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梁文涛 《广东化工》2014,(14):161-162
园林绿化废弃物是一种绿色废弃物,由于其组成及结构的特殊性,园林绿化废弃物是作为污泥好氧发酵的良好结构剂调理剂,有着一定的优缺点,能够很好地提高堆肥效率。同时经过二次发酵堆肥腐熟后的物料,其品质优良,是作为生产有机肥的良好原材料,能够更好地提高作物产量与品质。  相似文献   
我国是一个农业大国。农业的发展是国民经济和社会发展的重要因素。复混肥料在农业中的运用也日益广泛。文章研究的凯氏定氮仪法的检测方法与国标方法GB/T8572-2001的原理相同。与国标法比较,总氮含量的绝对误差在0.01%~0.29%之间,极差在0.07%~0.18%之间,检测准确度和精密度都符合国家标准的要求。此方法操作简便快速高效、安全可靠,效果令人满意。  相似文献   
不同用量底肥对果蔗产量和品质的影响研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果表明:300 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗出苗、株高、茎径、单株重、有效茎、多数商品性状和工艺性状具有正效应,对分蘖、蔗汁抽出率和抗螟性有轻微负效应,故其比不施底肥的增产24.52%,达极显著水平,是本试验中对果蔗效果最佳的底肥用量;600 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗株高、茎径、单株重、部份商品性状、工艺性状和抗螟性有正效应,对出苗无影响,对分蘖、有效茎、多数商品性状有轻微负效应,故其比对照增产20.87%,达极显著水平,是本试验中对果蔗综合性状效果最好的底肥用量;900 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗分蘖、株高、茎径、单株重、有效茎、少数商品性状、工艺性状和抗螟性具有正效应,对出苗、多数商品性状有负效应,故其增产显著,是本试验中对果蔗效果较好的底肥用量;1200 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗分蘖、株高、茎径、单株重、田问锤度有轻微正效应,对其他性状则为负效应,是本试验中效果最差、唯一减产的底肥用量.  相似文献   

The drying process within rotary coolers during the manufacture of granular NPK fertilizer plays an important role in the production of fertilizer granules possessing both a low moisture content and low caking propensity. A theory for fertilizer drying has been developed which takes into account the low critical relative humidity of complex fertilizer found at high temperature. The theory proposes that the gradient between the partial vapour pressure of moisture in the air and the vapour pressure moisture adjacent to the surface of the fertilizer granule, is the rate controlling stage in the drying of hot granular fertilizer rather than the internal diffusion of moisture within the particle.  相似文献   
利用四川某含钾岩石制得的钾明矾进一步制备硫酸型钾氮肥和氢氧化铝,从原理、工艺等方面进行探讨,并通过中试解决了工业化生产所出现的问题。还简述了该肥的3年田间对照试验结果。  相似文献   
缓/控释肥料的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了缓/控释肥料的定义和类型;阐述了国内外缓/控释肥料的发展历程和研究进展;展望了缓/控释肥料的发展趋势。  相似文献   
Changes in soil organic N following fertilizer N applications are related to soil quality and subsequent N uptake by plants. Recovery of fertilizer N as organic N and soil microbial biomass N within two corn (Zea mays L.) fertilization systems was studied using15N on a Chicot soil (fine-loamy, mixed, frigid, Typic Hapludalf) and a Ste. Rosalie soil (fine, mixed, frigid, Typic Humanquept) in southwestern Quebec in 1989 and 1990. The two fertilization systems studied received a recommended rate of 170-44-131 kg (normal rate) and a high rate of 400-132-332 kg of N-P-K per hectare. Increasing fertilization rates above normal increased microbial biomass N immobilization with a subsequent greater N release. Higher fertilization rates significantly increased both the magnitude of soil microbial biomass N and microbial fertilizer N recovery in the soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   
In trials conducted at 2 highland Vertisol sites in Ethiopia in 1990 and 1991, 2 locally popular wheat cultivars, 1 spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 1 durum wheat (T. durum Desf.), were supplied with nitrogen (N) fertilizer at 0, 60 and 120 kg N ha–1 in the form of large granular urea (LGU), standard urea prills or ammonium sulfate. N was applied all at sowing, all at mid-tillering or split-applied between these two stages (1/3:2/3). While durum wheat exhibited the highest N concentration in grain and straw, bread wheat, because of its higher productivity, resulted in a greater grain and total N uptake. In general, split application of N and use of LGU as N source enhanced grain and total N uptake, apparent N recovery and agronomic efficiency of N, particularly under severe water-logging stress. Where significant, the interactions among the experimental factors substantiated the superior responsiveness of the bread wheat cultivar to fertilizer N, and the beneficial effects of split N application and LGU as an N source. Split application of N tended to nullify the positive effects of LGU, presumably by approximating the delayed release of N achieved with LGU. Considering the potential benefits to Ethiopian peasant farmers and consumers, split application of N should be advocated, particularly on water-logged Vertisols; LGU could be an advantageous N source assuming a cost comparable to the conventional N source urea.  相似文献   
对UGI煤气炉炉条机传动系统由三级齿轮传动改为行星摆线针轮减速传动,获得了较好的节能降耗、降低生产费用的效果;本文对其改造的计算进行了介绍。  相似文献   
Mussoorrie rock phosphate (MRP), MRP + pyrite (25% by weight), diammonium phosphate (DAP), ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and nitrophosphate (NP) were compared in a field experiment as fertilizers for wheat. At 20 kg P ha–1, MRP was only 6 per cent as effective as DAP. However, when it was mixed with pyrite, the efficiency of MRP increased to 64 per cent at 20 kg P ha–1 compared with 97 per cent at 40 kg P ha–1. The P requirement for a targeted yield for 4.5 t ha–1 decreased from 39.4 kg P ha–1 as MRP to 23.7 kg P ha–1 as MRP + pyrite. Of the other P fertilizers studied, NP was as effective as DAP, whereas APP was 9 to 37 per cent more effective than DAP. However, the P requirement as DAP, NP and APP for a targeted yield of 4.5 t ha–1 was similar (11 ± 0.5 kg P ha–1).  相似文献   
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