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A marker study of nickel oxidation in SO2 at 600°C has proved that after the reaction metallic markers (Au, Pt, W) are covered with a sulfide rim. This effect is not observed on quartz markers. The metallic markers make the intermediate NiO layer adjacent to them increase, whereas the quartz marker makes this layer disappear.  相似文献   
The effects of SO2 and SO3 in the environment on the hot corrosion behavior of Ni in the temperature range 750–950°C has been studied. Below the melting point of Na2SO4 (884°C), rapid corrosion takes place by formation of a Na2SO4-NiSO4 melt, which can penetrate the porous oxide scale and give rise to sulfide information by coming in contact with the metal. The distribution of the sulfides depends on the SO2 level in the ambient gas. Continued corrosion occurs by a sulfidation-oxidation mechanism. At temperatures above the melting point of Na2SO4, accelerated degradation occurs via dissolution of the surface scale, followed by reprecipitation of the oxide in a nonprotective form.Deceased  相似文献   
Solid-solution hardening and softening by Fe additions to NiAl   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Solid-solution hardening in the case of a ternary alloy addition to a B2 compound with the triple defect structure has been investigated. The fact that the ternary element may occupy either of two sublattices or may affect the concentration of other types of point defects present in the material makes this a very interesting problem to consider. Ni-rich (40 at% Al), stoichiometric (50 at% Al), and Al-rich (52 at% Al) alloys were doped with up to 12 at% Fe. Lattice parameter, bulk density and hardness measurements were performed on samples quenched from 1000 °C. It was found that solid-solution softening actually occurs in the Ni-rich alloys, while hardening was observed in the stoichiometric and Al-rich alloys. The vacancy concentration was determined from the experimental data, and the site occupancies of the Fe atoms were estimated from a thermodynamic model. Through careful consideration of all point defect concentrations the solid-solution hardening and softening behaviors could be effectively rationalized.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONRaneyNicatalyst,whosecomponentisNiAlalloy,isafinepowderknownashydrogenationcatalyst.Accordingtothechemicalreaction,sometimesRaneyNicatalystmustbefilledwithsomemircroelementsofcatalystacceleratorsuchasCr,Cu,Co,Mn,Fe,etc.Theskeletonni…  相似文献   
The chemical composition, defect structure, and diffusion in nickel sulfide -Ni3S2 have been investigated in H2S-H2 mixtures containing between 1 and 65% H2S between 560 and 700°C. Gravimetric, density, and X-ray studies were carried out. In the thermodynamically stable compound the ratio of Ni/S varied between 1.3 and 1.75. The X-ray examination showed a step change in the lattice parameter at the Ni/S ratio 1.4. A linear dependence of the density values (between 5.5 and 6.2 g/cm3) on the composition was observed. On the basis of the chemical composition and density measurements the number of nickel and sulfur atoms in 1 cm3 were determined. It has been shown that the Ni3S2 phase is defected in both anion and cation sublattices and that its chemical formula may be described as follows: Ni3±yS2x, where y 2x. It has been found that in the mixture containing 10% H2S the process of defect formation is determined by their diffusion in the sulfide. The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient is described by the equation D = 13.15 exp(-30,000/RT) cm2/sec. No dependence of D on the sulfur partial pressure was observed, but this may be due to the relatively large uncertainties in the measurement of the diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   
研究了双层辉光放电条件下镍基合金Inconel625的阴极溅射行为,结果表明:多组元镍基合金由于各组元溅射率不同,产生择优溅射现象。Mo,Nb等低溅射率元素在阴极表面富集,Ni,Cr等高溅射率元素在阴极表面贫化,使阴极表面发生相变,形成含Mo,Nb奋斗高的金属间化合物析出相P相和Laves相,随着阴极溅射电压的增加,阴极合金元素溅射率增加;并且随着阴极温度升高,阴极溅射率也随之增加。  相似文献   
We have applied near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) to characterize the surface and bulk properties of LixNi1–xO catalysts. In our experimental set-up, NEXAFS spectra of powder materials could be obtained by measuring the intensity of either electron-yield or fluorescence-yield. While the electron-yield method is sensitive only to the top few atomic layers, the fluorescence-yield method can detect species up to a few thousands angstroms deep into the bulk structure. The ability to distinguish surface and bulk compositions is demonstrated in studies of a number of Li0.5Ni0.5O samples, of which the surface compositions vary as a function of preparation procedures. In addition, NEXAFS investigations following the reaction of LixNi1–xO with CH4 have also been carried out and the results indicate that the initial surface reaction intermediates are Li2CO3.  相似文献   
Machinability of a nickel aluminide intermetallic alloy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article reports the results of an experimental study on the machinability of a nickel aluminide intermetallic alloy. Machining was conducted at various speeds, and results indicate low material removal rates. Chips collected for each test run were measured for thickness for shear angle calculation and were subsequently observed microscopically. Chip segmentation was observed microscopically, and a fluctuation in the shear angle was evidenced. A parameter characterizing the severity of the machining process, the chip reduction coefficient (K), was calculated from chip thickness measurements. The calculated values ofK were found to be low, indicating a low severity of the metalcutting process. This, however, is in contract with the observed low rates of metal removal and low tool life. Thus, conventional metalcutting characterization parameters require re- examination in terms of machining high-strength materials.  相似文献   
以水淬镍渣为原料,经机械球磨、筛分、陈化等工艺对镍渣进行预处理;将预处理后的镍渣加入到硅酸盐水泥熟料中,经二次球磨后制备镍渣水泥,研究了镍渣的掺量对水泥基本性能的影响.结果表明:镍渣掺量对水硅酸盐水泥的物理力学性能有重要影响.当将预处理后的镍渣以0%~20%等量取代水泥熟料时,水泥的标准稠度用水量下降,凝结时间增长,体积安定性良好,强度有所降低,但主要指标均满足水泥基本性能的要求.当镍渣掺量为20%时,制备的水泥胶砂试块3d和28 d抗压强度分别为23.6 MPa和40.2 MPa,抗折强度分别为5.2 MPa和8.6 MPa.  相似文献   
研究了无患子皂苷与十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)复配体系的表面活性,并将其应用于氢氧化镍复合材料的制备中;采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对复合材料进行了结构表征,考察了表面活性剂对材料形貌的影响。研究表明,自提无患子皂苷临界胶束浓度(cmc)和对应表面张力(γ_(cmc))分别为0.200 g/L和38.3 mN/m;在复配体系中,当SDBS的质量分数为5%时,两者表现出协同作用,而当SDBS的质量分数增至20%后,则呈现对抗作用;以SDBS质量分数为5%的表面活性剂复配体系作为添加剂,在0.83 g/L时,制备得到直径约为3μm形貌均匀的球状氢氧化镍复合材料。  相似文献   
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