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The velocity of the chain explosivedecomposition reaction in silver azide whiskes has been measured (1500 m/sec). The measured velocity is identified as the propagation velocity of the diffusion front of holes generated in the course of explosive decomposition.  相似文献   
Multilayered protein films which contained ordered layers of photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter Sphaeroides (RS601) were assembled by means of alternate electrostatic adsorption with positively charged poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA). The assembly of RC was monitored by spectrometry and photocurrent measurement. Linear film growth was observed up to about 20 cycles of adsorption. For the monolayer film, the photocurrent was about 8.5 nA cm−2. For the multilayered film, the total photocurrent was about 77 nA cm−2 for the 24-layer RC film, while the average photocurrent increment per adsorption cycle was about 3.2 nA cm−2. The overall light-to-electricity conversion efficiency for a 24-layer film was about eight times higher than that for the monolayer one. The effects of electrode potential and pH on the photocurrent were also measured to illustrate the light-to-electric converting mechanism.  相似文献   
Iron-containing catalysts have been prepared following different synthesis routes and silica supports (amorphous, zeolitic and mesostructured materials). Activity and stability of these materials were assessed on the photo-Fenton degradation of phenolic aqueous solutions using near UV irradiation (higher than 313 nm) at room temperature and initial neutral pH. Their catalytic performance was monitored in terms of phenol and total organic carbon (TOC) conversions. Aromatic compounds and carboxylic acids as by-products coming from incomplete mineralization of phenol as well as the efficiency of each catalytic system in the use of the oxidant were also studied. Stability of the materials throughout the photo-Fenton reaction was evaluated in terms of metal leachibility. Activity and stability depend on the environment of iron species and features of silica support. The evolution of pH with the reaction time and their relationship with TOC degradation and leaching degree has been discussed. A nanocomposite material of crystalline iron oxides supported over mesostructured SBA-15 material is shown the most successful catalyst for degradation of phenolic aqueous solutions by photo-Fenton processes, achieving an outstanding overall catalytic performance accompanied with a noteworthy stability.  相似文献   
CeO2 particles confined within the pores of an SBA-15 mesoporous silica host were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation (IMP) and deposition precipitation (DP) methods. The materials were characterized by XRD, N2-adsorption and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) to evaluate the structure, texture, and redox properties. The preparation procedure had significant impact on the assembling mode of CeO2 inside the SBA-15 mesopores. A high dispersion of CeO2 particles was achieved via DP, whereas the dispersion of CeO2 prepared by IMP was found to be inhomogeneous and CeO2 partially blocked the pores. The CO conversion in the water-gas-shift reaction was enhanced over 1 wt% Pt supported on CeO2-modified SBA-15 obtained by DP.  相似文献   
利用紫外光谱法研究了Ni[S2P(OCH2CH2Ph)2]2与α,α-联吡啶的加合反应。研究发现Ni[S2P(OCH2CH2Ph)2]2与α,α-联吡啶形成1∶1型加合物,在25℃的苯溶剂中,加合物的离解度α=0.07,稳定常数K稳^θ=2.1×10^6。  相似文献   
采用高效液相色谱技术,开展了Fenton试剂对2-(4-氯苯氨基)甲基苯酚(CMP)的氧化降解动力学的研究。考察了初始双氧水摩尔浓度、亚铁离子摩尔浓度和温度等因素对CMP降解速率的影响,结果表明,当双氧水摩尔浓度、亚铁离子摩尔浓度增大和温度升高时,CMP的氧化速率明显加快。在30~45℃的温度范围内,其氧化降解符合假一级反应动力学模型,反应的表观活化能Ea为102.90kJ/mol。  相似文献   
针对碳酸盐类可溶岩地区水电站坝址流场、化学场以及固相介质属性等随时间发生改变,从而对工程安全运行造成不利影响等问题,研究了灰岩地区地下水运移过程中各物理场间的相互作用,分析了影响灰岩溶解速率的两个因素,即表面反应控制和扩散迁移控制。在此基础上,建立了单裂隙中的渗流—溶解耦合模型,并进行数值求解。模拟结果表明,在垂直裂隙延伸方向,其溶蚀锋面为非齐整平面,而是呈似“虫洞”状非均一变化,而沿裂隙延伸方向即自上游侧向下游方向溶蚀程度逐渐减轻;而通过裂隙的流量呈现随时间逐渐增大的趋势,但变幅不大;根据流量求得的等效水力隙宽,其增幅和增长速率均小于实际平均隙宽;同时,化学场中Ca2+浓度的分布与裂隙开度变化具有相似性,不同时刻下上游侧反应速率R均大于下游侧。就反应机制而言,在初期均受表面反应控制,而随反应进行,位于上游补给区部位转为受扩散迁移控制,但在下游位置仍受表面反应控制。  相似文献   
REACTIVEDIFFUSIONBETWEENSiANDNbCAT1300℃C.R.Kao(DepartmentofChemicalEngineeringNationalCentralUniversityChungLi,Taiwan)J.Woodf...  相似文献   
The suitability of computational simulation of the Belousov–Zhabotinskii oscillating chemical reaction by differential kinetic methodology for resolving nonlinear multi-component system is demonstrated in this work. According to the Field–KÖrÖs–Noyes mechanism and the Oregonator model, the change of the concentrations of HBrO2, bromide ion and cerium ion are simulated. The results of computational simulation are consistent with experimental results very well. At the same time, the effect of variables and parameters, especially the rate constant on the oscillation curve, are investigated deeply. A simple method of estimating rate constants is obtained through simulation the concentrations of key components of the system, and then comparison the simulation results with the experimental ones. The reasonable rate constant is also proposed.  相似文献   
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