patterns, and to reconstruct past temperature gradients and productivity patterns in the lake.  相似文献   
In recent years, the Asia-Pacific region has experienced several financial setbacks, including speculative attacks in 1998 and the SARS outbreak in 2003. Financial stresses of this nature are unanticipated, and not all of the dangers can be predicted by the examination of market information and macroeconomic indicators. The Early Warning System (EWS) that has been adopted by the International Monetary Fund may not be able to predict future financial crises for all possible scenarios, because shocks come in many different forms. To supplement the EWS, this paper proposes a data mining framework to measure the resilience of an economy. The resilience framework does not predict a crisis, but rather assesses the current state of health of an economy and its ability to withstand a financial shock should one occur. The framework is based on a feedback system consisting of two stages. The first stage assigns a resilience score to each economy based on a fuzzy logic scoring scheme that is built on the ambiguous reasoning of experts. The second stage uses the classification tree approach to estimate thresholds for each economic indicator, and examines the quality of the fuzzy score. The result from the second stage is then passed back to the first stage as feedback. The final result is obtained when the feedback system reaches its equilibrium state. The proposed resilience framework is applied to the external-sector and the public-sector economies of several countries to illustrate its applicability.  相似文献   
The introduction of multiple, independent production lines has helped many firms to increase their production flexibility, provide for redundancy when equipment breaks down, reduce idle time and labor costs, and achieve many other benefits. This paper introduces and formalizes the multiple U-line balancing problem. Optimal solution methodologies are provided for Type I (minimize the number of stations for a given cycle time), Type II (minimize the cycle time for a given number of stations), and cost-minimization line-balancing problems. A branch-and-bound algorithm is also developed for the situation in which equipment requirements are dependent on the line configuration and the task assignment to stations. Computational results indicate that the greatest benefit of exploiting multiple lines occurs for smaller cycle-time problems that require higher output.  相似文献   
Due to clearly distinguishable damage symptoms, it is differentiated between the surface and sub‐surface failure mode of rolling bearings. Material states red out by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) residual stress measurements point to a variety of loading conditions especially at raceway surfaces that are associated with several competing failure mechanisms. The corresponding lifetime reduction can range from the lower fatigue strength region to material ratcheting in extreme cases. Relevant position of the microstructural changes and nature of the failure mechanisms are characterized. The time alteration of the XRD material parameters measured at or near the surface and at the depth of the maximum equivalent stress correlates, in a different manner, with the statistical parameter of the 10 % bearing life. Both failure modes are illustrated by concrete examples. Contaminated lubricant and boundary lubrication, which represent practically important surface‐induced failures, are discussed in more detail. Gray staining, i.e. shallow pitting, often occurs without distinct indication of global material aging by means of XRD characteristics. Here, scanning electron microscopy observations and electron microprobe analyses point to corrosion fatigue as acting surface failure mechanism. The interaction between material and lubricant under complex loading regimes particularly of mixed friction and corrosion opens further failure research areas in the field of tribology.  相似文献   
本文主要讨论现代箱包设计的风格定位及其流行趋势。  相似文献   
Poly(L-ornithine)s having various azo-contents in the side chains were synthesized by the water-soluble carbodiimide procedure. The photochemical properties of the polypeptides poly[Nδ-p-(phenylazo)benzoyl-L-ornithine] (PPABLO) containing 3–77 mol% azobenzene were investigated by absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopy in hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) or water, and in HFIP-water or methanol-water solvent mixtures. The photochromism of the dichroic bands of the PPABLOs containing 20–77 mol% azobenzene in the visible and ultraviolet wavelength regions was found to be mostly reversible as a function of irradiation time at different wavelengths due to the photostationary state (above 80% trans-cis photoisomerization) of the azo aromatic moieties. The PPABLO containing 3.2 mol% azobenzene in water exhibited conformational changes from random coil to helix by the addition of methanol or sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The photo-induced conformational change was observed in HFIP-water-SDS solvent mixtures, while no conformational change was seen in water and HFIP-water solvent mixtures.  相似文献   
Applicability of thin-layer headspace (TLHS) procedure giving an aqueous concentrate and also classical purge and trap (PT) in off-line mode to isolate and enrich volatile organohalogen compounds in common beverages was tested. Both enrichment tech-niques were used in combination with gas chromatography – electron capture detection (GC-ECD). TLHS, combined with direct aqueous injection (DAI)-GC-ECD, proved applicable in the determination of volatile organohalogen compounds in all studied beverages, while the PT in a version with no preliminary sample pre-treatment was of limited applicability. Detection limits of the TLHS-based procedure were in the order of 1 ppt. Content of volatile organohalogen compounds in a number of beverages available on the Polish market including mineral waters, beers, juices, carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks, etc. was determined by means of TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD.  相似文献   
A finite element formulation and the solution of a set of nonlinear coupled heat and mass transfer equations for a two-phase system with a moving evaporation interface is presented. The interface condition takes into account the moisture transfer balance at the moving boundary. The finite element results were compared with existing results for a single phase system for model validation. In the two-phase system, the movement of evaporation front has an appreciable effect on the temperature and moisture distribution inside the porous medium during drying. The effect of the nondimensional heat of vapourization parameter γ on the evaporation front, temperature and moisture distribution in porous medium was studied. The higher the value of γ, the slower is the movement of the evaporation front. The temperature decreased and the moisture content increased as the nondimensional vapourization parameter γ increased. This model has potential applications in studying the heat and mass transfer characteristics in food and biomaterials.  相似文献   
Criteria are established to determine the optimal policy for allocating a set of uniform tasks onto a multiprocessor hypercube ensemble. It is shown that the optimal policy depends on the ratio of computation to intertask communication required by the distributed program, and that based on this ratio, tasks should be placed either all on one processor or uniformly distributed over the largest possible hypercube.  相似文献   
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