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Since electronic switching systems usually require very strict reliability requirements as well as good performance objectives, we need to jointly analyse the performance and reliability of switching systems. In this paper, we compare conventional time–space–time switches with single space switches with those with multiple separated space switches, from the viewpoints of reliability and performance. We consider time–space–time switching networks which consist of N incoming time switches, i.e. one NxN space switch, two (N/2)x(N/2) space switches, and four (N/4)x(N/4) space switches. We introduce a Markov reliability model to study the effect of failures and analyse the reliability and performance of three different types of switching networks in terms of average blocking probability and the mean time to unreliable operation, as we vary the offered traffic. As a result, T–S–T switching networks with multiple separated space switches exhibit better performance and reliability than those with single space switches.  相似文献   
The superconducting properties and the phase and chemical composition of Bi x Pb0.3Sb0.1Sr y Ca2Cu3Oz (x=1.5, 1.6, and 1.7;y=1.9, 2.0, and 2.1) materials synthesized by one-step and multistep thermal treatments have been investigated. The multistep annealing between 825–875°C promotes the 2223 phase. The change of Bi concentration has little effect on the 2223 phase formation, regardless of the kind of thermal treatment used, but increasing the Sr concentration (y> 2) strongly inhibits this phase. It has also been established that the loss of Pb after synthesis depends on the initial Bi concentration. The loss of Pb decreases when the initial Bi content is lower.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to design a modified atmosphere package for a mixed vegetable salad consisting of 75 g of cut carrot, 55 g of cut cucumber, 20 g of sliced garlic and 50 g of whole green pepper. Respiration data of all the components were combined with film permeability data to predict package atmospheres and design optimal packages for experimental testing for improved shelf-life of the produce. The optimal package avoided minimum O2 and maximum CO2 tolerance limits, and chilling injury temperatures for any component. A pouch form package made of 27 mm low density polyethylene developed a modified atmosphere of 2.0–2.1% O2 and 5.5–5.7% CO2, which was beneficial for all components and provided better quality retention than other test packages.  相似文献   
The water and oil uptake of mesquite and arabic gums in powdered form was studied at temperatures of 23, 35 and 45°C. A previously proposed equation to predict osmotic equilibrium was tested using the experimental data with both gums and a good statistical fit was obtained. Mesquite gum showed the highest water and oil absorption at all temperatures studied. Temperature dependence of the reciprocal of the S1 and WL were determined using an Arrhenius equation. The activation energy for water and oil absorption for gum arabic was 21.98 and 39.57 kJ mol−1, compared to that of mesquite gum having values of 15.79 and 46.16 kJ mol−1, respectively. A second order kinetic model was obtained for water and oil absorption for both gums.  相似文献   
Vibro-fluidized beds are widely used in drying sticky powders and agglomerated materials as milk powder. Using a vibro-fluidized laboratory scale dryer, this work is aiming at analyzing preliminarily the effect of its operational variables on the drying kinetics and characteristics of whole milk powder. The full-factorial design technique with three replications at the central point has been employed to generate data and correlations to quantify the effect of inlet air temperature, air flow rate, and vibration bed amplitude on the drying curves and the milk powder properties related to its faster reconstitution in water (as tapped density, Hausner cohesion ratio, agglomerate size distribution, and internal pore concentration). Results obtained are analyzed and discussed to identify the adequate operation condition for final drying whole milk powder in vibro-fluidized beds, assuring a high product quality.  相似文献   
The laboratory scale anaerobic–anoxic–aerobic (A2O) process fed with synthetic brewage wastewater was designed to investigate the effects of changing feed C/P ratio on the performance of biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes. In the experiment, the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration was kept at approximately 300 mg L?1 while the total phosphorus concentration was varied to obtain the desired C/P ratio. Results showed that when the C/P ratio was lower than 32, phosphorus removal efficiency increased as C/P ratio increased linearly, while when the C/P ratio was higher than 32, the P removal efficiency was maintained at 90–98%, and effluent P concentration was lower than 0.5 mg L?1. However, regardless of the C/P ratio, excellent COD removal (90% or higher) and good total nitrogen removal (75–84%) were maintained throughout the experiments. It was also found that very good linear correlation was obtained between COD uptake per unit P released in the anaerobic zone and C/P ratio. In addition, the P content in the wasted activated sludge increased with the decrease in the C/P ratio. Based on the results, it was recommended that the wastewater C/P ratio and its effects be incorporated into BNR design and operational procedures, appropriate C/P ratios were used to achieve the effluent treatment goals. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Thermal history and solute precipitation behavior of suspended solution droplets of sodium chloride (NaCl), magnesium sulphate (MgSO4), and zirconium hydroxychloride (ZrO(OH)Cl) evaporating at atmospheric and reduced pressures are studied. Experimental measurements on the variation of droplet diameter, solution concentration, and temperature during the evaporation period are presented and discussed. The results of solute precipitation behavior in solution droplets observed under an optical microscope are displayed and discussed. Results indicate that reducing the pressure (∼ 33 kPa) results in a change in the solution droplet evaporation rate, but the thermal histories of a particular solution droplet are similar at the atmospheric and reduced pressures. At atmospheric and reduced pressures used in this study, the d2 law for solution droplets is valid at early stages of the evaporation and before the solute precipitation initiates. Drying of MgSO4 and ZrO(OH)Cl solution droplets results in the formation of spherical particles, whereas drying of spherical NaCl solution droplets results in the formation of cubic particles.  相似文献   
In this study, we measured growth trends in oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios in whole sagittal otoliths from three adult centropomid fish (Lates stappersii) from each of three sub-basins of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Sampling density was 20 to 50 samples per otolith. Both δ18O and δ13C values increase with age. The δ18O data suggest that otoliths were precipitated near the expected equilibrium with the ambient environment (ca. +3.5‰) and support a migration pattern from surface waters during larval stages to deeper waters (40 to 80 m) for mature fish. Relatively high δ18O values in the southern sub-basin are consistent with cooler temperatures in the region during seasonal upwelling. The δ13C increase from otolith core to edge is large (up to 4‰) and is interpreted as due to ontogenetic changes in diet and contributions from a decrease in the proportion of respired CO2 incorporated into otolith carbonate as metabolic rates of the fish dropped with maturity. The data seem to successfully reveal life strategy and migration patterns of L. stappersii, document regional differences in lake conditions, and provide a record of temperature within the water column during which the fish lived. Higher resolution studies and analyses of historical samples could be used to constrain modern and past growth patterns, and to reconstruct past temperature gradients and productivity patterns in the lake.  相似文献   
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