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李含健  刘洁  任慧  焦清介 《兵工学报》2017,38(2):267-272
为了解决微机电火工品内药剂的快速密实装填的问题,采用旋涂技术制备出厚度可控的微纳结构铝热剂薄膜。利用扫描电镜结果对比得出氟橡胶最小使用量为7%;使用热流法检测了铝热剂薄膜的热物理性能并用高速摄像机记录了薄膜的燃烧过程,得到Al/MoO3/氟橡胶薄膜的导热系数为75 W/(m·K),燃烧速率为30.6 m/s,在添加还原氧化石墨烯后, Al/MoO3/氟橡胶/还原氧化石墨烯薄膜的导热系数增至126 W/(m·K), 燃烧速率高达867.9 m/s. 采用金属桥带进行发火试验,结果证实微纳结构铝热剂薄膜的临界发火电流低于Zr/KClO4点火药。添加还原氧化石墨烯能改善铝热剂的燃烧性能和发火性能,更利于铝热剂作为点火药应用。  相似文献   
张航  于涛  张睿鹏 《液晶与显示》2005,20(4):337-341
彩色滤光膜(CF)色度指标对彩色液晶显示器的显示性能有着重要的影响,采用传统的分光光度计测量CF光谱透过率存在着严重的混光现象,研究分析了CF色度参数的表征与测试原理,设计了高精度的显微光谱测试系统。系统能够精密测试50μm尺寸样品的光谱特性,并且得到±0.005的色度座标测试精度。系统已应用在彩色滤光膜与彩色液晶显示器生产企业,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
以Cd(NO3)2·4H2O,Na2 SeO3和Na2TeO3的混合液为电解液,采用电化学共沉积法在氧化铟锡(ITO)玻璃基底上制备了CdSexTey薄膜样品.探讨了沉积电压、水浴温度、沉积时间以及Cd,Te和Se物质的量比等制备条件对样品在模拟太阳光下的开路电压的影响.结果表明,在沉积电压为3.0V,水浴温度为50℃,沉积时间为30 min,n(Cd)∶n(Te)∶n(Se)=5.6∶1∶1时制备的CdSexTey薄膜具有较高的开路电压,其值可达到0.464 1 V.X射线衍射(XRD)分析结果显示,CdSexTey样品中含单质态Se,CdSexTey的3个主要衍射峰对应的晶粒尺寸分别为43.07,44.56和44.03 nm.能谱分析(EDS)结果显示,样品中Cd,Te,Se元素的质量分数分别是6.53%,6.25%和14.52%,原子数分数分别为1.68%,1.42%和5.32%.对Cd元素原子数分数进行归一化处理,则样品CdSexTey中x为3.17(其中有化合态Se2-为0.15,单质态Se为3.02),y为0.85.  相似文献   
郑顺镟  叶磊 《激光杂志》1997,18(2):17-19,27
本文作者利用SnO2:TiO2气敏光学薄膜设计制成气敏光纤传感器,并用它测定氨蒸汽浓度,传感器的灵敏范围为150 ̄6000ppm,灵敏度为200ppm。  相似文献   
Philips MRD3710 X射线衍射仪由于其灵敏度高、可靠性好、操作方便,常常用于薄膜测试分析。采用X射线衍射仪对在(100)Si表面溅射Pt,并通过退火处理形成的Pt和Si的化合物进行了测试分析,从而对PtSi膜的研制提供了可靠的数据。  相似文献   
季旭东 《光电子技术》2000,20(2):111-115
一些硅的化合物具有良好的场发射特性,如果用作FEA发射微尖表面的薄膜,将能较好地提高FEA的发射特性,本文对这一类硅化物的制作,测量与性能作了说明。  相似文献   
The deposition of a protective film to increase the hardness of an organic photoconductor (OPC) surface is an effective method to lengthen the lifetime of the OPC. In this work, A1N protective films were deposited onto OPC samples by rf reactive magnetron sputtering with low substrate temperature. The A1N films were deposited with optimized sputtering conditions and exhibited very high transmissivity in the visible wavelength range 300-800 nm. The films caused a remarkable increase in the hardness of the OPC surface, by between 32 and 62%. The acceptance voltage, dark decay rate, photodischarge rate, difference between the residual potential and the acceptance voltage of the OPC protected by A1N film were improved. These results show A1N is a suitable protective film for OPC.  相似文献   
细菌视紫红质膜的实时读写特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锋  刘立人  李庆国 《中国激光》1997,24(6):546-550
对细菌视紫红质(BR)膜作为实时全息介质的读写特性作了理论和实验研究,分析了两种读出模式:连续读出模式和脉冲读出模式。结果表明连续读出模式的强度很小,而脉冲读出模式可以实现高强度的读出。对脉冲读出的技术要求作了理论上的探讨  相似文献   
The effect of surface roughness of aluminum oxide (95%) substrate on the properties of Ni-Cr alloy thin film is studied.The thin films are prepared on the substrates with different roughness by using magnetron sputtering.The micro-structure,adhesive and electrical properties of the thin films were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy,scratch method and four-probe method.The burst voltage and current of the thin film transducers with different substrates were measured according to D-optimization method.The results show that the particle size,structural defect,resistivity and adhesion strength of the thin film increase with the increase of the substrate roughness.The difference among the burst time of the samples with difference substrate roughness gradually decreases with the increase of stimulation amount.The burst time is approximate to 20 μs in the charging voltage of 37 V.  相似文献   
Direct structuring techniques are an indispensable need for future low-cost applications of organic semiconductor materials in e.g. active matrix displays or integrated circuits. We demonstrate direct structuring of a small molecule organic semiconductor by a photo-lithography lift off process under ambient conditions. To show compatibility of this process, we fabricate organic thin film transistors (OTFT) containing the benchmark electron transporting semiconductor C60 as active material in a top-contact geometry. C60 as electron transporting semiconductor serves as good indicator for contamination and degradation caused by the structuring procedure. To disclose influences of structuring, we discuss the OTFT performance for different channel lengths from 100 μm down to 2.7 μm. In particular, we show that lithography processing gives rise to increased contact resistances. Apart from that, mobility of C60 as material parameter is only weakly affected which underlines the compatibility of the suggested structuring procedure. The potential of this structuring procedure for future integration of driving transistors in active matrix displays is demonstrated.  相似文献   
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