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Input‐output (IO) tables and demand‐driven multiplier techniques are absolutely appropriate for conventional pollution attribution (accounting) analyses as they provide all the required information on pollution embodied in intersectoral interactions and interregional trade flows. However, as a model of how the economy adjusts in response to a marginal change in activity, IO is unlikely to be appropriate as it is only a very special case of general equilibrium models. We propose an integrated IO and computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach, with CGE analysis of the impacts of a change in activity and model results used to inform an IO attribution analysis of pollution embodied in interregional trade flows before and after the change is introduced. Resumen. Las tablas input‐output (IO) y las técnicas multiplicadoras en función de la demanda son totalmente apropiadas para los análisis (contables) convencionales de atribución de la contaminación ya que proporcionan toda la información requerida acerca de la contaminación que acompaña a las interacciones intersectoriales y flujos comerciales interregionales Sin embargo, como modelo acerca de cómo la economía se ajusta en respuesta a cambios marginales de la actividad, es poco probable que IO sea apropiado ya que es solamente un caso muy especial de modelos de equilibrio general. Proponemos un enfoque integrado de IO con equilibrio general computable (EGC), con un análisis EGC de los impactos de un cambio en la actividad y siendo los resultados del modelo utilizados para instruir un análisis de atribución IO de la contaminación presente en flujos comerciales interregionales, antes y después de la introducción del cambio.   相似文献   
Contamination of public water ways with sewage represents a serious environmental and health risk. We monitored pollution of the river Thames by enumerating the indicator organism Escherichia coli. Samples were taken from a site in central London near Waterloo Bridge in different seasons. E. coli were quantified using a membrane filtration method, and correlated with the tidal variations of the river and meteorological data on rainfall and temperature. More frequent and severe incidents of pollution occurred in the autumn. Heavy rainfall resulted in sharp peaks of E. coli contamination that implies a potential increase of numbers of pathogenic micro‐organisms. Sixty percent of all samples were found to be in excess of the accepted upper limit of pollution set by European Union (EU) legislation for bathing water. This study demonstrated that frequent sewage pollution of the Thames results in high numbers of E. coli and incidents of detectable levels of pathogenic bacteria demonstrating the need for regular monitoring of bacterial pollution.  相似文献   
Lignin, a resistant cell-wall constituent of all vascular plants that consists of ether and carbon-linked methoxyphenols, is still far from being structurally described in detail. The main problem in its structural elucidation is the difficulty of isolating lignin from other wood components without damaging lignin itself. Furthermore, the high number and variegated forms of linkages that occur between the monomeric units and the chemical resistance of certain ether bonds limit the extent to which analytical and degradation procedures can be used to elucidate the lignin structure. Most of our present knowledge about the molecular structure of lignin is based on the analysis of monomers, dimers or, at the most, tetramers of degraded isolated lignins. Mass spectrometry (MS), which offers advantages in terms of speed, specificity, and sensitivity, has revealed to be a very powerful technique in the structural elucidation of lignins, in combination with the great number of chemical and thermal degradation methods available in the study of lignin. Moreover, the recent development of new ionization techniques in MS-electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)-MS-has provided new possibilities to also analyze the undegraded lignin macromolecule.  相似文献   
Image analysis systems are an essential tool in measurements of size of intraparenchymal tumors or lesions in experimental small animal models. Conventional image analysis systems are relatively expensive. We therefore compared the performance of a professional image analysis system with an inexpensive setup by evaluating tumor size in an orthotopic glioma mouse model. The maximum cross-sectional tumor area of H&E stained brain-slides of two groups of mice (treatment and control group) was measured by two independent investigators using a professional image analysis system (Leica DM IRB microscope) with the Leica Quantimet 500c software, and a low-cost-system (Intel QX3 microscope) with a non-commercial image analysis software. Mean tumor volumes were calculated and the results from each of the image analysis systems, investigators, and treatment effects were compared. The tumor volumes as measured with the low-cost and the professional system differed between -3.7 and +7.5% (P = 0.69-0.99). Measurements made by investigator A and B differed between -7.0 and +3.9% (P = 0.69-0.88). Treatment in all cases significantly reduced the tumor volume between 58.4 and 62.7% (P = 0.0002 or 0.0003), regardless of the investigator or the used image analysis system. We therefore conclude that the QX3 low-cost microscope in combination with a non-commercial image-analysis software represents an inexpensive solution to reliably analyze the size of regions of interest, if they provide a sufficient contrast. However, the low-cost setup due to its low resolution definitely limits a detailed analysis of histologic features.  相似文献   
Newbury DE 《Scanning》2004,26(3):103-114
Rough samples with topography on a scale that is much greater than the micrometer dimensions of the electron interaction volume present an extreme challenge to quantitative electron beam x-ray microanalysis with energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry. Conventional quantitative analysis procedures for flat, bulk specimens become subject to large systematic errors due to the action of geometric effects on electron scattering and the x-ray absorption path compared with the ideal flat sample. The best practical approach is to minimize geometric effects through specimen reorientation using a multiaxis sample stage to obtain the least compromised spectrum. When rough samples must be analyzed, corrections for geometric factors are possible by the peak-to-local background (P/B) method. Correction factors as a function of photon energy can be determined by the use of reference background spectra that are either measured locally or calculated from pure element spectra and estimated compositions. Significant improvements in accuracy can be achieved with the P/B method over conventional analysis with simple normalization.  相似文献   
Ulrich V  Fischer P  Riemann I  Königt K 《Scanning》2004,26(5):217-225
An inverted fluorescence microscope was upgraded into a compact three-dimensional laser scanning microscope (LSM) of 65 x 62 x 48 cm dimensions by means of a fast kHz galvoscanner unit, a piezodriven z-stage, and a picosecond (ps) 50 MHz laser diode at 405 nm. In addition, compact turn-key near infrared femtosecond lasers have been employed to perform multiphoton fluorescence and second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy. To expand the features of the compact LSM, a time-correlated single photon counting unit as well as a Sagnac interferometer have been added to realize fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and spectral imaging. Using this unique five-dimensional microscope, TauMap, single-photon excited (SPE), and two-photon excited (TPE) cellular fluorescence as well as intratissue autofluorescence of water plant leaves have been investigated with submicron spatial resolution, <270 ps temporal resolution, and 10 nm spectral resolution.  相似文献   
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