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文章研究了碳足迹的计算方法及其在织布厂的应用情况,分析了织布厂碳足迹计算的整体思路及产品生产过程中各设备的电能消耗,指出织布厂的碳排放量可通过计算电能消耗的间接方法求得,此方法是可行的。通过计算碳足迹,可以得到棉坯布在加工过程中各工序的碳排放量,为企业提供节能减排的有效路径与方法,对纺织企业节能减排具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   
崔延龄 《中国造纸》2004,23(2):47-49
介绍了福建南纸公司通过引进先进装备和调整原料及产品结构,在提高新闻纸品质和产量的同时,取得了节水节能、低耗环保的综合效益.  相似文献   
The goal of this experiment was to investigate the effect of yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on rumen fermentation, nutrient utilization, and ammonia and methane emission from manure in dairy cows. Eight ruminally cannulated Holstein cows were allocated to 2 dietary treatments in a crossover design. Treatments were control (no yeast culture) and XP (yeast culture, fed at 56 g/head per day; XP, Diamond V Mills Inc., Cedar Rapids, IA). Dry matter intake, milk yield, milk composition, and body weight were similar between treatments. Milk urea nitrogen concentration was also not affected by treatment. Rumen pH was similar between the control and XP treatments, but rumen ammonia concentration tended to be lower with XP than with the control. Treatment had no effect on concentrations of total or individual volatile fatty acids, protozoal counts, polysaccharide-degrading activities (except amylase activity that tended to be increased by XP), or methane production in the rumen. Urinary N losses did not differ significantly between treatments, but allantoin and total purine derivative excretions and the estimated microbial N outflow from the rumen tended to be increased by XP compared with the control treatment. Total-tract apparent digestibility of dietary nutrients was not affected by XP. Milk fatty acid composition was also not altered by XP supplementation. Cumulative (253 h) ammonia and methane emissions from manure, measured in a steady-state gas emission system, were slightly decreased by XP. Overall, the yeast culture tested had little effect on ruminal fermentation, digestibility, or N losses, but tended to reduce rumen ammonia concentration and increase microbial protein synthesis in the rumen, and decreased ammonia and methane emissions from manure.  相似文献   
基于现场燃烧调整试验方法,对某厂1台1000MW超超临界切圆燃烧锅炉NOx的排放特性及其影响因素进行了系统的分析。针对锅炉燃烧系统的运行特点,主要进行了氧量、负荷、燃尽风量(包括AA风和OFA风)、主燃烧区燃烧器风量和配风方式、磨煤机运行组合方式、燃烧器摆角、煤质等因素的试验研究。研究结果表明:对于具有先进低NOx燃烧系统的锅炉,其锅炉负荷、锅炉燃用的煤质、运行时氧量的变化和燃烧器喷口摆角及磨煤耗机组的运行方式都是锅炉NOx排放的影响因素,其中运行时氧量的变化对NOx排放影响最重,随着氧量的增加,锅炉NOx排放浓度呈线性增加。而在保持大量燃尽风实现空气分级燃烧的条件下,主燃烧区燃烧器风量和配风方式对NOx排放浓度的影响是微弱的。  相似文献   
以海水为试验对象,协同使用天然高分子絮凝剂壳聚糖(CTS)与无机絮凝剂FeCl3,通过烧杯试验,考察pH值对浊度等污染物去除效果的影响。试验结果表明:pH值对混凝效果有较大影响,污染物最佳去除效果的pH值范围并不同步。在pH=7.0~9.0时,浊度和CODMn去除率最高;而TP和UV254去除率随pH值的升高而呈下降趋势。相对于海水(pH≈7.5)而言,降低pH值,可以使UV254,总磷(TP)的去除率分别提高6.1%1,6.5%;升高pH值,化学需氧量(CODMn)去除率可提高4.4%,因此调节pH值是一种经济有效的强化混凝手段。  相似文献   
基于全球低碳发展趋势,考察分析1996~2008年间中国食品工业"三废"排放与减排成效,并计算食品工业及分行业的二氧化碳排放,以此利用回归模型验证"三废"减排与碳减排的相关性。结果表明,我国食品工业的"三废"减排与碳减排显著相关,且提高固体废弃物的综合利用率较废水和废气的治理改善更可以显著降低食品工业碳排放。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compile and evaluate relationships between feed nitrogen (N) intake, milk urea N (MUN), urinary urea N (UUN), and ammonia (NH3) emissions from dairy farms to aid policy development. Regression relationships between MUN, UUN, and NH3 emissions were compiled from studies conducted in Wisconsin, California, and the Netherlands. Relative reductions in NH3 emissions were calculated as percentage decreases in NH3 emissions associated with a baseline MUN level of 14 mg/dL (prevailing industry average). For 3 studies with cows in stanchion barns, relative NH3 emission reductions of 10.3 to 28.2% were obtained when MUN declined from 14 to 10 mg/dL. Similarly, analyses of 2 freestall studies provided relative NH3 emission reductions of 10.5 to 33.7% when MUN levels declined from 14 to 10 mg/dL. The relative reductions in NH3 emissions from both stanchion and freestall barns can be associated directly with reductions in UUN excretion, which can be determined using MUN. The results of this study may help create new awareness, and perhaps eventual industry-based incentives, for management practices that enhance feed N use efficiency and reduce MUN, UUN, and NH3 emissions from dairy farms.  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,目前温室气体对于大气环境造成了极大地破坏,而温室气体排放信息的披露对于有效控制温室气体排放量具有重要的意义和作用,是推动碳交易以及减少碳排放量的基本前提和保障.本文主要针对企业温室气体排放信息披露制度进行简单分析,对我国目前企业的相关碳排放的控制制度进行简要分析,剖析碳排放信息披露过程中所存...  相似文献   
针对现有的污染物浓度预测方法大多没有兼顾气象数据的时间和空间特征,导致预测精度大打折扣的问题,提出一种能够同时提取过程数据时间和空间特征的时空混合预测方法GPR-EN.首先,利用弹性网算法(EN)全面分析样本点和目标点的空间关联性,并进行时空数据重构,为预测模型提供最优的变量输入.其次,借助于高斯回归模型(GPR)的强...  相似文献   
为了解水温分层型水库中瞬时点源污染物的运动规律,通过物理试验研究了点源羽流云团在静态温度分层水体中的垂向运动规律。试验结果表明:不同水温结构水体中,羽流云团的运动规律有着显著差异;线性分层水体中,云团沉降时横向扩散受到一定限制;有温跃层存在的水体中,云团会在温跃层位置停滞,由于云团与环境水体密度之间的差异,可能出现Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定或双扩散对流,并出现指状侵入;云团垂向沉速与所受浮力正相关,与云团前锋位置和浮力频率负相关。  相似文献   
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