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松辽盆地北部深层天然气录井综合识别与评价技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对松辽盆地北部深层火山岩岩性复杂、气水层识别及评价难题,大庆油田加大了综合录井资料的开发应用力度,通过对储层物性好差程度的快速判断、储层评价参数的求取和气水层评价图版的建立,提出了深层气水层识别与评价新方法,在实际应用中见到了明显的效果,及时准确地评价了徐深1、卫深5、徐深6、徐深601等井的高产气层,为大庆深层气勘探取得新突破发挥了重要作用,较好地适应了复杂地区天然气勘探的需求。  相似文献   
Semiconductor photocatalysts play a crucial role when it comes to environmental issues such as global warming, pollutant degradation, fuel shortage, and energy crisis. In this paper, three nanostructured compound (3‐, 4‐, and 5‐component) semiconductor materials were synthesized through a facile one‐pot hydrothermal method, and were applied as alloy photocatalysts to generate hydrogen fuel via a water photo‐splitting process. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms revealed that the synthesized materials were all mesoporous and the highest surface area was witnessed for Ag‐doped quinary photocatalyst, viz. Cd0.1Zn0.87Sn0.01Ag0.01S (CZTSS). This heterogeneous photocatalyst exhibited a maximum performance in evolving hydrogen gas. The superiority of CZTSS was justified in terms of its greater surface area, higher conduction band and its silver plasmon resonance, enhancing the light absorption at long wavelengths. Field emission scanning electron microscopy revealed a spectacular nanostructure for this photocatalyst that was comprised of nanoparticles, platelets, and microspheres attached together. Energy dispersive X‐ray (EDX) analyses of the CZTSS also proved the synthesis of the quinary photocatalyst, having different compositions in distinct zones. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
All the solar powered cookers presently available in the world market are of the so-called “Reflector Box” type. Despite the fact that they have been presented, for a good few years, to the market and are very simple and low cost they have not managed to establish any meaningful and noticeable presence in a viable commercial sense. This fact is even more in evidence in those markets they are primarily designed for. The reasons to the lack of commercial success for the reflector box type cookers are analysed in some details. The assessment of general features and performance of the reflector box type cooker led to the design of the Fast Response Storage Type Cooker presented in this paper.The new cooker is the result of combination of non-tracking compound parabolic reflector, fast response heat pipes, high-quality and low-cost thermal insulator, low-loss thermal storage battery, glass to metal seals, vacuum technology and bimetal automatic switches. It is capable of storing the solar energy during the day to facilitate cooking during the evenings and nights. A prototype is made and the performance of the elements of the system are presented. It shows how the “waste-energy” of the cooker can be used for other applications.  相似文献   
详细介绍了HIPS复合板的挤出工艺和有关注意事项  相似文献   
CO_2激光合成陶瓷的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文介绍了用CO_2激光合成Al_2O_3、Al_2O_3-5%mol Cr_2O_3固熔体,Al_2O_3-20%wtZrO_2(+3%molY_2O_3)混合体和Al_2(WO_4)_3陶瓷材料的方法。激光合成的Al_2(WO_4)_3为Al_2O_3-WO_3二元平衡相图中不存在的新化合物。对激光合成的陶瓷材料进行了组织形貌分析,并测量了其显微硬度,发现用激光合成的陶瓷较用昔通工艺制备的同种陶瓷有更高的硬度。  相似文献   
过载振动复合环境对惯性仪表的测量误差有很大的影响。文中采用分析和试验相结合的方法,根据D-最优准则,进行了标定误差模型的试验优化设计,确定了十二位置试验法。利用该方法能够达到测试点数最少。  相似文献   
不同硫载体对轮胎用NR胶料性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究了添加不同载体化合物二辛基多硫代磷酸酯(SDT/S)、二丁基二硫代磷酸锌(TP/S)、二硫代己内酰胺(S/G)、二硫代二码啡啉(M/G)以及SDT/S的用量对轮胎用NR胶料的加工性能、硫化特性、拉伸性能、动态生热和压缩永久变形等性能的影响规律,并与传统硫黄硫化体系进行了比较。结果表明,加入SDT/S和TP/S会缩短门尼焦烧时间,但能提高硫化平坦模量和改善抗硫化返原能力;较低硫化温度(145℃下),传统硫化体系赋予NR硫化胶较低的拉伸强度和300%定伸应力,提高硫化温度(175℃),会使加入硫载体的NR硫化胶具有较高的拉伸性能保持率;加入SDT/S和提高其用量,可提高NR胶料的抗硫化返原性能,降低硫化胶的动态生热和改善压缩永久变形性能。  相似文献   
超细活性氧化锌在轿车子午线轮胎胎面胶中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘瑞强 《轮胎工业》2000,20(5):283-286
对超细活性氧化锌在轿车子一轮胎胎面胶中的活尼效果分两组配方做了实验。结果表明,超细活性氧化锌由于活性高、等效用量小,与普通氧化锌相比有加快硫化速度的效果,并能改善胶料的加工性能,提高硫化胶的扯断永久变形、耐老化性和耐疲劳性能;超细活性氧化锌胶料加入活性碳酸钙后,能胶料生产成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   
Intermetallic compound (IMC) formation at the interface between the tin (Sn) plating and the copper (Cu) substrate of electronic components has been thought to produce compressive stress in Sn electrodeposits and cause the growth of Sn whiskers. To determine if interfacial IMC is a requirement for whisker growth, bright Sn and a Sn-Cu alloy were electroplated on a tungsten (W) substrate that does not form interfacial IMC with the Sn or Cu. At room temperature, conical Sn hillocks grew on the pure Sn deposits and Sn whiskers grew from the Sn-Cu alloy electrodeposits. These results demonstrate that interfacial IMC is not required for initial whisker growth.  相似文献   
环氧塑封料的性能和应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了环氧塑封料的国内外发展概况,着重论述了其物理性能、机械性能、热性能、导热性能、电性能、化学性能、阻燃性能、贮存性能、封装性能,以及应用中封装工艺、缺陷的解决办法,并就发展前景发表了自己的看法.  相似文献   
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