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在介绍IPv6发展演进趋势的基础上,从业务透传、业务感知、IPv6协议栈支持等方面介绍了FTTx系统的IPv6改造阶段,最后给出了烽火通信FTTx系统IPv6的解决方案。  相似文献   
程广涛  张振山  胡坤  孔岩峰 《兵工学报》2011,32(8):1025-1029
为了控制传统往复泵式武器发射装置发射武器时产生的剧烈喷注噪声,基于空气弹簧理论,提出了蓄能式液压平衡发射装置的设计方案.设计方案采用高压气体作为能量存储媒介,易于工程实现.基于水压平衡式发射模块的数学模型,建立了蓄能式发射装置发射武器的内弹道模型,并开展了仿真计算.仿真表明改进发射装置可以顺利完成武器发射任务,发射时间...  相似文献   
A detail analysis of electrical and photoelectrical properties of hybrid organic–inorganic heterojunction solar cells poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)/n-Si, fabricated by spin-coating of the polymeric thin film onto oxide passivated Si(1 0 0) surface, was carried out within the temperature ranging from 283 to 333 K. The dominating current transport mechanisms were established to be the multistep tunnel-recombination and space charge limited current at forward bias and leakage current through the shunt resistance at reverse bias. A simple approach was developed and successfully applied for the correct analysis of the high frequency CV characteristics of hybrid heterojunction solar cells. The P3HT/n-Si solar cell under investigation possessed the following photoelectric parameters: Jsc = 16.25 mA/cm2, Voc = 0.456 V, FF = 0.45, η = 3.32% at 100 mW/cm2 AM 1.5 illumination. The light dependence of the current transport mechanisms through the P3HT/n-Si hybrid solar cells is presented quantitatively and discussed in detail.  相似文献   
The charge transport property of two triisopropylsilylethynyl anthracene (TIPSAnt) derivatives TIPSAntBt and TIPSAntNa (bithiophene and naphthalene are introduced at the 2, 6-positions of the TIPSAnt core) were explored through quantum chemical method. To gain a better understanding of the substituent effect on the charge transport property, the results of the parent molecule TIPSAnt was also provided here for comparison. The substituent effect on the molecular geometry, reorganization energy, frontier orbitals, ionization potential (IP) and electronic affinity (EA), crystal property, transfer integrals and charge mobility, band structure and effective mass of the two compounds were investigated to establish the relationship between structures and properties. The introduced bulky TIPS groups made the two compounds adopt two-dimensional, face-to-face, π-stacking structures. The efficient overlaps of π-orbital and smaller π-stacking distance are proved to be the main reason for the high charge mobility of TIPSAntBt and TIPSAntNa. The hole mobilities of TIPSAntBt and TIPSAntNa are 0.88 and 3.60 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively, which is well consistent with experiment values (0.2 and 3.7 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively). For TIPSAntBt, the electron mobility (1.29 cm2 V−1 s−1) is a little higher than that of hole due to the more effective transfer integrals of electron. On the contrary, the hole mobility of TIPSAntNa is 20 times larger than that of electron because of the smaller reorganization energy and larger transfer integral of hole, indicating that TIPSAntNa could be used as p-type semiconductor. For TIPSAntBt, the transfer integral is smaller than the reorganization energy, so the hopping mechanism plays a key role in the charge transport property. While the bandwidths and effective mass of TIPSAntNa agreed well with the calculated transfer integrals and charge mobility results. The introduced small substituents to TIPSAnt core contributed to the dramatically different charge transport property from an n-type semiconductor of TIPSAntBt to p-type semiconductor of TIPSAntNa, which shed light on molecular design for an n-type semiconductor through simple chemical structural modification.  相似文献   
A study of the mobility of n-doped wurtzite and zincblende ZnS is reported. We have determined nonequilibrium thermodynamic state of the ZnS—driven far away from equilibrium by a strong electric field—in the steady state. The dependence of the mobility (which depends on the nonequilibrium thermodynamic state of the sample) on the electric field strength is derived, which decreases with the strength of electric field. We analyzed the contributions to the mobility arising out of the different channels of electron scattering, namely, the polar optic, deformation, interactions with the phonons, and with ionized impurities. The case of n-ZnS WZ and ZB have been analyzed: as expected the main contribution comes from the polar-optic interactions in this strong-polar semiconductor. The other interactions are in decreasing order, the deformation acoustic and the one due to impurities.  相似文献   
《Organic Electronics》2014,15(2):524-530
The transient current holds rich information about carrier transport and is used to derive charge mobility in the time-of-flight (TOF) measurement. Because carriers have finite charge, all transient currents are space-charge-perturbed (SCP). Previous theories of transient SCP currents are derived by neglecting diffusion and assuming a constant mobility, which is unfit for organic materials because of the hopping behavior of carriers. Due to the lack of knowledge, we do not fully understand the results from TOF experiments, which hinders the understanding of the charge transport mechanisms. Here, we perform Monte Carlo simulations of multi-particle carrier movement to study the transient SCP currents in organic materials. Coulomb interactions are calculated, and it is assumed that multiple carriers cannot occupy the same site simultaneously. Our results show that space-charge perturbation has two opposite effects on charge transport. In most cases, the net result is slower carrier movement, which suggests that TOF measurements under SCP conditions underestimate the charge mobility of organic materials.  相似文献   
魏增来  李博 《电声技术》2006,(12):17-21
主要论述了在相关音频系统中,利用音频媒体矩阵处理器进行实时备份时有关的编程方式和技巧,同时表述了作者对如何利用该实时备份系统提高系统安全性的一些观点和建议。  相似文献   
随着半导体微细加工技术的发展,预计硅SOC的集成度可达万亿个晶体管,单个晶体管的尺寸将达到10nm范围内。因此从理论上研究纳米尺寸器件的性能和特性对发展超大规模集成电路尤为重要。综述了纳米级MOSFET器件数值模拟的量子模型,以及在该模型下用到的几种载流子输运模型,并结合模拟结果对这一模型作了评价。  相似文献   
针对钛合金耐磨性差、易吸氢而产生氢脆的特点,采用双辉无氢渗碳的方法对钛合金进行表面渗碳处理,在钛合金表面形成了含有高硬度TiC相的表面合金层.影响渗碳效果的诸多因素中,碳离子的产生、输运及在钛合金表面的吸附对渗碳效果起着决定性作用.粒子间存在着频繁的碰撞,在负偏压的作用下集体向阴极漂移,并有绕射现象.  相似文献   
随着3G网络的建设,各运营商逐步搭建PTN和GPON等分组化城域传送网。文章首先分析传统的传输网管存在和急需解决的问题,然后通过分析现有的传输模型、数通模型和3G分组化城域传送网模型的特点和三个模型的关系,推出3G环境下传输网络和业务的性能管理方法,通过该方法建立一套业务性能管理指标体系。最后,阐述性能指标体系在具体场景的应用。  相似文献   
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