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We investigated the optical properties and the degradation process of the organic p-type semiconductor poly(triarylamine) (PTAA) in the mid infrared region. The dielectric function of PTAA was determined in the spectral region of 700 up to 6000 cm−1 by modeling ellipsometric measurements. Due to degradation at 65 °C, PTAA thin films developed carbonyl and hydroxyl features in the infrared spectra. Degradation under 85% RH additionally led to absorption signals of water. A degradation of the bare gold substrates was also observed. For bare gold films, morphology changed upon degradation and adsorption of hydrocarbons from the ambience took place.  相似文献   
利用色散法研究了TE波和TM波在大于全反射角入射一维无限周期光子晶体的全反射隧穿特性.结果发现了一维无限周期光子晶体中的全反射隧穿效应.得出了TE波和TM波的全反射隧穿导带随入射角的变化规律,TE波和TM波的全反射隧穿导带随周期光学厚度的变化规律.  相似文献   
简要介绍了可靠性评估(REM)测试结构设计,并介绍了REM试验中与时问有关的栅氧化层击穿(TDDB)、热载流子注入(HCI)效应和电迁移(EM)效应的评价试验方法及实例。REM技术与工艺过程控制(PCM)、统计工艺控制(SPC)技术结合起来就可以实现对工艺的可靠性评价与控制,某集成电路生产公司将它应用于金属化工艺中.确定了工艺输入变量与电迁移可靠性的相关性,优化了金属化工艺试验条件,提高了金属化系统的抗电迁移能力。  相似文献   
本文研究了光场初态为激发相干态或其叠加态时强度耦合Jaynes-Curnmings模型的动力学演化。对原子反转以及光场的反聚束效应进行了讨论.  相似文献   
Bi2O3蒸汽掺杂的Ba1—xSixTiO3半导化陶瓷的PTCR效应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
施主掺杂的钛酸钡陶瓷的PTCR效应来源于晶界上的钡空位。在Bi2O3蒸汽两次掺杂的样品中发现了大于8个量级的PTCR效应。在烧成过程中的Bi2O3蒸汽掺杂时,高氧分压下可以产生更高的钡空位浓度,因而样品具有更高的PTCR效应。  相似文献   
We report the observation of the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE) in ZnSe/ ZnCdSe single quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy, using photoluminescence. In our experiments the electric field was applied via a reverse-biased Schottky barrier contact. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of the QCSE in any wide gap II-VI semiconductor heterostructure. Significant red shifts, typically 10–15 meV, are detected before quenching. An associated reduction in the transition intensity, consistent with the QCSE. is clearly observed. The dependence of these results will be discussed as a function of quantum well depth and thickness. Complete quenching of the luminescence is observed with applied voltages as low as 5 V. In addition, at lowest voltages, we also detect small blue shifts (up to 4 meV), which we attribute to the interaction between the externally applied electric field and the built-in field of the structure.  相似文献   
本文介绍了VMOS功率场效应管的特性和基本电路,讨论了VMOS功率放大电路的设计思想和计算方法,并给出了实际电路和测试结果。  相似文献   
Energy efficiency increases are essential in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Policy is therefore rightly concerned about rebound effects, which cause energy and CO2 emission reductions to be less than anticipated. A policy dilemma is emerging in that less economically privileged groups tend to show the highest rebound effects. Some studies suggest policymakers may therefore be reluctant to support energy efficiency upgrades among such groups. This paper argues this is based on a misunderstanding of the conceptual structure of the rebound effect. Firstly, a mathematical analysis confirms that the rebound effect is merely a comparison of proportions, not a measure of absolute levels of energy consumption, which are the real cause of increased CO2 emissions. Secondly, an empirical study of commute distances in North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s largest state, reveals that female commuters show considerably higher rebound effects than male commuters, both in time and cross-sectional analyses. However, male commuters consume the most energy and produce the most CO2 emissions, by every measure. This resonates with recent studies showing the same disjunction between rebound effects and absolute consumption, in home heating among poorer and wealthier households. Policy needs to focus on absolute consumption levels and be cautious in interpreting rebound effects.  相似文献   
Short-time fluctuations in solar irradiance will become an important issue with regard to future embedded photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, when PV systems are intensively installed, fluctuation of total output in clustered PV systems is not remarkable because there is the smoothing effect of irradiance in certain areas. In this paper, a new estimation method of irradiance fluctuation, which is based on the combination of the Fourier transform and the wavelet transform methods, is described.  相似文献   
Experimental investigations on solar chimney for room ventilation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experimental investigations on a small size solar chimney show that the rate of ventilation increases with increase of the ratio between height of absorber and gap between glass and absorber. This finding is in agreement with results of the steady-state mathematical model developed for analysis of such systems. Nine different combination of absorber height and air gap have been investigated on the experimental set-up. Highest rate of ventilation induced with the help of solar energy was found to be 5.6 air change per hour in a room of 27 m3, at solar radiation 700 W/m2 on vertical surface with the stack height-air gap ratio of 2.83 for a 1 m high chimney.  相似文献   
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