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本文介绍以MAX038为基础而研制的宽频带函数波形产生器,它可以产生2 ̄2×^7Hz频率范围的正弦波、三角波、锯齿波和矩形波以及与它们同步的TTL脉冲信号。  相似文献   
In recent years, the concept of digital twin (DT) is attracting more and more attention from researchers and engineers. But there is still no consensus on what a right DT is. On one hand, some common models are renamed as DTs. On the other hand, some DTs extremely pursue ‘the same’ as physical objects, which bring unnecessary complexities to them. In this paper, we try to answer two questions from the point of view of model engineering: how to define a right digital twin, and how to build a right digital twin. The concept and related technologies of model engineering are introduced. Some basic principles and a set of metrics for a right DT are given. An evolutionary concurrent modeling method for DT (ECoM4DT) is proposed not only inheriting the theory from classic M&S methods but also highlighting the characteristics of DT compared with traditional models to systemically guide the DT modeling process.  相似文献   
弓奇 《表面技术》1992,21(5):216-218
介绍铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜颜色的概念和描写,对颜色的儿种测量方法进行了比较,重点分析观察法及其在各国标准中的异同。在此基础上,提出了GB8013中的对颜色进行观察的条件和理论根据。  相似文献   
DD—921钢铁常温发黑剂的研制和应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
戴龙田 《表面技术》1994,23(5):221-223
研究了钢铁常温发黑过程的成膜机理,各组分之间的作用以及相互之间的影响,着重分析了常温发黑的优缺点,工艺控制参数以及经济性。  相似文献   
研究了不同含量的碳纳米管及0.8%稀土Y对高Ni含量Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷组织性能的影响.将不同成分的试样分别于1400℃、1410 ℃、1420℃真空烧结,测试抗弯强度、洛氏硬度,观察背散射电子形貌、断口形貌并做能谱分析.结果表明,加入质量分数(下同)为0.8%Y及0.3%~1.0%的碳纳米管时,碳纳米管含量为0.5%的组织较均匀,芯壳结构明显,抗弯强度及硬度均较高.  相似文献   
萃取预分离法分离富铕中钇矿新工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用一种新的串级萃取方式--萃取预分离法分离富铕中钇矿的新工艺.原料首先流入十几的三出口预先粗分离工艺,其萃余液La~Gd(TbDy)直接流入Nd/Sm工艺;中间出口流入(Gd)Tb~HoY(Er)Gd~Dy/Ho~LuY细分离工艺;出口负载有机相(Ho)Er~LuY流入Gd~Dy/Ho~LuY的洗涤段.结果表明,新工艺的粗分离工艺将占原料约70%的La~Gd(TbDy)预分离掉,使流入Gd~Dy/Ho~LuY工艺的稀土量减少约70%;由于Gd~Dy/Ho~LuY分组的萃余液GdTbDy含Ho2O3小于0.03%,省去原工艺的GdTbDy/HoY分离;新工艺的处理能力提高30%,酸碱消耗减少20%以上,贵重稀土元素Eu和Tb的存槽量大大减少.  相似文献   
变频开关电源Fuzzy-PID控制器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄晓林 《机床与液压》2005,(12):156-157,145
针对感应式变频开关电源在对金属材料进行热处理过程中,负载的等效参数和谐振频率发生变化,而变频电源的输出频率不能及时调整和跟踪的问题,结合PID和Fuzzy控制技术的优点,设计Fuzzy-PID控制器对变频电源进行控制,在大偏差时用Fuzzy控制,在小偏差时用PID调节。Fuzzy-PID控制器以单片机8098为核心,采用SPWM专用芯片SA4828,实现变频开关电源的电压、电流双闭环控制,使变频电源不仅具有较快的动态响应、更小的超调,并且具有较高的稳态精度和频率跟踪控制特性。  相似文献   
孙春亮 《轻金属》2005,(9):26-28
针对铝电解原材料中AlF3与Al2O3自动配料不准和难于观察及控制的现象,我厂开发应用了AlF3贮仓料位计,并与微机网络相连,实现了远程测量与在线监控,使AlF3配料更准确更均匀,电解质分子比更稳定,电解槽生产低耗高效。  相似文献   
Assessment of contaminant releases during utilization of used oils is essential for the determination of environmental acceptability. These paper reports the results of the study examining a toxic metal leachability from used engine oil and sludge samples employing leaching test (TCLP). The leaching test indicated that lead in oil samples exceeded 5-ppm concentration level what qualified them as a toxic waste. The samples of contaminated sludge were found to contain high concentration of total lead, barium and chromium, but the leaching test showed concentration below regulatory limit. The total content of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BETX), and naphthalene in used oil and sludge samples was also determined and was found not to be a significant factor to contamination.  相似文献   
The irreversibly bound interfacial layer deposited by the γ-aminopropysilanetriol adhesion promoter onto a crystalline silicon substrate, which remains even after profuse washing, was found by XPS to have resulted from the fragmentation and rearrangement of the original γ-aminopropylsilanetriol molecule. A mechanism is proposed, involving the homolytic scission of the terminal N-C bond. One of the subsequent reactions is believed to involve hydrogen loss by abstraction and the formation of a terminal vinyl group, which bonds to the substrate. Support for this mechanism is found in IR spectroscopy of this layer.  相似文献   
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