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托电#1机严重积盐之后,在#2机组大修前的半年里将炉水的低磷酸盐处理工况改为AVT(O)工况,使得蒸汽携带至汽机的盐分大大减少,叶片上的积盐减少、剥离,所以#2机大修时的积盐量明显小于#1机;但#2机低压叶片和隔板的腐蚀比#1机严重,通过向炉水中加入适量氢氧化钠,提高蒸汽携带至汽机的盐分中碱性成分所占的比例,从而抑制了氯离子对汽机的腐蚀。  相似文献   
作为能源消耗大户和能源节约潜力大户,洛阳浮法玻璃集团在多个领域积极开展节能降耗实践,实施冷却塔热水泵节能、原料上料系统利用峰谷电价差移峰、生产线煤气炉加富氧燃烧、烟气治理及余热发电项目,采用油气混烧技术等.对玻璃生产相关设备节能技术及效果进行分析评价,并挖掘新的节能潜力.  相似文献   
A method was devised to assay ascorbic phosphate esters in biological materials by potassium bromoxide hydrolysis followed by determination of the liberated ascorbic acid. For the differential measurement of ascorbic acid and ascorbic phosphate, a spectrophotometric method was employed to screen out the interfering substances based on studies of absorbance curves of 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine derivatives. A variety of vertebrate tissues were examined for phosphatase activity on ascorbic phosphate esters. The results suggest that pigeon kidney, rat liver and several tissues of fishes readily hydrolyse ascorbic monophosphate but not ascorbic polyphosphate. Hydrolysis of ascorbic monophosphate is completed by both phosphatases of intestine, kidney and liver acting at neutral pH and phosphatase of stomach acting at acid pH. Thus, ascorbic monophosphate has the potential to be a source of available vitamin C in vivo, and this explains its antiscorbutic activity in scurvy-prone animals.  相似文献   
A reaction mechanism and film morphology as a function of reactor conditions and post growth thermal annealing for borosilicate glass (BSG), (SiO2)x(B2O3)1−x, films deposited from tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), trimethylborate (TMB), and oxygen (O2) precursors by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) was determined. An empirically derived reaction model for BSG film growth is proposed that predicts the growth rate and composition of BSG films up to 70 mole% B2O3. The BSG reaction model includes a strongly adsorbed TEOS-derived intermediate that forms SiO2 and a direct surface reaction of TMB, in O2, to form B2O3. This model is supported by growth rate and mass spectroscopic data. The BSG film morphology, investigated using atomic force microscopy, was found to have a root-mean-square roughness of 0.5 nm, with the precise film morphology being a function of reactor conditions. The BSG film roughness increases with film thickness, temperature, and boron content. Thermal annealing of the films in a water-free environment leads to planarization of the BSG governed by the film composition and anneal temperature.  相似文献   
报道了掺锰氟铝磷酸盐玻璃在聚焦的800nm飞秒激光作用后产生明显的黄绿色长磷光以及当长磷光完全衰减后,再用365nm的紫外光激发时,飞秒激光照射处的光激励长磷光现象。讨论了该现象产生的机理和在三维超高密度光贮存中的应用。  相似文献   
An experimental study was performed on the nucleate boiling of water in the narrow space formed between an interference piece and the heating surface of heat‐proof glass. A past study analyzed the bubble growth due to the conduction of heat through the thinner liquid layer under a growing bubble; however, the thickness of the liquid layer was not shown experimentally. This study investigates the thickness of this thinner layer by the interference method. Almost no change was found on the thickness of the liquid layer under both the interference‐piece and on the heating surface. The experimental results indicate the great contribution of superheating of the test liquid to bubble growth. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(2): 165–177, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20100  相似文献   
吴向晖 《锅炉技术》2006,37(4):55-56
对除盐水装置产生酸性腐蚀的原因和危害做了综合的分析,并从设备管理和工艺管理等方面对防治危害提出了科学的手段和措施.  相似文献   
夏热冬冷地区"双层皮"玻璃幕墙节能技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王强  黄义龙  曹芹 《节能技术》2006,24(1):46-49
玻璃幕墙是影响到建筑能耗的关键部位。本文分析了传统玻璃幕墙的弊端;通过玻璃幕墙的耗能计算公式说明影响玻璃幕墙耗能的相关因素;阐述了适合夏热冬冷地区的节能型玻璃幕墙—“双层皮”玻璃幕墙的构造和节能原理;通过实验验证了“双层皮”玻璃幕墙比传统的“单层皮”玻璃幕墙具有更佳的热工性能,其节能效果与通风和遮阳构造设计等有关。  相似文献   
All the solar powered cookers presently available in the world market are of the so-called “Reflector Box” type. Despite the fact that they have been presented, for a good few years, to the market and are very simple and low cost they have not managed to establish any meaningful and noticeable presence in a viable commercial sense. This fact is even more in evidence in those markets they are primarily designed for. The reasons to the lack of commercial success for the reflector box type cookers are analysed in some details. The assessment of general features and performance of the reflector box type cooker led to the design of the Fast Response Storage Type Cooker presented in this paper.The new cooker is the result of combination of non-tracking compound parabolic reflector, fast response heat pipes, high-quality and low-cost thermal insulator, low-loss thermal storage battery, glass to metal seals, vacuum technology and bimetal automatic switches. It is capable of storing the solar energy during the day to facilitate cooking during the evenings and nights. A prototype is made and the performance of the elements of the system are presented. It shows how the “waste-energy” of the cooker can be used for other applications.  相似文献   
通过对大量市售阳光控制膜玻璃产品的试验研究与国内外产品标准的比较,对其光学性能、色差、耐磨损性及化学稳定性等几项质量指标进行了详细讨论,采用加速老化试验研究比较了阳光控制膜玻璃的使用寿命,根据这些结果提出了质量控制和产品标准的一些建议。  相似文献   
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