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论OA系统的文档类型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文论述了在开发OA系统过程中,如何选择合适的文档类型。文中给出了具体方案,并对文档类型的标准化及未来的发展趋势进行了分析。 相似文献
The suitability of computational simulation of the Belousov–Zhabotinskii oscillating chemical reaction by differential kinetic methodology for resolving nonlinear multi-component system is demonstrated in this work. According to the Field–KÖrÖs–Noyes mechanism and the Oregonator model, the change of the concentrations of HBrO2, bromide ion and cerium ion are simulated. The results of computational simulation are consistent with experimental results very well. At the same time, the effect of variables and parameters, especially the rate constant on the oscillation curve, are investigated deeply. A simple method of estimating rate constants is obtained through simulation the concentrations of key components of the system, and then comparison the simulation results with the experimental ones. The reasonable rate constant is also proposed. 相似文献
通过化工设备的结构模型、功能模型建立仿真模型,在对仿真模型分析的基础上得到症状与故障之间的数量关系并进行分析计算,推断出潜在的故障模式,为设计化工设备故障诊断专家系统奠定基础。 相似文献
A. Z. Panagiotopoulos 《International Journal of Thermophysics》1994,15(6):1057-1072
Abstact The subject of this paper is the investigation of finite-size effects and the determination of critical parameters for a class of truncated Lennard-Jones potentials. Despite significant recent progress in our ability to model phase equilibria in multicomponent mixtures from direct molecular simulations, the accurate determination of critical parameters remains a difficult problem. Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations with systems of controlled linear system size are used to obtain the phase behavior in the near-critical region for two- and three dimensional Lennard-Jones fluids with reduced cutoff radii of 3, 3.5, and 5. For the two-dimensional systems, crossover of the effective exponent for the width of the coexistence curve from mean field ( = 1/2 in the immediate vicinity of the critical point to Ising-like (= 1/8) farther away is observed. Critical parameters determined by fitting the data that follow Ising-like behavior are in good agreement with literature values obtained with finite-size scaling methods. For the three-dimensional systems, no crossover to mean field-type behavior was apparent. Extrapolated results for the critical parameters are consistent with literature estimates for similar fluids. For both two- and three-dimensional fluids, system size effects on the coexistence curves away from the critical point are small, normally within simulation statistical uncertainties.Invited paper presented at the Twelfth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 19–24, 1994, Boulder. Colorado, U.S.A. 相似文献
建立了包括有源电力滤波器(APF)在内的公共连接点(PCC)的数学模型;针对实际控制器计算过程中的时间延迟,提出对负载电流值进行预测的两种算法,对逆变器的开关元件提出一种新型脉宽调制(PWM)控制方案,并采用电力电子仿真软件包进行了仿真验证。 相似文献
陈燮琪 《计算机应用与软件》2009,26(1)
由于在数字图书馆系统中流通着的大多是数字化的索引、文摘、全文、图像或音频视频等多媒体信息,对Web服务器性能有着较高的要求.结合实际工程的经验,从硬件实现手段(缓存服务器、均衡负载设备、Web双机镜像等)和软件实现手段(多层软件结构设计、应用部署等)等两个大方面论述如何提高Web服务器性能,以便使用户能够更快捷、高效、安全地使用数字图书馆应用系统. 相似文献
根据国家相关部门的要求,财经类高校实践教学所占的比例逐步增加,财经类高校特有的实践教学模式,决定了实践教学多采用软件模拟的方式进行。采用软件模拟的方式,要求有大量的服务器用于支撑教学软件的运行。受到资金投入和机房场地等因素的制约,教学软件用服务器的数量总是不能满足需求,从而影响实践教学的开展。结合财经类高校实践教学软件特有的使用规律,提出使用服务器复用技术,解决因服务器数量上不足影响实践教学顺利进行的问题,从而更好的服务实践教学。 相似文献
张书锋 《电脑编程技巧与维护》2013,(22):81-83
软件测试对于软件系统的性能以及功能都有很重要的意义,是保证软件可靠运行的关键.在软件测试的实践应用中,对于软件故障定位时,提出了基于谓词统计故障定位的算法,也就是FDI频率差异积分算法.在软件测试实践中采用基于FDI频率差异积分算法,可以很好地监控软件程序,测试软件的覆盖率以及执行时间等内存占用情况,并找到软件的故障瓶颈,以便采取更好的方法改进软件性能.探讨了实践中基于FDI频率差异积分算法在软件测试内的应用. 相似文献
开发可统计任意密码子用法的软件BestCodon 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
密码子偏好是自然现象,分析密码子的用法可以优化表达基因,即密码子优化,从而调节目的基因在特定宿主中的表达水平。现有密码子用法分析软件多数只限于单个密码子,适用于密码子对和密码子三联体的较少见。本文提出1种可统计任意密码子用法的软件结构,开发出1个密码子用法统计软件BestCodon,拥有序列检查和密码子用法统计2个模块。检查模块可代替人工校对,剔除输入序列中非规范字符,为后续分析提供正确的、符合规范的数据。统计模块根据用户指定的密码子组合类型,结果返回特定的密码子用法表。本文还探讨序列检查和密码子用法统计中计算机的运算特性,结果表明该软件检查1条长达150000 bp的序列仅耗时约0.2 s,而从中统计密码子十联体的用法仅耗时约0.1 s。 相似文献
There are several numerical methods for calculation of electric fields but they need some sort of experience and trial and error to get the correct solution. A genetic algorithm (GA) based approach is used to eliminate the need for the experience and to save time and effort spent in the trial and error. Two enhancement techniques, namely, Refreshment Method and No-Twins Method, are used with the GA operators to improve the performance of the GA in assessment of high voltage fields. The performance of these two enhancement techniques has been studied for computing the electrostatic field in high voltage applications. 相似文献