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Changes in the liquid hold-up, ?, and the diameter of d, of a foam that are induced by perforated plates (PPs) and the contribution of PPs to foam-breaking were studied. A foaming system containing a dilute detergent solution in a column with mechanical agitation fitted with a rotating-disk foam-breaker (MFRD) was used. After the foam passed through the PPs, ? and d decreased and increased, respectively. The use of PPs to achieve a maximum reduction in ? and a maximum increase in d is confirmed. It is also demonstrated that use of PPs contributes not only to improving the foam-breaking performance of the MFRD, but also to power savings.  相似文献   
Considering the randomness or interval character of physical parameters and applied loads of composite pressure vessels (COPV), the COPV reliability-analyzing model is built. And then the computational expressions for the mean value, standard deviation and deviation of fiber stress are deduced by the random factor method. The probabilistic and interval reliability designs on COPV are implemented by utilizing the probabilistic method and interval method combined with the improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, respectively. The influence of fluctuation of structure uncertain parameters on COPV design thickness is inspected. Finally, examples are given to demonstrate that both probabilistic and interval reliability methods can satisfy the safety requirement and both are of higher rationality than the traditional safety factor method. And probabilistic method has a lower relative error but a higher computational complexity contrasted with the interval method.  相似文献   
设φ:Rn →Rn 是一个线性映射,对任意x∈Rn ,都存在与x有关的线性保控映射ψx ,使得φ(x)=ψx(x),则称φ是欧氏空间上的一个线性局部保控映射。线性保控映射是线性局部保控映射,其逆命题不成立。文中定义了两个与φ相关的Rn的子集Iφ和IIφ,如果任意Rn上的点都属于Iφ(或IIφ),那么这个线性局部保控映射φ是线性保控映射。  相似文献   
在诗歌翻译中,译文会因为译者的不同在风格上表现出差异.然而,译文的质量不外乎经受形美、音美和意美的考量.译者应从本国读者的文化背景上结合时代的脉搏来进行“再创造”,做到形式、音律和意蕴的完美统一.歌德的诗歌《中德四季晨昏杂咏》(之八)的四种中文译本各有特色,均在不同程度上实现了“三美”的融合.  相似文献   
介绍了VB自带工具“打包和展开向导”的工作原理和过程,提出了用这个工具打包含有用户子目录程序时出现的问题,并针对这些问题设计了一个算法,通过修改“打包和展开向导”中setup1.exe的源程序,使得“打包和展开向导”在打包含用户子目录程序的过程简单而且不出现问题。  相似文献   
For production of fine-grained and corrosion-resistant tungsten carbide (WC) based cemented carbides, addition of chromium carbide (Cr33C2) in small amounts is standard practice. No systematic study, however, has been made of the effects of large additions (maximum 6 wt % ) of Cr3C2 as a substitute for tungsten carbide. This study focuses on the effect of hard-phase substitution by C3C2 in WC-1OCo cemented carbide. An attempt is also made to modify the binder metal cobalt by partial or complete substitution of nickel. Specimens were prepared using the standard liquid-phase sintering process and were tested for sintered porosity, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and microstructural parameters. Results confirm the findings of earlier workers regarding grain refinement and improvement of mechanical properties upon the addition of small amounts (<2 wt%) of Cr3C2. Modification of the binder phase improves indentation fracture toughness and corrosion resistance. Addition of Cr3C2 independent of the binder type improves corrosion resistance.  相似文献   
建构主义教学观与英美文学教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于传统教学观念的影响 ,在英美文学教学实践中 ,灌注式的教学模式一直比较通行 ,学生往往成为教学的客体与附庸 ,批判性和独立性受到压抑。建构主义教学观正是针对传统教学中这种弊端而提出的。本文从对传统英美文学教学的反思出发 ,提出了从外部研究走向多角度定义探讨和以教为中心到以学为中心的教学观 ,从而对当前英美文学教学改革的途径、方向与具体实施方法进行辨析 ,希望能对当前的英美文学教学改革工作有所触动。  相似文献   
为提高大小和数量都不确定的数据动态存储的空间利用率和处理速度,针对常规系统动态存储分配存在的问题,提出一种高效的动态存储再分配方案。通过减少系统动态存储分配的执行次数,在有效提高存储空间利用率的同时,提高存储空间动态分配的速度,给出动态存储再分配方案的具体实现算法,用实际数据对其性能进行测试。测试结果表明,该方案能节省36%至75%的系统存储空间,分配速度提高了20至50倍。  相似文献   
混合高斯模型背景法作为运动目标检测的一种经典方法,已经广泛应用于智能视频监控系统中。但是,传统的混合高斯模型背景法容易将阴影误检测为运动目标的一部分。因此,针对该方法在区分阴影和运动目标方面的不足,提出了一种将混合高斯模型背景法和HSV空间阴影抑制相结合的运动目标检测算法。这种改进算法首先将颜色空间转换到HSV空间,初步提取运动目标,然后再利用阴影的灰度值比背景中的灰度值小,而前景的灰度值比背景中灰度值大的特性,检测出运动目标中的阴影。实验结果表明,这种改进的算法明显提高了检测效果,有效抑制了阴影对运动目标检测的干扰,算法实时性也较好。  相似文献   
This paper explores the limitations of contemporary interface design and offers the potential of more profound forms of interaction by drawing on the rich and much older heritage of interactive art. Whilst HCI design is preoccupied with making the computer more simple to use, installation work, kinetic sculpture, and interactive multimedia art forms have generally been more concerned with the predicament of human/technological negotiation, whilst remaining a salient form of human communication. HCI activity sets out to make the complex systems of computing easy to understand and use, whilst interactive art often uses simple technology to make complex, inspiring and esoteric statements and experiences. In many ways the more simple and 'low resolution' the technology the more immersive, acute and intimate the experience. 'Low resolution' examples such as telephone-sex-lines are explored alongside more immersive systems, such as biofeedback interfaces, and other interactive experiments drawn from the 'technic' strand of art history.  相似文献   
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