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Thin CuInS2 films were prepared by sulfurization of Cu/In bi-layers. First, the precursor layer was electroplated onto the treated surface of Mo-coated glass. Observation of the cross-section prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) etching revealed that the void-free film was initially formed on the top surface of the precursor layer and continued to grow until the advancing front of the film reached the Mo layer. The nucleation of voids near the bottom of the CuInS2 film followed. To determine whether the condition of the Cu/In alloy influences the CuInS2 quality we investigated the Cu/In alloy state using FIB. We found that the annealed precursor of low Cu/In ratio (1.2) has several voids in the mid position in the layer compared with Cu-rich precursor (1.6). The cross-sectional view of the Cu-rich absorber layer is uniform compared with the low copper absorber layer. Thin film solar cells were fabricated using the CuInS2 film (Cu/In ratio: 1.2) as an optical absorber layer. It was found that the optimization of a sulfurization period is important in order to improve the cell efficiency. We have not yet obtained good results with high Cu-rich absorber because of a blister problem. This blister was found before sulfurization. So, we are going to solve this blister problem before sulfurization.  相似文献   
设计了一种具有多效回热可用于太阳能液体除湿空调系统的溶液再生器,用碘钨灯作为模拟太阳光源对系统进行了稳态实验,得到出口浓度与光辐射强度、溶液流量、强迫对流风速和入口溶液浓度的关系曲线,给出了系统性能系数与太阳光强度的关系,并对装置的传热传质关系作了简化计算,对影响系统性能的其他因素也进行了分析。实验结果表明,由于系统采用了多效回热措施,系统的回热率相对太阳辐射能来说达到32%。由实验结果估计,在晴好天气条件下,该系统每天每平方米集热器可处理LiBr溶液量(47%~52%)约86kg。  相似文献   
溅射功率对CIGS吸收层前驱膜成分和结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑麒麟  庄大明  张弓  李秋芳 《太阳能学报》2006,27(11):1108-1112
采用中频交流磁控溅射方法制备了CuIn、CuGa和CIG合金膜。采用SEM和XRD观察和分析了各种薄膜的表面形貌、成分和组织结构。着重分析了靶功率密度对薄膜成分、晶体结构的影响。结果表明,通过调节靶功率密度,能精确控制薄膜中CuI、n、Ga比例。制备得到了Cu/(In Ga)原子比接近1,且Ga/(In Ga)比例可调的成分分布均匀的CIG薄膜。CIG前驱膜是以Cu11In9为基础相,Ga原子主要是以替代In原子的固溶体形式存在。当溅射CuIn和CuGa合金靶的功率密度分别为0.26和0.10 W/cm2时,可制备得到由Cu11In9和CuIn两相组成的理想的CIG前驱膜。  相似文献   
对三种不同结构的多斜孔气膜冷却结构进行了数值研究。多斜孔均为叉排结构,斜孔与平板表面夹角均为30,°重点研究了不同相邻孔间距与孔径比Pm/dm(3.0~5.0)和不同吹风比M(0.5~1.5)对热侧壁面绝热温比和换热系数的影响规律。  相似文献   
Transverse measurements are carried out at the outlet of the straight and negatively bowed turbine cascades with a 106° turning angle respectively with and without cooling air injection. The air injection is from single or multiple rows of ten holes (26 schemes in all). Experimental results show that the negatively bowed cascade produces more energy loss than the straight one without cooling air injection. Cooling air injection from the holes on both the pressure and the suction surface near the trailing edge can reduce energy losses in both the straight and the negatively bowed cascades. The increase in loss is less in the negatively bowed cascade than that in the straight one with cooling air injection from holes of multiple rows at the leading edge, whereas cooling air injection from holes of multiple rows at the trailing edge reduces the energy loss in the negatively bowed cascade. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(1): 1–8, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20042  相似文献   
Unsaturated flow of liquid in a bed of uniform and spherical ore particles is studied numerically and experimentally. An unsteady and two-dimensional model is developed based on the mass conservation equations of liquid phase in the bed and in the particles. The model equations are solved using a fully implicit finite difference method giving the distribution of the degree of saturation in the particles and in the bed and the vertical velocity of flow in the bed, as well as, the effect of periodic infiltration on the above distributions. To calibrate the computational model, several column tests are performed using periodic infiltration of water on 40 cm high columns composed of ore having particles smaller than 25 mm. The numerical analysis shows that (a) the results obtained from numerical modelling under the same operating conditions as used for column tests, are in good agreement with those from experimental procedure, (b) the degree of saturation of the bed and the time required to reach steady state conditions depend on the inflow of water and intrinsic permeability of the bed and (c) the velocity fluctuations and the fluctuations of the degree of saturation in the bed depend on the inflow of water, period of infiltration, height and intrinsic permeability of the bed.  相似文献   
Innovative daylighting systems have four key aims; to increase daylight levels deep within rooms, to improve daylight uniformity, to control direct sunlight and to reduce glare. Results from experimental studies at the Building Research Establishment (BRE) indicated that the systems tested (prismatic glazing, prismatic film, mirrored louvres and light shelves) usually reduced illuminances at the rear of rooms compared with unshaded windows. It is concluded that, in the UK at least, innovative daylighting systems should be designed primarily as shading devices, controlling glare while admitting more daylight than conventional blinds.  相似文献   
从表面态和材料电阻率的角度分析了酞菁铜衍生物LB膜光伏电池的反常整流效应,讨论了该效应与光生电流的关系,并介绍了消除反常现象提高光生电流的实验方法。  相似文献   
通过对大量市售阳光控制膜玻璃产品的试验研究与国内外产品标准的比较,对其光学性能、色差、耐磨损性及化学稳定性等几项质量指标进行了详细讨论,采用加速老化试验研究比较了阳光控制膜玻璃的使用寿命,根据这些结果提出了质量控制和产品标准的一些建议。  相似文献   
基于显微数字全息的生物薄膜折射率的测量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了一种基于显微数字全息相位重构图像的生物薄膜折射率的简便测量方法。利用角谱法对生物薄膜的显微数字全息图像进行重构,得到其复振幅分布,从中获得激光通过生物薄膜后的相位变化与薄膜厚度、薄膜中液体的折射率及薄膜折射率间的定量关系。通过等厚干涉和阿贝折射仪测得膜的厚度与液体的折射率,再从定量的相位变化中获得生物薄膜的折射率。以洋葱内表皮细胞层折射率的测量为例,进行了相应的实验验证,得到了波长为632.8nm下的折射率。理论与实验均表明,该方法是有效和切实可行的。  相似文献   
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