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Single‐walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are a class of 1D nanomaterials that exhibit extraordinary electrical and optical properties. However, many of their fundamental studies and practical applications are stymied by sample polydispersity. SWCNTs are synthesized in bulk with broad structural (chirality) and geometrical (length and diameter) distributions; problematically, all known post‐synthetic sorting methods rely on ultrasonication, which cuts SWCNTs into short segments (typically <1 µm). It is demonstrated that ultralong (>10 µm) SWCNTs can be efficiently separated from shorter ones through a solution‐phase “self‐sorting”. It is shown that thin‐film transistors fabricated from long semiconducting SWCNTs exhibit a carrier mobility as high as ≈90 cm2 V?1 s?1, which is ≈10 times higher than those which use shorter counterparts and well exceeds other known materials such as organic semiconducting polymers (<1 cm2 V?1 s?1), amorphous silicon (≈1 cm2 V?1 s?1), and nanocrystalline silicon (≈50 cm2 V?1 s?1). Mechanistic studies suggest that this self‐sorting is driven by the length‐dependent solution phase behavior of rigid rods. This length sorting technique shows a path to attain long‐sought ultralong, electronically pure carbon nanotube materials through scalable solution processing.  相似文献   
刘嘉琳  徐龙河 《工程力学》2019,36(7):156-164
提出一种由自复位耗能支撑和两边梁连接墙板组成的带自复位耗能支撑钢板剪力墙,对其构造及滞回性能进行介绍。建立有效的有限元分析模型,对两边梁连接墙板在往复荷载作用下的受力性能、受压承载力及墙板对整体滞回的影响进行研究。结果表明,墙板滞回曲线存在捏缩现象,且墙板内产生的屈曲半波越多,捏缩越严重。墙板的平面外变形随宽高比的增大而增大,随高厚比的增大而减小,且受宽高比影响更大,在侧向力作用下,墙板内形成局部拉力带。建立了用于计算墙板内受压应力和受压承载力的公式,当支撑水平剩余恢复力大于墙板受压承载力时,带自复位耗能支撑钢板剪力墙在支撑恢复力的作用下具有很好的复位能力。  相似文献   
卢啸  吕泉林 《工程力学》2019,36(6):138-146
为改善超高层建筑伸臂桁架抗震性能,消除传统斜腹杆屈曲后强度刚度退化明显、耗能不足和残余变形较大等问题,该文设计了一种兼具稳定刚度、耗能和复位功能的自复位粘弹性斜腹杆(SC-VEDM)代替传统型钢腹杆。通过合理的构造措施,将粘弹性材料、预应力筋和型钢组装起来,利用粘弹性材料剪切变形提供耗能能力,预应力筋始终受拉提供复位能力;建立SC-VEDM的理论力学模型,分析不同工作阶段的受力特征,推导其理论恢复力模型;利用通用有限元软件MSC.Marc建立SC-VEDM的精细有限元模型,对其滞回性能进行了模拟预测。结果表明,该文提出的构造措施可行,设计的SC-VEDM具有稳定的刚度、较好的耗能和复位能力。且SC-VEDM的数值模拟结果与理论恢复力模型结果吻合良好,腹杆第一刚度相对偏差为0.4%,受压承载力最大相对偏差约为4.64%,累积滞回耗能最大相对偏差约为10.9%,为后续SC-VEDM的试验和设计方法研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
该文基于HJC本构模型,采用分离式霍普金森杆(SHPB)压杆系统,对掺有聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维的超高韧性水泥基复合材料(PVA-UHTCC)的动态压缩力学性能进行了数值模拟研究。首先,通过系统分析确定了21项HJC本构参数,并验证了模拟的正确性。基于此,通过分析5组应变率下材料的动态压缩应力-应变曲线讨论了峰值应力动态增强因子DIF的应变率效应,并通过LS-DYNA软件探讨了破坏过程、破坏形态与应变率的关系。模拟结果表明:随着应变率的增加,PVA-UHTCC材料的动态压缩应力-应变曲线呈现由应变硬化主导向着损伤软化主导的转变趋势;此外,PVA-UHTCC峰值应力动态增强因子DIF具有明显的应变率效应,其值随着应变率增加而增加,且在不同应变率区间呈现不同敏感性;通过量化DIF这种分区敏感性,提出了适用于PVA-UHTCC材料的DIF与应变率对数lgε分段函数式;同时,通过对比钢纤维增强水泥基材料(SFRCC)和普通混凝土材料,发现PVA-UHTCC材料的DIF应变率敏感性较低。最后,通过LS-DYNA软件模拟试件裂缝扩展和压碎破坏过程,更好地理解了PVA-UHTCC材料动态压缩破坏行为。  相似文献   
针对目前不同行业不同用电类别的专变用户存在多种多样的用电行为,在用户用电异常分析的过程中,无法准确地判定出当前用户的用电行为是否异常的现状,提出了一种基于用户日负荷数据运用数据挖掘算法而建立的用电模式异常识别方法。该方法以用户日瞬时量数据为研究对象,首先对数据进行预处理和归一化,引进改进后的K-means聚类算法构建单一用户历史用电模式;其次利用用户测试数据到簇中心点的距离大于该簇的阈值半径定义为异常用户。最终通过量化的概率指标输出用户是否为用电模式异常,以此作为稽查人员判定用户用电异常的依据和参考。利用该方法对某供电单位专变用户进行用电行为异常进行判定,结果表明该方法处理效率较高,而且异常判别简单快捷,具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   
We present a very different cause of search engine user behaviors—fascination. It is generally identified as the initial effect of a product attribute on users’ interest and purchase intentions. Considering the fact that in most cases the cursor is driven directly by a hand to move via a mouse (or touchpad), we use the cursor movement as the critical feature to analyze the personal reaction against the fascinating search results. This paper provides a deep insight into the goal-directed cursor movement that occurs within a remarkably short period of time (<30 milliseconds), which is the interval between a user’s click-through and decision-making behaviors. Instead of the fundamentals, we focus on revealing the characteristics of the split-second cursor movement. Our empirical findings showed that a user may push or pull the mouse with a slightly greater strength when fascinated by a search result. As a result, the cursor slides toward the search result with an increased momentum. We model the momentum through a combination of translational and angular kinetic energy calculations. Based on Fitts’ law, we implement goal-directed cursor movement identification. Supported by the momentum, together with other physical features, we built different fascination-based search result reranking systems. Our experiments showed that goal-directed cursor momentum is an effective feature in detecting fascination. In particular, they show feasibility in both the personalized and cross-media cases. In addition, we detail the advantages and disadvantages of both click-through rate and cursor momentum for re-ranking search results.  相似文献   
提出一种采用高级智能对象(ASO)的建模方法,实现虚拟人的行为建模。首先, 引入 ASO 的概念,对交互特征中的交互元素、交互部位及对象动作进行定义,并对交互动作进 行分类;其次,提出了对象驱动方法,解决由虚拟对象作为主动体动作而导致的虚拟人作为被 动体的运动计算问题,实现对象以交互特征为主的建模;最后,根据人机任务需要对虚拟人的 基本行为动作进行分析,选择常用的 4 种基本动作,对其进行定义并进行动作组合,给出以交 互元素为主的位姿、手型的计算方法,实现了行为建模并进行仿真实现,解决了任务仿真中的 交互量大问题,使仿真结果具有重用性。并以飞机装配的手工铆接仿真为例对方法进行验证。  相似文献   
This article presents a comprehensive analysis behavioral authentication systems based on keystroke dynamics using android mobile devices. Behavioral security authentication is an efficient biometric‐based security system that can be used to authenticate users. It is exploited to strengthen password authentication efficiently and inexpensively because no extra hardware is required in most of these schemes. Keystroke dynamic rhythm uses combinations of timing features and nontiming features that are extracted and processed from several devices such as classical keyboard and built‐in software keyboard in touch screen and smart phone devices. This work presents a comprehensive analysis of using biometric behavioral authentication system‐based on keystroke dynamics. Neural network classifiers are used in this work. The performance results show that keystroke dynamics provides good level in performance measures as a second authentication factor. The distinguishable role for nontiming features in addition to the timing features is demonstrated. These features have a significant role in improving the performance measures. The proposed model achieves low error rate of 0.3% for false acceptance rate, a false rejection of 1.5%, and an equal error rate of 0.9%. These are considered excellent enhancements when compared with previous reported results. Suggestions for future directions, and challenges for using behavioral‐based authentication systems are also highlighted.  相似文献   
This study aims to address the paradigms of consumers’ adoption behavior for mobile government, posits the factors which pursue citizens’ intention to adopt mobile government services, and reveals the impact of cultural dimensions in perceiving driving factors of mobile government adoption. The mobile government adoption model was developed and tested among users of three different countries, namely Bangladesh, Canada, and Germany. The finding suggests the rationale that cross-cultural differences impact consumers’ perception of mobile government adoption behavior.  相似文献   
随着社交网站的流行以及用户的大规模增加,社交网络用户行为分析已经成为社交网站进行网站维护、性能优化和系统升级的重要基础,也是网络知识挖掘和信息检索的重要研究领域。为了更好地理解社交网络用户添加个人标签的行为特征,该文基于大约263万个微博用户的真实数据,对用户标签的分布进行了研究和分析。我们主要考察了用户标签的宏观分布特征,以及用户标签与关注对象的标签分布之间的联系,发现微博用户给自己添加标签时,在开始阶段倾向于使用反映个性的标签,之后会出于从众心理而选用大众化标签。我们将研究发现运用到基于关注关系的标签预测算法中,结果证实相关分析对于社交网站的标签推荐等课题具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
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