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冯刚  刘泽民 《电子学报》1999,27(5):29-32,55
在分组交换网络中,源目节点对(source-destination pair,下称SD对)之间的业务常常需要在多条路径上并行传输。本文研究如何将业务流有效地分布于一组路径上,以使网络具有最小的分组平均时延。由于这个问题在很多情况下需要实时处理,因此我们提出了一种神经网络方法来加以解决,在一个典型网络上的试验表明,我们的方法获得的结果优于前人用各种严格的数学分析方法得到的好的结果。  相似文献   
基于PNNI递阶拓扑结构的VP网络规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ATM网络中的VP层网络规划在大规模网络情形下求解会发生困难,文章借鉴了PNNI网络递阶结构,设计了一种分级规划方法,有效地解决了大规模ATM网络VP层规划问题,并用进化规划对规划问题进行了求解。文中给出了数值算例。  相似文献   
朱维良  贾琦 《激光杂志》1995,16(1):25-27
本文设计合成了十二种二取代二苯硫脲类化合物,粉末测试表明其中三种化合物具有倍频效应,最大者为KDP的6倍,初步讨论了这类化合物的倍频性能与分子结构的关系。  相似文献   
以吡咯为原料,通过逐步分子设计合成了聚3 丁酰基吡咯(PBPY)和聚[(3 丁酰基吡咯 2,5 二)对二甲氨基苯甲烯](PBPDMABE)。通过氢核磁(1 H NMR)、傅里叶 红外(FT IR)、和紫外 可见(UV Vis)光谱对反应中间体和目标产物的结构进行了详细表征。对 PBPY和 PBPDMABE粉末进行了 I掺杂处理,采用四探针法对本征态和掺杂后的聚合物电导率进行了测量,测试结果表明,经过 I掺杂处理后PBPY和PBPDMABE具有较高的电导率,分别为1.3×10-1 S/cm和3.8×10-6 S/cm。根据光学禁带宽度与入射光子能量的关系,计算了PBPY和PBPDMABE薄膜的光学禁带宽度,分别为 2.06 eV和1.79 eV。利用后向简并四波混频(DFWM)技术测量了 2 种聚合物薄膜的三阶非线性极化率。结果表明,在波长为532 nm的激光作用下,PBPY和PBPDMABE的三阶非线性极化率分别为8.75×10-10 esu和4.65×10-8 esu。  相似文献   
The problem of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a cubic quantum dot with finite confinement potential is solved by the finite difference method. The discretized matrix equation needs to be solved for its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. An algorithm of nonlinear programming is utilized for this problem. The results match references qualitatively in the weak regime, but introduce new problems in the strong and intermediate regimes.  相似文献   
为了解决在开发电磁无损检测仪应用软件中,用汇编语言难以实现高级算法的问题,采用C51语言,以Keil C51为开发工具,对检测仪进行神经网络算法的软件设计。结果表明,能快速编出高效、精简的程序,有效地实现了神经网络的算法,缩短了仪器的开发周期。  相似文献   
针对电磁波在正负非线性材料界面处的传播,研究了两种稳定状态下电磁波的物理特性。理论分析和数值计算表明,该界面处电磁波的传播存在着频率通带,且带宽仅与两种材料的固有属性有关。得出前向表面波和后向表面波均可以在这种非线性导波系统中传播,并且在一定条件下,随着频率的变化,前向表面波和后向表面波可以在两种材料中跃变。推论出两种稳定传播的电磁波场峰值位置随传播功率的变化也能实现在两种材料中跃变,并逐渐向界面靠近,而传播功率较大的稳定态电场峰值几乎靠着界面。  相似文献   
Energy efficient routing with delay guarantee for sensor networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a routing algorithm that maximizes the lifetime of a sensor network in which all data packets are destined for a single collection node. Lifetime is maximized by adjusting the number of packets traversing each node. The adjustment is carried out by transmitting over alternative routes. The first part of the paper assumes that the worst case delay resulting from energy efficient routing is less than the maximum tolerable value. Ignoring the delay constraint of the network, the routes are selected as the solution to a linear programming (LP) problem in which the objective is to maximize the minimum lifetime of each node. The solution is implemented in a centralized algorithm, and then approximated by an iterative algorithm based on least cost path routing, in which each step is implemented efficiently in a distributed manner. The second part of the paper incorporates delay guarantee into energy efficient routing by constraining the length of the routing paths from each sensor node to the collection node. Simulations reveal that the lifetime of the network increases significantly by optimal routing, and including delay constraint in energy efficient routing improves the network performance since the delay of the network keeps increasing as the delay constraint is relaxed beyond the value at which the optimal lifetime is achieved. Research supported by National Science Foundation under Grant CMS-0408627 and California Department of Transportation. Sinem Coleri Ergen received the BS degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2000, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences from University of California Berkeley (UCB), in 2002 and 2005. Since January 2006, she has been a postdoctoral researcher in electrical engineering at UCB. Her research interests are in wireless communications and networking with a current focus on energy efficient system design for sensor networks. She is a member of the Sensor Networks for Traffic Monitoring project at UCB. She received Regents Fellowship from University of California Berkeley in 2000. Pravin Varaiya is Nortel Networks Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1975 to 1992 he was also Professor of Economics at Berkeley. From 1994 to 1997 he was Director of the California PATH program, a multi-university research program dedicated to the solution of Californias transportation problems. His current research is concerned with communication networks, transportation, and hybrid systems. He has taught at MIT and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Varaiya has held a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Miller Research Professorship. He received an Honorary Doctorate from LInstitut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, and the Field Medal of the IEEE Control Systems Society. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He is on the editorial board of several journals, including “Discrete Event Dynamical Systems” and “Transportation Research—C”. He has co-authored three books and more than 250 technical papers. The second edition of “High-Performance Communication Networks” (with Jean Walrand) was published by Morgan-Kaufmann in 2000. “Structure and interpretation of signals and systems" (with Edward Lee) was published by Addison-Wesley in 2003. Varaiya is a member of the Board of Directors of Sensys Networks.  相似文献   
运用自相似方法,求出了二维谐振子调制势下光束的传输方程的精确解析解,并对光束在传输距离一定时其传输特性随量子数的变化规律进行了数值分析.结果表明,在谐振子势调制下,光束传播的波函数解为厄米特函数,且在能量峰值上表现出类似于亮孤子的中间能量高于外围能量的特性,在几何分布上形成矩阵或方阵式波包.波包总数受x、y方向的量子数取值影响,波包能量幅值沿x、y轴的正负向均逐渐增大且关于矩阵的对角线或x、y轴对称。  相似文献   
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